Horde Of Anti-Israel Mouth-Breathing Douchenozzels Disrupt Holocaust Remembrance Day Meeting

2 months ago

Nothing wins people over to your side like being disgusting, repugnant, a-holes showing up and protesting at a meeting to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day and fund educational programs for it. Then again, it IS Berkeley we're talking about here. The Berkeley City Council wanted to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day & fund educational programs for it. Anti-Israel protesters showed up & interrupted many times, calling councilmen “zio-pigs” & “money suckers.” They also intimidated a Holocaust survivor. It's gotten to a point with our 'friends' on the Left that they aren't even trying to hide how antisemitic and bigoted they are. We've known this about them for years (decades), but at least before now, they tried to pretend we were just conspiracy theorists.

Since October 7 they've done away with the pretense and are showing their true colors … which are not great. When someone shows you who they really are, believe them AND hold them accountable for it. Hiding behind masks so brave🧕 Sickening stuff. A whole horde of the woke raided a Holocaust education fundraiser event. 🤮🤮🤮 Horde is definitely the correct word for these zombies.

• More at: Twitchy - Horde of Anti-Israel Mouth-Breathing Douchenozzels Disrupts Holocaust Remembrance Day Meeting

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