Social Sway: Resisting The Old Ways | Galatians 4:8-9

2 months ago

Formerly, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those that by nature are not gods. But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more? — Galatians 4:8-9

CALL OUT: I want to give a shout-out to Andrew Leck from Rosehill, KS. Thanks so much for your partnership in the Gospel. Your generosity is much appreciated.

Paul thinks it is incomprehensible that believers would return to their weak and worthless ways. He cannot understand how they would go back to their old patterns and practices after knowing God and being known by him. He states it's as illogical as a slave who is freed, given sonship, and extended riches, and then returns to his former slavery.

Even though this return is idiotic, we all know this is possible given the right amount of social pressure.

This is because our social environments play a significant role in what we believe. Constant exposure to the same ideas, images, and messages will affect us. For example, if you are a recovering addict who is only spending time with other users, there's a pressure to conform that will eventually trigger those old patterns. Or, if you are working in corporate America and are constantly being conditioned by ideologies, agendas, training, and planned programs that you are forced to celebrate and promote, even though they are opposed to your faith, you will eventually buy into them.

Eventually, you will be influenced by those around you. You can only hold the line so long before their attitudes and behaviors sway you. Immersing yourself in social environments where ungodly principles are celebrated and taught makes it increasingly challenging to resist their influence. The constant barrage of contrary messages will eventually erode your resolve and weaken your commitment to the Gospel truth. And then, you will cave, which is what the believers in the region of Galatia have done. They bought the woke lie.

This is why believers need to do two things. First, we need to be in God's Word every day. We are doing that right here, renewing our minds with the Gospel Truth. Second, we need to be in the company of other believers. The influence of believers in our lives needs to proportionately outweigh the impact of unbelievers. For some, this may mean getting more involved in your local church or joining a small group. But it may also mean breaking free from some social environments and relationships affecting you. Some of you need to cut these relationships off and remove yourself from these environments.

The challenge today is this: change your environment before your environment changes you.

#FreedomInChrist #ResistThePull #RenewYourMind #ChooseYourInfluence #GuardYourHeart


How can you intentionally prioritize spending time in environments that strengthen your faith and resist those that weaken it?
Reflect on any social circles or relationships in your life that may be subtly influencing you away from your commitment to the Gospel. What steps can you take to change your environment to align more closely with God's truth?
DO THIS: Change your environment in some small way.

PRAY THIS: Father, help me to remain steadfast in Your truth and resist the pull of worldly influences. Guide me in choosing environments and relationships that strengthen my faith and honor You. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Changed.

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