The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Catturd Meet the man who made Adam Kinzinger cry

2 months ago

Published Jan 22, 2024

Tucker [00:00:00] If you don't pay close attention to Joe Biden, you're probably content to dismiss him as just a senile old fool who's exiting the stage at high speed. But if you actually listen to him, if you watch what Joe Biden says, it dawns on you actually, this man is evil, actually evil. Listen to what he says. It's dishonest. It's vicious. It's cruel to his fellow Americans. He's a bad person and he's the president of the United States. And yet no one seems to say that out loud or even notice. Instead, our moral superiors, our overlords, are very exercised about, well some people, you've probably not even heard of, people on the internet who are saying true things, and one of the people makes the maddest is a guy with an account called Catturd. Yes, that's the name. One word on X, formerly Twitter. Catturd has millions of followers and is remarkably, controversial for a person whose name has never been spoken in public. He actually got into a fight with Adam Kinzinger no less than Adam Kinzinger. Speaking of evil, here's in case you forgotten it. Here's what it looked like:

Tucker Soundbite [00:01:09] Kinzinger made that clear the other day when he responded personally to a Twitter account called Catturd. Because when you're one of Washington's leading authorities on foreign policy, you spend a lot of time on Twitter reading accounts with names like Catturd. So the other day, Catturd made the mistake of posting a meme that seemed to mock the colors of the Ukrainian flag, colors that are sacred to Adam Kinzinger and every other empathetic soccer mom in her mid-forties. You can imagine how offensive that was. It was like telling an off color joke about Meghan Markle. It could not stand. And so alone and battling debilitating hot flashes in this kitchen, fighting the urge to open yet another bag of Chips Ahoy! Adam Kinzinger fought back literally evil, he wrote in a late night response to Catturd. If I met you in person, it would not end well for you. Sicko. Whoa! Hear that catturd? It will not end well for you. That's not a pillow fight. Adam Kinzinger is talking about. That's a full on slap fight with hair pulling. This is real. You'd better apologize. Our heart goes out to catturd tonight who's probably cowering in a litter box somewhere waiting for Adam Kinzinger to show up with sharpened nails.

Tucker [00:02:20] So catturd enraged Adam Kinzinger. And it's also been noticed on late night comedy shows. Watch.

James Cordon Soundbite [00:02:27] And things seem to hit a new low last night as he retweeted three times and accounts called Catturd. Now, to be fair, the cat is wearing glasses, so it must be smart. The actual Twitter handle for the account is cattturd 2, and I, for one, cannot wait to see what's in store from catturd three. Catturd sounds like someone Joe Biden would have brought up in a speech during the primaries. When I was growing up in Scranton, that was a real mean son of a gun. We used to call him catturd. He could do up and be bop like nobody's business. What was I talking about? Oh, yeah. Climate change.

Tucker [00:03:14] Well, there's a reason nobody watches late night comedy shows anymore. But still, catturd seems to offend people. Why is that? Who is this man who's catturd one? Well, we found him. He's a man. He's from the South. That's all we know. He wants to keep his name private because he doesn't want his life any more disrupted than it already has been. But he is joining us anyway in physical form. Catturd, It's great to see you.

Catturd [00:03:35] How are you doing? So you've made it Tucker.

Tucker [00:03:39] So many questions. So, I actually don't know your real name, just for the record. Okay, what year did you graduate from Yale?

Catturd [00:03:49] Yeah, I graduated Yale, I think 1984.

Tucker [00:03:54] No seriously. No, I'm guessing you didn't go to Yale. I mean that-

Catturd [00:03:56] Went to Harvard after Yale.

Tucker [00:03:59] You went to Harvard. I remember you so well there. Where are you? Like, what? What was your preparation for being catturd? Like, tell us your life trajectory. Who are you without revealing your name?

Catturd [00:04:08] Well, I'm from northwest Florida, I mean, Georgia. Yeah, well, I live in northwest Florida now, but. So I graduated high school kind of early at 17. Joined the Army. I was telling you earlier, I spent my 18th birthday in a foxhole, in Fort Dix, New Jersey, in basic training back when it really was basic training. And then, I got injured when I was over in Bad Kissingen in Germany, and we were on alert, and I hurt my back real bad and had surgery. And that was pretty much the end of my Army career. I was, back to Fort Morgan, Georgia. Had back surgery. I actually tried to stay in, but, they wouldn't let me.

Tucker [00:04:51] Yeah.

Catturd [00:04:51] I mean, it's been something I've had to deal with my whole life.

Tucker [00:04:53] So they wrecked your body and then kicked you out? Yeah. Pretty good. Okay.

Catturd [00:04:57] You know, that's honorable medical discharge, but. Yeah. And so, after that, I hitchhiked to Panama City, and I've pretty much been in the Panhandle ever since. You know, I'm 59 years old. I spent, you know, just like most people, I was, I'm different than most of the influencers that, do all the right things. Have the kids or the suit and ties. I pretty much was, screwed up until I was about 40, 45 years old.

