As Usual ~ FREEMASON SIMPSONS ~ Already Showed Us 2024

2 months ago

Operation Looking Glass Is Apparently Being Used By Both White Hat’s and Black Hats To
“ Steer The Future “ Thus Bring Up The Multiple Time Line Topic Narrative. - Thomas W. Trefts - March 28, 2024



2.) Jewish TALMUD Exposed -

3.) Satanic Book 📕 Made Of Human Skin -

4.) Project SHAD by Grandpa Tom Trefts USAF 🇺🇸 1989-1991 A-10 Jet Engine Mechanic 👨‍🔧 RAF Alconbury, England - Veterans Against Treason Chairman

Deep State Dirty Bomb 💣 Threat Cancelled 😠 White Hat <—-> Galactic Federation Announcement 📣 along with “ New 🆕 President “ Inauguration….
BQQQM! Sun 24 March The White Hats Great Announcement, JFK Jr.

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More Hollyweird Sex Trafficking- EXPOSED: International Vatican-run Child Sex Trafficking, Gun and Drug Running Ring, Bush, Clintons, Royals, Hollywood, CIA, UK, PM, Baptists into Pedophilia Ring and Blackmailing Political Elites

Praises filling the airways about President H.W. Bush were a little hard to stomach during his funeral on Dec. 5. Bush helped form the CIA which after World War II, brought Nazi Mind Control experts into the US, Australia and Canada to torture and kill an estimated thousands of children bred for the purpose. . .

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pureintent777 has just posted a comment on your video "Series Of Explosions Bring Down Baltimore Bridge !!!". Here is the full comment:
"Thank you for this, Tom!! Also, I live near the Arizona border with Mexico. "Biden Border Patrol Welded "Open" 100 Floodgates in Arizona Border Wall" Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for all records about Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents welding open “flood gates” in the border wall in Arizona(Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:24-cv-00742))."

Project SHAD by Grandpa Tom Trefts USAF 🇺🇸 1989-1991 A-10 Jet Engine Mechanic 👨‍🔧 RAF Alconbury, England - Veterans Against Treason Chairman

Jay-Z is allegedly rumored to be connected to Diddy's trafficking ring as 50 Cent is calling him out on social media today.
Notice the way Spirit Cooker Marina Abromovic, Ukraine's ambassador for children, looks at him during their "art ritual" together.

These are your celebrity "idols." They are morally degenerate, corrupt, evil, into the occult and witchcraft. Speak the truth and the world will awaken to the spiritual nature of this battle.
Your "idols" are into Satanic rituals.
We cannot afford to sugar coat it anymore.
Tony Podesta himself (Clinton Associate) was revealed to be emailing Marina about attending "spirit cooking rituals" with her.
Marina wrote to Tony Podesta:
"Dear Tony, I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?
All my love, Marina."

Why did she write down in her public ritual:
"With a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand. Eat the Pain."

INTEL FROM CHIEF OF POLICE NEWSLETTER: Diddy was arrested and charged with crimes against humanity back in November of last year. He is on the list. He was taken to GITMO and he began singing like a bird to save his own skin before he was executed. He implicated many stars, singers, prince harry who is now dead, and everyone that worked for his satanic record company.
He loved to perform in blood red for obvious reasons. The Alliance gave the FBI intel on his homes and they raided all his properties and had to clear out the tunnels and rescue many children. A $30 million lawsuit has ensued. good luck with that because his entire fortune was confiscated.
He mentions God a lot and he owes everything to him. Unfortunately for him his God is satan. He was trafficking from all of his homes. He was producing gallons of adrenochrome. He was into organ harvesting on the black market. That is how he became so wealthy. Each child is worth $1 million dollars.
He was still in the public eye because he had 3 clones. He sold his soul to Satan a long time ago. The original Sean Combs is now fishfood. The alliance buries them at sea. They are going to put his clones in prison or they may unalive them and call it suicide.

🔥🚨DEVELOPING: This is where it all started. On April 6, 2023, Fugees star Pras Michael was revealed to be an FBI informant during Leonardo DiCaprio’s testimony against Barack Obama trying to launder $30M to China through Michael.

Jamie Foxx was initially added as a potential witness along with Jim Carey and Mark Wahlberg.

It was being assumed they Jamie Foxx would possibly speak due to his extensive and close relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio but Foxx was hospitalized on April 17, 2023 where he claimed he ‘passed away’ and had to be brought back to life. Foxx didn’t fully recover until July.

Sean Diddy Combs has a very long track record with President Obama, and Pras Michel. Pras case was the first case to start the current rap accusation domino that we are seeing today.

Read whole tweet👇

Project SHAD by Grandpa Tom Trefts USAF 🇺🇸 1989-1991 A-10 Jet Engine Mechanic 👨‍🔧 RAF Alconbury, England - Veterans Against Treason Chairman

New Spending Bill Pork

U.S. House passes $1.2 trillion spending bill. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Is it time for Mikey to go?

❌ $850k for a gay senior home
❌ $15 million to pay for Egyptian's college tuitions
❌ $400k for a gay activist group to teach elementary kids about being trans
❌ $500k for a DEI zoo, an anti-racist nature appreciation program
❌ $400k for a group to gives clothes to teens to help them hide their gender
❌ $1.5 billion Green New Scam funding
❌ $300-500 million to Ukraine Secretary Assistance Initiative
❌ Continues funding Joe Biden’s border invasion
❌ 12,000 Afghan Special Immigrant Visas and authorization to support loans to the International Monetary Fund.
❌ Benefits for illegal aliens
❌ late term abortions funding at home and abroad, per UN funding
❌ DEI funding initiatives across the nation
❌ Funds FBI New Headquarters


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Reality Sci-Fi Red Pillin’

Charles Moyin


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