( -0645 ) Diddy, Jonathan Oddi, Rodney Lil Rod Jones & Rose McGowen - What's Been Said Starting to Sound Familiar ???

2 months ago

Diddy, Jonathan Oddi, Rodney Lil Rod Jones & Rose McGowen - What's Been Said Starting to Sound Familiar

(Easter is coming. Hippity hoppity!)


CAA = Creative Artists Agency

Who's controlling them, to control us?

See link above for copyrighted content from Sept. 5, 2020 - - -
in a nutshell:

Hollywood Horrors: Rose Mcgowan, The CAA and The CIA
Netscape Negro Archive
Netscape Negro Archive


5 min read
Sep 5, 2020


Since Twitter has decided to delete my thread regarding the strange posts from Activist Rose Mcgowan, I have decided to craft a very rough Article around the shocking conclusions one can draw from it based solely on public information.

Yesterday, Rose Mcgowan, a hollywood actress and activist, released a rather strange statement, and I think I’ve gotten a few yarns out of it.

The pictures origins are unknown, possibly Israel or somewhere else in the middle east.
Many were quick to accuse Ms. Mcgowan of having delusions of being a CIA agent. However the following instagram post made much more sense to me.

Rose was very publicly blacklisted by Hollywood after accusing Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault throughout the 1990s. The biggest line people grasped onto was “three letters starting with C” however in her Instagram post, she elaborates, saying there are “two agencies that rule your mind”. The first of which I believe is being referred to is the CAA or Creative Artists Agency.

The CAA is considered to be the second largest talent agency in hollywood, formed in the 70s after several agents at the largest talent agency William Morris decided to leave the company. One of their first shows they produced was the Jackson 5ive show. Interesting side note: the Jackson 5 were serially abused by their father, and while CAA did not represent the Jackson 5 initially, they did become part of the CAA Rolodex. CAA has a close relationship with several large film studios, including Disney and Miramax/Harvey Weinstein, the second of which pushed CAA into their infamy. a full list of their notable clients can be found here.

The story of Ms. Mcgowan butting heads with CAA begins in 2014. Rose alleges that her short film,Dawn, is involved in how she “got out of the c’s . The film is available on Dailymotion, but the Youtube link has been blocked in the United States. In the film, the underage protagonist Dawn is lured into the woods by a well-off gas station attendant in the 1960s, who then sexually humiliates and murders her, all while in full view of her friends who aided in her capture. The parallels to the ritual abuse of young women by wealthy men in the entertainment industry is clear as day. 3 years after the films release, Rose went public accusing Miramax Exec Harvey Weinstein of several sexual assaults in the 1990s. Coincidentally, Rose Mcgowans boyfriend at the time, a man named William who has never been publicly named, would regularly starve and abuse her. She escaped from that relationship with the help of a man named Brett Cantor, who was then murdered in his Hollywood home in broad daylight in the middle of July 1993. The case is still unsolved. Brett's father was an agent at the William Morris Agency who left the agency around 1970.

Immediately after accusing Weinstein in 2018, Rose Mcgowan was dropped from all of her future projects, and has not acted in a mainstream film since. Weinstein, noted longtime friend of democratic senator Hillary Clinton, then hired several Ex-Mossad agents to stalk and terrorize several victims including Mcgowan. The agency, Black Cube, was founded by the Head Of The Mossad, and has drawn criticism for overuse of force and intimidation. As Mcgowan continued to go public with more and more actresses accounts of rape by Weinstein and others, her longtime agent who she had contacted about the rapes in the 90s, committed suicide in her home, though the cause and method was never made public.

Mcgowan is considered one of the founders of the #Metoo/#timesup movement, though she has refuted this claim. The #timesup movement later coalesced into a non profit, that receives its funding from independent donations. In 2019, Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden was accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade. The Times Up non-profit initially went forward with her claim, however they later dropped her claim. Around the same time, the Biden2020 campaign donated almost 1 million dollars to the Times Up foundation, and the president of the fund, who previously worked for the Obama Biden campaigns, also penned several articles endorsing Kamala Harris for VP. Biden Campaign surrogate Alyssa Milano is also married to a high level executive at CAA, which lists Biden as one of its clients. Mcgowan was very quick to publicize this connection, calling out Milano on twitter for her hypocrisy, as she had previously been an ardent supporter of the #metoo movement (though after endorsing Biden, she dropped the hashtag from her bio). CAA also ran public relations for Harvey Weinstein prior to him being found guilty of rape by the judicial system.

The second agency, which Mcgowan says represents DC’s interest in the entertainment industry is, in my opinion, the CIA. The CIA has always had a close relationship with the arts. In fact, one of the first CIA operations was to fund modern art in order to win what they saw as a culture war between the US and the USSR. The well documented close tie between power and Hollywood is the so called “ Military Entertainment Complex” if you’ve seen a movie featuring modern military equipment in it, chances are its been at least edited by the Pentagon. Many films are even funded partially by them, including popular children's franchises like Marvel and Transformers. Many Bruckheimer productions like Top Gun (which was designed to increase air force recruitment after the American war crimes in Vietnam were made public) were made for so little money because of all the military hand outs they receive. The pentagon even staffs a Hollywood Liaison department. A full list of the films produced with taxpayer money are available here.

Sometimes, the relationship between state power, finance, and entertainment can be far more direct. Wealthy financier Jeffery Epstein was a frequent patron of both the Democratic party and Hollywood. Harvey Weinstein also regularly maxed out to Dem campaigns through both his personal accounts and his company, Miramax. One of the most glaring examples of the two intertwining is an African Vacation taken by Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker, Michael Jackson, Bill Clinton and Jefferey Epstein, that was featured boldly in one of his standup specials. All but one of these people have been credibly accused of sexual assault, some even involving minors.

Not pictured: Epstein, and Kevin Spacey.
To tie this all together, it is very easy to presume that something incredibly rotten is going on with the connection of power and entertainment, and Rose Mcgowan is incredibly brave to stand up against it. Hopefully, once again many brave men and women who know more about the goings on can come forward to bring this evil combination of state and industry to light.

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