Tucker [00:05:28] You were really-.

Catturd [00:05:29] Where I had a couple of failed marriages, followed by, I was just I was a professional musician for years. I was a hippie. I had long hair and a beard and smoked weed and had a VW van and-

Tucker [00:05:40] Really?

Catturd [00:05:41] Dyed shirts. I did, I was a real hippie. I went from job to job.

Tucker [00:05:47] Partied a lot.

Catturd [00:05:48] You're there. Yeah. Partied a lot. I had my stint with drugs and alcohol and, you know, I don't know why everybody scared. You know, everybody. Big famous picture. You know, this big picture of how, you know, in the world that we live in today is just like, just I've always been honest with my followers and on my podcast.

Tucker [00:06:07] I don't trust people who don't know how weak they are.

Catturd [00:06:10] I know, yeah. And so I, kind of aimlessly went through my life and, then I finally ended up, you know, working a good fiber optics job for years. At 54 years old, which was five years ago. I'd never been on social media. I didn't know anything about social media. I don't even know how it worked. I had no friends on social media, and I just decided to have, I got arthritis in my fingers. I couldn't play guitar anymore. And I was just like, you know what I'm going to do? I'm just going to get on Twitter. And I just, you know, saw the cat just said cat turd. I never thought I'd have 100 followers, you know, who think that? It's just like it's like Homer Simpson. Now, cancer is it's way beyond me. You know, they're doing.

Tucker [00:06:55] Wait, if I have to ask you, pause. What was the moment when you decided to make that your nom de guerre?

Catturd [00:07:02] I just was like, surfing through the web, and I saw that cat picture, and it just cat turd. He was that simple. I mean, you know, I don't think anybody's ever going to follow me. I remember asking people for weeks, how do I post a picture on it here? And so I don't even know how it took off. It just got legs somehow and it just took off.

Tucker [00:07:21] So. But why did you do it?

Catturd [00:07:23] What did I do?

Tucker [00:07:24] Why did you go online and start giving your opinions?

Catturd [00:07:26] I don't know. Well, I've always been, as a professional musician, in the 90s, you, you know, you have to be good at construction.

Tucker [00:07:38] Yeah.

Catturd [00:07:39] If you. Yeah. Because you got to make money.

Tucker [00:07:40] Sorry. I'm a little slow. I never.

Catturd [00:07:44] So you better learn to build stuff. So, you know, me and my band guys, we were. We were builders. Now we build decks, roofs, build up, build a house, whatever. And so in the 90s, you're bored, and, you know, we play music at night. We don't even listen to music. So I started listening to Rush Limbaugh. Really? So every day we listen to Rush Limbaugh, well, we're building houses, whatever.

Tucker [00:08:05] You and every construction crew in America.

Catturd [00:08:07] Yeah. And it just it just like this was I didn't even know I was a hippie. I thought I was a liberal, I didn't know what I was still and I was like, this guy say and everything, I believe. And, it was, it was, you know, I listened to him till the day died. Really? Yeah. I'm total rush, baby. And it was just like, this guy's talking exactly what I think. And I never even knew what I was until, you know, I started listening to him, but that's how I got in. And I was just a political junkie from the first time I heard him. And it's just been like that ever since. So I got on, you know, Twitter now X and just started posting and, man. What a five years.

Tucker [00:08:51] It's unbelievable. I mean. But why did you do that? I mean, a lot of people have political opinions, but they don't imagine that other people want to read them, or they don't feel compelled to share them with the world on a social media app.

Catturd [00:09:04] I don't know why it caught fire.

Tucker [00:09:06] But why did you want to do it? Because you were frustrated?

Catturd [00:09:08] Yeah, I guess, I just, you know, I think as artistic, although I didn't play on stage a lot in last years, I would always go to my room and I wrote a lot of music. I actually wrote my best stuff then, and it was just. I need that artistic outlet.

Tucker [00:09:22] Yes.

Catturd [00:09:23] And, when I lost that, I was really kind of depressed because I'd lost my fingers. Just like overnight. They started swelling up. I got arthritis from playing guitar and using power tools my whole life. And, I was just like, I just need to do something. And so I just got on social media. Just it's just a spur of the moment was my birthday. It's like two days after my birthday, so I'm gonna join Twitter. And I was asking people. I was calling people, how do you join Twitter or how do you do a picture?

Tucker [00:09:51] How there your membership committee?

Catturd [00:09:52] What's the rules?

Tucker [00:09:56] So when at what point did it I can't remember the first time I saw it, but, at what point did you realize it was working?

