The DWP are now seizing inheritances from unpaid carers.

2 months ago

DWP incompetence & lack of due diligence have left an unpaid carer robbed of their inheritance and this could happen to any of us.
Right, so if you thought the DWP couldn’t stoop to even greater depths, this is certainly one of the most disgusting stories I’ve heard in ages as now being an unpaid carer apparently means you might not be allowed to inherit anything that might be willed to you. Imagine being an unpaid carer, in other words you’re not an employed or self employed carer running a business, you’ve simply given up work yourself to care for a loved one, who’s health has failed them and they need that additional support, it’s a position an awful lot of us will find ourselves in one day. The only support the government offers you in that position is carers allowance, which is a pittance, and the hours they are permitted to still work part time alongside those carers responsibilities are strictly limited, to less than 16 hours a week, along with the amount of money you are actually allowed to earn. Go one minute over, go one penny over, you lose the entire allowance.
But that is how many carers are forced to top up their incomes to get by in a world only ever getting more expensive, so imagine your mother passing away and the DWP deciding that means you’ve gone over your income and savings limits and they decide to seize it. Well this is exactly what has just happened to one woman.
Right, so when I saw this story this morning this hit particularly close to home. A woman in Cheshire has had her inheritance seized following the death of her mother by the DWP because she’d fallen afoul of their arbitrary unpaid carers limitations, earnings limits and all despite having arranged a repayment plan over this with the DWP, so they had no good reason to do such a thing especially given the tragic nature of the windfall here, it’s the ultimate Scrooge move by a government department which is already amongst the most publicly despised.
This story resonated with me particularly since I’m also an unpaid carer, albeit one that has long since given up carers allowance, because this channel, those who kindly watch these videos, those who support the channel to keep doing so and make it a viable business, have enabled me to do that, but I’m still caring around this, just because I no longer accept the government insult they call support to help makes ends meet, doesn’t change that and with my mother also terminally right now, in the none too distant future I know I’ll be going through what this woman in Cheshire has been through, so this could easily be me, could easily be a large number of carers on carers allowance, simply because the people they care for, many of whom will be family with life limiting or terminal illnesses too, so is this the kind of swindle we’ll see from the DWP elsewhere?
For those not familiar with Carer’s Allowance, allow me to briefly set out the rules of it, because it should appal you frankly. See if you can live and get by under these circumstances.
We’re now entering the new tax year, so as of this year Carer’s Allowance will amount to £81.90 a week. Like I said at the start, it is a pittance.

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Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on
I'm an unpaid carer for my disabled wife and daughter and as such we know all too well the difficulties that associated with that living in Tory Britain and I personally believe the answer lies in socialism.
This channel, along with my other social media act as outlets to push back against that, to demand better of our politicians and leaders, to pull apart the media spin that supports them and the way the UK is run and to give a voice, loud as mine is, to the voiceless.


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