Deal struck by Yemen Houthis sees Russian warships enter the Red Sea

2 months ago

The Houthis in Yemen have struck a deal with Russia and China which has seen 4 Russian warships no enter the Red Sea...
Right, so the Houthis in Yemen have been causing absolute chaos for Israeli, US and UK shipping for months despite not having a navy of their own to speak of, with small boat attacks, drone attacks and later on missile attacks as a result of support they have from their Iranian backers, because I’m sure you’ll have forgotten by now Iran supports the Houthis, our media never talk enough about that. But a navy might just have entered the Red Sea now, to back them up as a result of a deal struck with both Russia and China, with Russian warships having now entered through the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait at the south of the Red Sea prompting concerns that a full-on naval offensive could now begin and things could become dramatically worse not just for Israel and it’s allies, who frankly deserve nothing less by continuing to support the apartheid state to continue it’s genocide in Gaza, but also for global shipping for all nations if the Red Sea becomes completely impassable for all as a result of increasing military tensions.
Right, so the Houthi rebels in Yemen have recently struck a deal with both Russa and China, and potentially leading to the involvement of other BRICS nations against NATO ostensibly, it’s how this situation we’re observing right now could escalate further, but right now it appears to be a case of Russian warships as things stand at this point, entering the Red Sea, to do what exactly? Be intimidating at this moment in time and we can hope things stay that way, a force to support the Houthis against any more attacks against them from the US and UK who have been attacking them in support of Israel, getting those nations added to a blocklist of ships allowed to proceed through the Red Sea.
There was never any need to attack the Houthis, they have taken the stance to stand with Gaza, stand with Palestine against their occupiers and aggressors and if diplomatic means had been used already to get Israel out of Gaza, something that should have been done decades ago, all this unpleasantness would have been avoidable. Instead, these western powers, arrogant in their imperialistic and superpower beliefs still felt what they said went, and now the situation is so much worse for them.
So what has happened then Damo? Well, The Houthis have basically struck a deal with Russia and China saying that they now have free, unimpeded access and passage through the Red Sea, you can imagine western brains in the US and UK government imploding at the thought of their biggest military and economic rivals being offered Red Sea passage up on a plate, when they can’t use it right now for their own shipping, thanks to their own arrogance and political idiocy in siding with a rogue state instead of standing up for what was right and what was just. And of course the Houthis know this, they are not stupid people, they are tactically minded and they know exactly which buttons to press to make western leaders squeal like little piggies. What do the Houthis get from Russia and China by way of return?

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