Catturd [00:10:04] I don't know. I remember after 2 or 3 months I was I was working on a job in Miami, and I told one of my friends that I was that was rooming with me at the time. We were working there as a menace. Things really taken off and he thought I was crazy. So what? I said this cat turd thing and he's just, he he thought I was nuts. Just, you know, everybody. And I was trying to tell everybody these things really taken off and everybody just like, whatever, you know, here's the shovel start. Get the rocks over there. And oh, and it just it just caught fire. I don't know how I don't know how it did. And it just keeps going.

Tucker [00:10:39] Wow. I mean, so you're in Miami rooming with another guy that you're working with. Yeah. On some kind of job?

Catturd [00:10:47] Yeah. Fiber optics job. I did fiber optic construction for years after I got finished. You know, with my music career.

Tucker [00:10:55] And, like, at the point that Adam Kinzinger starts replying to you and threatening your life. Oh, yeah. By the way, that would be quite a slap fight. Do you feel confident?

Catturd [00:11:05] I don't know. You know, it's, he's scary.

Catturd [00:11:09] You know. I want to see eye to eye with him. So I'm gonna go get a Home Depot five gallon bucket and stand on it.

Tucker [00:11:17] But when Adam Kinzinger himself. Oh, yeah, he's got a, you know, he's got Ukraine to defend. Oh, yeah. He's super busy. Like there's a transitioning or whatever he's doing. When he takes time to attack you and threaten to beat you up or scratch you.

Catturd [00:11:33] Yeah, like, that wasn't my meme. I just said, I think I said I shouldn't be laughing at this, but it's funny. Yeah. And then, and then it made it worse. You know, once he does that, that he he don't understand how the internet works. Now, they got his face on it. Yeah. You know, I know now all the time. You see that meme? It's his face on it now.

Tucker [00:11:49] Well, how do you understand how the internet works?

Catturd [00:11:51] I don't know, I just somehow do.

Tucker [00:11:55] Interesting. Yeah. So what is it done to your life?

Catturd [00:11:59] Well, it's totally changed my life. You know, financially, I started selling merch, and then, I got a podcast. You know, we got, Jules and I have a co-host, Jules Jones. Our podcast is called In the Litter Box. And, you know, we got a deal with Rumble, which we love. We love Rumble. And, and then, you know, fast forward to these ad shares, which are crazy, you know, with Elon Musk. I mean, it's big money. And, I bought a new truck a couple of weeks ago and never had a new vehicle in my life.

Tucker [00:12:35] Yeah.

Tucker [00:13:18] It's the most American story ever.

Catturd [00:13:20] It really is.

Tucker [00:13:21] It really is nuts.

Catturd [00:13:23] There's, I don't think there's a lot of people like my situation because like I said, most of the influencers are I mean, they just they've, they've and and they did the right thing, not me. I did the wrong thing. They did the right thing. They've got great wives and kids and, you know, they've made a lot of money. They've got, you know, parents that are successful. And they went to college for sure. And I'm just a working class stiff.

Tucker [00:13:47] That well, that's the ruling class of the country. Yeah. And I'm from it. So I know, yeah, so it's pretty amazing to see this happen to you.

Catturd [00:13:56] It is.

Tucker [00:13:56] And so how much of your day is spent on it?

Catturd [00:14:00] Pretty much seven days a week. I'm an insomniac. I always have been. So I get up at 4 or 5 and I basically. Do it seven days a week. You know, 15 hours a day.

Tucker [00:14:12] What? So, but you're. You spent your life moving physically, moving outside. Obviously, it's been hard on your body, as you said.

Catturd [00:14:21] Oh, it has.

Tucker [00:14:21] But it's also there's something good about moving and, I mean, what's it like the change at 55 to go from, you know, being on the road, installing fiber cable to sitting behind the screen all day.

Catturd [00:14:33] Oh. It's fantastic. Screw moving. No, but, well, I'm.

Tucker [00:14:42] Sorry. That's so awesome.

Tucker [00:15:00] 13 rescues?

Catturd [00:15:02] Yeah. 13. Now.

Tucker [00:15:03] What's that like?

Catturd [00:15:05] It's, well, I post all the pictures online, and it's all these beautiful pictures, but they don't see all the fights and the growling, and, you know, they're. He's swallowing a bone and he's swallowed a rope, and they're all chasing a squirrel and they're fighting and, you know, they don't see all that, but it's it. I don't know what happened. But they just started coming to me. I've never been to a rescue shelter. They. I've found all my pets, starving and beaten and abandoned and just on the side of the road, all the dogs. I got two puppies. One of the dogs I got, came in, and she was young. I didn't think anything about it. And she got pregnant. And before I knew it, it was just like I had ten puppies too.

Catturd [00:15:51] Two on top of this. And it's funny because I gave them away, and they got Twitter accounts like, I use Twitter accounts, and people follow the puppies like I'm puppy dirty.

Tucker [00:16:02] Why do you adopt so many animals?

Catturd [00:16:04] I just, I mean, when you see a dog starving, what are you going to do? And then I try to tell myself, I'm going to rehome some of these. And then you spend so much time with them trying to just, like, get them fed. Yeah. They're so the ones I find they're so almost dead, starving to death. So. And then I fall in love with them, and I can't let them go. And it's that simple.

