COVID: Natural Origin, Lab Leak, or Biological Warfare?

2 months ago

Welcome to our Mindful News Brief series where we discuss the news with nuance, uncensored investigation, and compassion for all sides. And no matter the topic, we always end our news briefs on an inspiring, constructive note. Let's work together for the greater good.

When you look deeper into the COVID origin story, you’ll find a growing movement of scientists, top government officials, Congress members, journalists and whistleblowers who are drawing a straight line from the COVID pandemic to risky lab studies on coronaviruses, which began long before the pandemic.

In this video, we’ll break down the scientific jargon and reveal the most important and relevant parts of this complex issue. We also discuss the meaningful and ongoing investigation into whether COVID was engineered for military purposes. Whether this is true or not, we explore EcoHealth Alliance’s intriguing ties to the US military-intelligence complex. Lastly, we talk about moving beyond censorship and simplistic official narratives in order to rebuild democracy in the face of media polarization.

00:00:49: US-funded Gain of Function Research on Bat Coronaviruses
00:04:30 Lab Escapes Aren’t So Uncommon
00:06:49: Was COVID Engineered for Military Purposes?
00:09:56: History of US Biological Warfare
00:12:18: Moving beyond censorship and simplistic official narratives

The likely possibility that COVID escaped from a lab could be one of the most important inquiries of this century. Along the way, the government has covered up evidence that the US NGO EcoHealth Alliance was conducting risky bat coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and University of North Carolina with funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Answers keep us apart, and questions bring us together.

Was COVID accidentally leaked due to unsafe laboratory practices, or was it released intentionally (or accidentally) as a biological weapon?

Was it engineered in the US or in China or by a collaboration?

What would a real government investigation look like, instead of the HHS dragging their feet to produce documents on COVID origins?

We were told to trust the science, yet leaders in science and medicine are saying science is being suppressed by significant conflicts of interests and misconduct plaguing these industries. While he told the world that attacking him is attacking science, he lied to Congress about his role in funding risky gain of function research on bat coronaviruses. What does this say about our public health leaders?

People were injured and harmed in all types of ways as a result of the pandemic, from economic devastation, social isolation, vaccine injuries, long covid, and countless deaths. Who’s liable?

A democratic culture can be defined as one that invites open dialogue of different views, and promotes transparency. Most importantly, a democratic culture builds trust. Yet we live in a time where trust in American media and public institutions are at an all-time low. Making sense of this distrust requires that we understand the political agendas and government corruption that covertly shape our lives. Hardwired for connection, we might find that open inquiry together about crucial societal issues is a necessity for democracy and collective survival.

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MORE RESOURCES: COVID Information Center:

8 Top Leaders in Field of Medicine Say Don't Trust Science:

Project DEFUSE:

Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence 2014 Grant:

Francis Boyle, bioweapons expert and author of the legislation that led to the Biological Weapons Convention, thinks COVID might've been created for military purposes:

The history of US biowarfare demonstrates a willingness of the government to play fast and loose with medical and scientific ethics while they seek to achieve their goals. Brief History of Humans Used as Guinea Pigs by U.S. Government and Military:

Operation Paperclip:

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