Tucker [00:16:29] Wow. That's, I mean, that's pretty. That's pretty amazing.

Catturd [00:16:32] But I got to stop.

Tucker [00:16:36] Well, now you can afford the dog food.

Tucker [00:16:37] Yeah. So, I can and, you know, it's just kind of turn turning thing where people say, hey, cat turd, I got a rescue, and we found on the side of the road, so I'll post it or I'll repost it, and, it's just turned into something I do. I've had kennels built, and you got to keep them separated. Some of them, you know, some of them are fine. They're ten years old, some I found their puppies and some of them just don't like each other.

Tucker [00:18:05] Well, tell us what that's like.

Catturd [00:18:06] Well, it always usually happens during my podcast, but. So, the last time they, they call and pretend to be me and they said that, that I caught my wife in bed with somebody and I'm not married, so. And, shot on both. And then when the police get there, I'm going to kill them. So they'll try to come up and get you. They try to get you murdered. That's what it is. It's attempted murder. If you ask me. During your podcast. During the, it's always during the podcast. It's happened to me three times. It's happened to a lot of us. You know, it's happened to Marjorie Taylor Greene temple. But once you know, everybody's once you get to a certain level, they're, they're going to come after you. I have they've lately they've been cutting heads off rabbits and throwing them off the body over my gate. That's happened three times now too.

Catturd [00:18:57] So we live in a country where the citizenry is surveilled much more thoroughly than North Korea's surveillance its own citizens. Like everything you do is monitored right through your phone. Facial recognition, satellites, everything is monitored. But they can't find the people who are doing this. Yeah. And are they even interested in finding if it happens to us? You know, I mean, who do we call? Who do you call?

Tucker [00:19:22] Who do you call?

Catturd [00:19:23] Because there is no. By now the local police where I live are awesome. And I support the blue I always have. I just don't support the feds at all. I mean, look what they've turned into. Tucker. It's. It's awful.

Tucker [00:19:35] So you call the local cops when this happens. And what do they say?

Catturd [00:19:38] Well, the first time I did it, they were like, you're cat turd. And so. Yeah. So I left him after the first time. I gave him a bunch of gear. You know, here, it's got dirt stuff. But they actually come and they patrol my property a lot. Mainly because it's a one horse town. There's nothing else to do.

Tucker [00:19:57] Yeah.

Catturd [00:19:59] But, they're great, and they watch it like a hawk. You know, they're very protective of it, but. It's like if somebody on the left annoys me, which they do a lot, I'll mute them. Right? If I annoy people, which I understand, I do, they try to have me killed. I mean.

Tucker [00:20:17] That's a.

Catturd [00:20:17] Big gap.

Tucker [00:20:18] Right? It's a big.

Tucker [00:20:19] Looting. Attemped Murder.

Tucker [00:20:25] So you spend your life watching what's happening.

Catturd [00:20:28] Oh, yeah.

Tucker [00:20:29] What conclusions have you drawn? Where do you think we're going this year?

Catturd [00:20:32] Well, we're in trouble. I mean, it's just. I always try to be positive, but sometimes I can't see a way out of it anymore, can you? I mean, I just don't see a way out of it. And I'm a Trump supporter. I'm a Trump guy. Yeah, if you know, I go back to the it cracks me. The funniest thing to me on X is all the people that do whatever the government says that put resist in their bodies. That's the funniest thing, you know. Black lives matter.

Tucker [00:20:59] Obedient little bitches.

Catturd [00:21:01] Yeah, whatever. And, they can tell them anything and they'll do it. What if you can convince your voters that men can have babies? Yeah. Think about that. You've got em. Yeah. Know you can tell them. Tell them the word dirty diaper on their head. They're going to do it. They will. Well, they did this. If you don't have a dirty diaper on your head. But once, once they can convince you of that. I mean, you got to know these people are laughing when they're at the bar. The Democrats and the. We've convinced them that men can have babies, and they believe it. And they're calling everybody names. That doesn't believe it.

Tuciker [00:21:37] So do you see that changing at all?

Catturd [00:21:40] I believe the woke, is the woke part of it is coming to a head. I really do, I think its people are tired of I am and we don't care what names you call us. And I'm a person who believes I don't. You know, I was a hippie. I was a real hippie. Not all these fake hippies online. I was an actual hippie. I mean, I live, I was homeless at one time. I lived up in a tent in a lake for months.

Tucker [00:22:02] How was it?

Catturd [00:22:04] It was good. I could call it crappy. And I eat them. Every night. You.

Tucker [00:22:10] You had crappy every night.

Catturd [00:22:12] Oh, well, yeah. You gotta eat somehow. Yeah, so it's a rough spot to be in, but, what are you down that.

Tucker [00:22:22] You're saying that people are getting sick of the anti-white stuff, the trans stuff, all that.

Catturd [00:22:28] But the kids have a chance. I mean, think about this. I'm 59, and I think you're in your 50s, and we went to school. There was, you know, we actually learned mathematics, social studies, history. But they think about a kid these days. He goes to school, so they start when they're 3 or 4 in kindergarten and they don't have a chance. They look what they do to them now. They're like critical race theory. You get over there. Are you a racist? And you're okay, you're racist. And then they put a mask on you and they teach you that the air you breathe is poison. And then they tell you you're all going to die and burn in hell fire from global warming in 12 years. Think about these little kids, how scared they are. They scare the hell out of them. And then it's, trans this. And they're showing BJs to seven years old in books. And then they go through the whole school and it's like that, and then they step into college. And what's college? This turbo now, you know, and they're brainwashed through. And I honestly think the longer you stay in college, the dumber you get now.

Tucker [00:23:36] There isn't any question about it. It makes a lot of sense.

Catturd [00:23:39] And so you have these teachers so they go they go through that and then they go and they stay in college as long as they can, or they're 30 years old, and then they go right from there to a teaching job. So they stay on campus until they're 50. So they don't have any life experience. They've never they don't know what it's like to to work for a living or run a business. And they're the ones teaching, you know, and it's just it's horrible. So they don't have a chance.

Tucker [00:24:05] So all of this or some of it is going to come to a head this calendar year because of the presidential election. Oh yeah. Where do you see that going?

Catturd [00:24:15] Well, man, Trump's going to win the primary. I hope everybody knows that we got him all round and, fight each other and the DeSantis people. We're all I'm in there. We're all fighting each other. But Trump is going to win the primary and he should win it. But what they're doing to him, and they're not, they're not doing it to Trump to do it to Trump. They hate him. But, I always say on the podcast that Washington's okay, as long as they have George Bush versus Obama every year, that's what they want. They want George Bush versus Obama every four years. They split up the $4 trillion where their friends, some of them get it. Sometimes some of them get, but that's what they want. They want Bush versus Obama. They're okay with that. Yeah, they love Nikki Haley. Of course. You know, can.

Tucker [00:25:08] Can I ask you to pause? Yeah. And since you're online all day, do you think there's organic support for Nikki Haley?

Catturd [00:25:14] There's none.

Tucker [00:25:15] Okay. Because she's. I'm not even sure she's an actual human being.

Catturd [00:25:18] Yeah, she's the most dangerous. Republican primary candidate. We've had probably one of them in my lifetime.

Tucker [00:25:26] Why do you say that?

Catturd [00:25:27] She's just I mean, some of the things she said, like she's a neocon number one. Yeah. I mean, my God, how how many times are you going to be fooled America? I mean, from the Vietnam War. Vietnam, North Vietnam beat South Vietnam. It's the it's over for our country. Yeah. So let's send 60,000 people to Korea was, all the Middle Eastern wars. And, she's right in there. Ukraine.

Tucker [00:25:53] But unlike you, she served our country in uniform. Oh wait.

Catturd [00:25:56] Oh, yeah.

Tucker [00:25:58] Yeah.

Catturd [00:25:58] Yeah. But she's dangerous. And remember when she said a week ago, if you're anonymous on Twitter or whatever, I want your name. That's what she said.

Tucker [00:26:08] You got to register with the government to give your-

Catturd [00:26:10] I want your name. Not the government wants it. I do. She's dangerous. I just I get a feel for people. I've always had a knack to kind of feel people out, and I just. It's just. She's like Mike Pence. Nothing they say is authentic. Everything sounds like it's program cliches.

Tucker [00:26:30] Yes.

Catturd [00:26:31] I've had a lot of bosses in my life and some nasty ones, you know, that's the way bosses are. Yeah. And every person I've ever talked to in my life and ever boss I ever have, they talk exactly like Trump. All of them. I don't have anybody in my life that sits up there like Mike Pence. And, you know, a bird in the hands or two in the bush. You know, just every cliche you can imagine.

Tucker [00:26:52] Do you get a creepy vibe off Pence.

Catturd [00:26:54] Total. I say on the podcast sometimes. I don't know what skeletons, I'd hate to see what goes on there when the lights go out.

Tucker [00:27:04] So, I'm not.

Catturd [00:27:05] Just nobody's that perfect, you know? Quit acting perfect. I remember that time. He was like, I can't even have lunch with another woman because I'm married. Even if we're friends. Remember he said.

Tucker [00:27:14] Yeah, that's what I was like. Yeah, I had a lot of thoughts about that. I mean, by the way, I think you should. If you're married, you should really actively try not to commit adultery. I think that's attitude. I totally agree with that 100%. But him specifically saying that I reached exactly the opposite conclusion, I'm just going to say that.

Catturd [00:27:31] Yeah. I don't trust, when they're that perfect in the it's all, it's just like it's planned. Everything they say is planned and I just that that's why I like Trump. You know, to make some bad, everybody, I don't believe everything you say. You don't believe everything I say. I don't believe Trump doesn't believe everything I say. But I mean what they're doing now. He's already an iconic figure, and they're going to turn him into a martyr. And they're making him more powerful and more powerful and more powerful. And I could see him if the election was fair, I could see him just totally steamrolling. If it was fair, I know it would be.

Tucker [00:28:09] You think it will be?

Catturd [00:28:12] Well, who do we have, to fight. Who do we have to fight? Ronna McDaniel. Give me a break. I mean, we got Scott Pressler out there beating the streets. He's beating a street like, you know, like a bicycle clown out there. He is going around everywhere. He's registering voters, here on the ground in the Republican Party won't give him the time of day. He knows every rule to every county in this country. And that's, if you can have a thousand of him out there and they train another thousand, you could sweep this thing.

Tucker [00:28:43] Why do you think they're not doing that?

Catturd [00:28:45] Well.

Tucker [00:28:46] I mean, why would you have someone as mediocre and incapable as Ronna McDaniel, who has no track record of success in any area. Why would she run the Republican Party? That's pretty weird.

Catturd [00:28:55] I have no idea. Remember when, you know, 90% of the people were complaining about her, you know, getting the job again? I remember one of the donors. So, yeah, this has nothing to do with, the donors pick this. I remember reading a story like that.

Tucker [00:29:10] That sounds true.

Tucker [00:29:32] Why do you think they hate him so much?

Catturd [00:29:35] Because he's not a part of their club. This is not about Trump to me. It's just like, this is an outsider. And we're going to destroy his life, and we're going to show everybody out there. That if you pick an outsider, somebody that we hadn't picked, going back to a Bush versus, you know, Obama situation, if it's not the people we pick that are we are okay with, we're going to destroy their lives. We're going to can't even get a lawyer. They're arrest your lawyer for defending you. And we're going to make up stuff. We're going to sell your property that's worth $1 billion, is worth $13.74. We're going to do whatever we can. And this is to show not just Trump, but to anybody. In the next 50 years, we will see the FBI, the CIA, we will destroy you if you're not our chosen people. And that's what I think's going on.

Tucker [00:30:27] If Trump is prevented from appearing on the ballot in November, if he's arrested, you know something even worse happens, which is entirely possible.

Catturd [00:30:38] The next step.

Tucker [00:30:39] Of course, its the next step. I don't want to say it out loud, everyone.

Catturd [00:30:41] I hate saying it

Tucker [00:30:43] Of course I'm not going to, but everyone knows I'm talking about. But if he is prevented, if democracy is prevented from proceeding, what do you think the response from his voters is going to be? Since you follow this carefully?

Catturd [00:30:56] Well, why do you think they do the January 6th things? They want you scared that if you do anything, you could be, you know, 80 foot away, you know, outside the tape of the Capitol, you could be half a mile away and they're going to come after you.

Tucker [00:31:09] Because there haven't been any. I mean, this used to be a country where people felt free to assemble, as is guaranteed them in the Constitution, to make their views known. The demonstrations and rallies you haven't seen, January 6th was the last one on the right that I'm aware of.

Catturd [00:31:25] They that's what they're trying to do, scare you.

Tucker [00:31:27] So but do you think that there will be demonstrations if something.

Catturd [00:31:32] Oh yeah. But like I say, they're just making him more powerful.

Tucker [00:31:38] Making Trump more powerful.

Tucker [00:31:50] I agree with that.

Catturd [00:31:50] He's going to be one of the biggest figures in the history of our country, not because of what he did, but because of how they're treating him. And they're making him more powerful. And if he gets arrested, he gets put in a jail. Can you imagine if it could happen? People say, could happen. Oh, it could happen.

Tucker [00:32:08] It could happen very easily. Who should he pick as his running mate?

Catturd [00:32:12] Oh, man. I go back and forth from this. I would like to say this, that I don't think the VP pick really matters that much. I mean, we got Harris as V.P..

Tucker [00:32:23] That's right.

Catturd [00:32:24] Yeah, but. I'll tell you, it takes a long time for me to trust you. But I'm starting to like Vivek, and I'm not sure if he's fake. And I'm not sure if it's just a show, but, man, he's pissing them off. Oh, that is me and you.

Tucker [00:32:40] Yeah, they hate him.

Catturd [00:32:41] They do. And he's saying, I mean, boy, he the damn debate. My God, he got Rona McDanield. He got all of mad, but he in in it. Funny, he's running the campaign exactly what DeSantis should have been running. He's running the campaign that DeSantis. But Desantis is running a Nikki Haley campaign.

Tucker [00:33:01] Does it seem that way?

Catturd [00:33:02] It does to me. I think you said something about his own team is just so cringe. And I-

Tucker [00:33:08] I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have gotten involved in that. I've been trying to stay out of it. I just and I know someone-

Catturd [00:33:15] But they are. I don't understand it. I mean, people like, you know, people build trust with you. It's consistency over time. And when you're a Trump supporter, well, some of them hated Trump. Then you loved Trump and you loved him, and now you loved Desantis. And then if he's gone you're going to love Nikki Haley. People don't trust that. And I don't have anything against any of them. I mute a lot of them. You'd a lot of them. I don't carry grudges with people. And I welcome anybody in when it's over. You know, I don't have any.

Tucker [00:33:46] Do you think? But it does. I mean, I don't follow it very closely. I'll admit. I don't want to follow it closely, but it does seem like there's an enormous bitterness between the DeSantis people and the Trump people.

Catturd [00:33:57] Oh there is. It's crazy. And I try not to get into the personal attacks. I'm kind of like Trump even on X. I I'll if you want to, you know, I'm a shitpost or if you want, if you want to come out the ship poster with 2 million followers. Come on. And an army of, you know, foaming at the mouth is waiting for me, say some, you know, to get on somebody. But I'm very seldom I don't just attack first. But, you know, if you keep attacking me. Yeah, and but it doesn't bother me. I don't take any of this stuff personally. I mean, I don't either, you know, they call me every name in the book, you know, what I'll be called, you know, they'll, you know, you're old, you're fat, you're ugly. I mean, that's how they fight, you know, which all three are kind of true. But people get so mad at this, and you have to, like, if you have to step back from it. And I think it's funny, I've lived in the real world where, you know, I've been in bar fight, you know, I mean, I, I'm real, you know, stuff. So you know, somebody's calling me ugly and old and Boomer, I don't care.

Catturd [00:35:12] Yeah. Do you, I don't care.

Tucker [00:35:19] I dont even know what people say. I care what the people I love say. That's it. And like you I have a lot of dogs which really helps. Do you think the breach between those two camps, Trump Desantis, can be fixed?

Catturd [00:35:20] Thats me. Yeah. I think, you know, some of it, some people can't, but most people can. But this is my first primary. I mean, it's been I don't know if it's ever been this vicious, but, so I supported DeSantis, some Florida guy, and I was glad he was either good or not. I don't get paid by any campaign. And I pushed hard, and I was so glad when he won by 20 points and I was so happy. And I think he's a good governor. And, so and I try to tell people you got, I don't want him so beaten down and hammered that we end up getting a blue governor next, you know, a Gavin Newsom to destroy our state. I mean you're here now. But someone from his team. Not crazy, but they asked me my honest opinion about it. When he said he was going to run, and I was like, don't do it. Whatever you do, don't run. Think about. And this is what I told him. I said, okay, he's 44. Yeah. And he just won reelection by the biggest landslide. I was like govern your state. Perfecty. How perfect is the timing when you're with the end of your eight years is up? It's right. Would be right. Getting in the meat of the 2028. That's right. So I this is what I term support Trump because he helped you and you don't you don't want the Trump supporters. They can destroy you. I mean you don't want them. You know you don't want to turn on them I swear I said look, just please, this is my advice. Just have him govern governor, support Trump all he can. And in 28, you got Biden with only four years left for Trump with only four years left. And now you're more popular. And now you have all the Trump people, you have all the DeSantis people, and you can moonwalk into the white House in 2028. Moonwalk. That's my exact words I used.

Tucker [00:37:23] What was the response you got?

Catturd [00:37:25] You know, okay, nice.

Tucker [00:37:26] Yeah.

Catturd [00:37:29] A lot of people don't take me too seriously, but it and I hate it. I hate it's going like this, but.

Tucker [00:37:35] A lot of people do take you seriously, which is interesting. It is. And I can see why I think you're insightful.

Catturd [00:37:40] You know, think.

Tucker [00:37:40] How many politicians have you met personally?

Catturd [00:37:43] Well, when they when, personally, you know, I kind of keep to myself, but dumb wise and messaged me. They all love me when it comes to election time. Hey, will you retweet this and retweet this? And, I can't name five people in either party, I trust. I just don't trust anybody anymore. And they don't. They don't deserve our trust. The Republican Party, I mean, come on, they don't know how to fight.

Tucker [00:38:07] You know?

Catturd [00:38:08] I know they're over there talking about their principles and their rest in their political opponent. So you better get in the game and we get the power of the gavel. And what do they do with it? Seriously? Nothing. I mean, this is how you fight when you get to gavel, you do your own January 6th committee.

Tucker [00:38:25] But do you think it's because they don't understand how to fight or they're throwing the match?

Catturd [00:38:29] I don't know if they just don't care. Yeah. Ah, they don't know how. Ah, they're just cowards. But the truth is, see, this is how you fight. You get a January 6th committee and you don't allow any Democrats on it, and you put everybody on it. They hate just like they did, she put Marjorie Taylor Greene. Boebert. Matt Gaetz. That's the January 6th committee. You don't allow them to have any witnesses and you start subpoena and let's see what Nancy Pelosi was talking to the Capitol Police. She starts attacking and everybody. And you have it on C-Span every day for years. And if they if you don't start fighting like that, it's over for this country.

Tucker [00:39:02] Well, but and also you have an obligation to that because it's in pursuit of the truth, I know. What do you make of the fact that the new speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has not released the videotape, which he controls?

Catturd [00:39:14] Well, I told everybody, you know, that he was he was going to be awful. I warned everybody there had that little Kumbaya moment. He did what did he do? Exactly what Kevin McCarthy did. He said he's going to release it. So they get the big headlines, gets everybody excited. They release 1% of 1%, and then they just don't do it anymore. And look what when you release that the shaman, he got out of prison because of that one little five minutes. Think of what if they would just release it. Just release it. But they can't do it. It's just push the button, just push the button and release it. I know when he was talking about Ukraine fund and he's like, well, we have to at some point do the Ukraine funding because we don't want Russia steamrolling over Europe. That was his exact words. Or I'm paraphrasing.

Tucker [00:40:02] Do you think I mean, obviously you'd have to be really stupid to believe that. I'm assuming he's not stupid. I mean, why would he say something.

Catturd [00:40:09] Is that it's the same thing they always do to get us ginned up about a war.

Tucker [00:40:13] Also, by the way, if Russia invaded Western Europe, could it be in worse shape than it is now? I mean, it was the US government that blew up the German economy. It wasn't the Russians. It was the Biden administration that blew up Nord Stream. Oh yeah. And ended their main source of cheap energy. So it could the Russians be worse than that? Maybe, I guess, but, like, I don't get it.

Catturd [00:40:33] Well, you know, they've used Ukraine as kind of their 51st state and they were no rules. Yeah. The bio labs, which they lied about and told the truth. Everybody in Washington, their kids over there making $4 million a year, you know, at some kind of company. But so I don't I don't let them gin me up, and and they try to gin you up more and get you mad. And I can't get emotional when we have 100,000 people. Donna. Fentanyl poisoning in our own country. I'm not going to get emotional. I hate war, I'm anti war. I'm the one that wants a peace deal. You're the one who wants to keep. And here's the problem with Ukraine. I think we're going to end up in the same spot a year or so from now. I think there going to be a peace agreement at some point, and there's going to be a million dead people, and Russia's going to take a little bit of the country, and we're going to be in the same place we would have been.

Tucker [00:41:22] And no one will ever apologize for all those dead.

Catturd [00:41:24] And they're just going to call us Putin puppets because we want peace. And that's it.

Tucker [00:41:28] I couldn't agree more. So let first of all, thank you for doing this.

Catturd [00:41:31] I appreciate no problem.

Tucker [00:41:33] Last question. You, so you've you went from installing fiber line to becoming legitimately famous. Only because of your voice you were allowed to talk in public. It was purely democratic, like people liked what you said. They supported you. All of that is contingent on having a voice. Do you think a year from now you will have the same voice? You'll be allowed to say the things that you are saying now?

Catturd [00:41:57] Well, I hope so. But, you see what they're doing to come after me? I you know, I hate to say this, but I tell my family all the time, hey, they had big frame me. Who know? I mean, I don't trust him. No. And I hate saying that I want an FBI. I don't feel that way about. But, hey, you know, they can do anything they can. If they want to get me, they're going to get me. But I'm not going to. Shut up. So that's it. I'm not shutting up.

Tucker [00:42:24] So do you feel that you will be able to reach the same audience a year from now?

Tucker [00:42:47] And where did you do it?

Catturd [00:42:48] Yeah, that's a redneck Riviera. Up at his place in November. That's what my big coming out where I got to see me. And I had some great musicians. We're actually, one of the, musicians, Angie Shapiro, who is a. It's got a you'd love this story. Tucker, it's the great American comeback story. He wrote, a cry for, Faith Hill. And she won a Grammy. And he was this, like, unbelievable musician with his voice. And, he was on his way up, sign with, you know, a record label. And then he had a stroke and completely lost his voice and couldn't talk. And so he spent, I think 2016, 2017 learn how to talk again. And so now he's on his way back up and we he was he was there and, we're doing an event for him on the 24th. So I'm going to just keep kind of staying in my lane and, just do what I do. You know, I probably won't go into the red carpet events to meet everybody and get pictures.

Tucker [00:43:59] So we're going to miss you at Davos next week.

Catturd [00:44:02] Yeah. I'm not going to be there.

Tucker [00:44:03] You're not going to be there.

Catturd [00:44:04] Yeah I don't know. I just don't seem like a fit in there to me. I'm more of the hanging out with the people kind of person. No, but it was nice to meet you. And I really appreciate you inviting me.

Tucker [00:44:16] We're grateful to have you. Catturd, Thank you.

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