Rahan. Episode Seventy Five. By Roger Lecureux. The Children of the River. A Puke (TM) Comic.

1 month ago



Episode Seventy Five.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

The Children of the River.

The son of Crao, who had slept on this sandbank to escape the threat of wild animals, was for this moment facing another danger.
A fifth, arrow stuck a few steps from him.
We will avenge our own, “Fire hair”!

The little girl who shot these arrows was not fifteen years old and her companions were even younger!

She showed great awkwardness, but risked waiting to long for him! He dove into the troubled waters.

Page Two.

You missed him, Fahina! He is rejoining his cursed clan!
I will not miss him next time! But what is he doing? He is not a fish after all!

The children were watching offshore for the man's reappearance, when a whirlpool appeared in the water, very close to them.
What? Oh? What?

Rahan does not like serving as game!
You are going to explain to him why you wanted to steal his life!
While Rahan disarmed the surprised little girl, the panicked children returned to the bank.

But wait, little men!
Rahan means you no harm! Oh! Watch out for the “Two noses”!

A huge pachyderm burst out of the thickets and was about to charge the two children, who were petrified by fear.
Help Fahina! Help! Save us!
Quickly! Quickly!

Page Three.

The son of Crao was already aiming at the only organ of the "Two-nose" that he knew was vulnerable. The eye!
Rahan hopes to be more skillful than Fahina!

He stretched this bow too hard, and it was too frail for him!
Misfortune! My brothers are lost!

Not yet Fahina!
Rahan leapt forward.
He only had a few seconds to get between the children and the monster!

He achieved that.
Attack “Two-Nose”!
Rahan knows you have more muscle than brains!

Taking refuge on a low branch, the children witnessed the strangest of clashes.
Rahan excited the Rhinoceros, and allowed himself to be charged.

Page Four.

And led him towards the river, where he dived in!
And the pachyderm had to stop its course.
Ten times he repeated this maneuver!

Ha-ha-ha! Ah! You get tired of this little game before Rahan!
The hunter with “Hair of Fire” is called Rahan.
He is brave! But why is he helping us, Fahina?
I do not know.

You finally give up, “Two-nose”!
Furious to see this man constantly escaping from him, the rhinoceros abandoned the area.
He disappeared

The son of Crao was rejoining his proteges, when.
Vengeance! Vengeance!

No! No! Do not strike him!
Rahan just saved our lives!
Because of his hair, we thought he was part of the river clan!

Page Five.

Rahan learned how, two seasons earlier, the parents of all these children had been kidnapped by the feared warriors of the river clan.

With the departure of the adults, these children had to ensure their subsistence!
Fahina, the oldest, had become their “Chief.”

Rahan imagined the terrible life these little men had been leading for two seasons!
Perilous hunts. Nights of anxiety.

But we know that those of the river do not kill their captives!
They make them their slaves!
For moons and moons we have been following the river to find our loved ones!

The son of fierce ages could not remain insensitive to the distress of these children
You will find your mothers and fathers!
Rahan will help you!

Page Six.

In the following day he directed the construction of a raft.
We will go faster by the river than through the jungle, Fahina!

And if, as you say, the "Blonde Hunters" live ten days' walk from here, we will soon discover their territory!

One morning, the skiff took Rahan and the sons of the woods to the unknown.
Why are you devoting yourself to us Rahan?
Because Rahan once lived as you have been living for two seasons!

The son of Crao remembered his wild childhood, his fierce struggles to survive,
Rahan does not like it when men's little ones are separated from their own!

Oh! Look over there!
Huge hippos yawned in the sun.

Page Seven.

The “Flat tooths” are not to be feared, Fahina!
The "Skin of Wood" is much more dangerous!
A large saurian had just emerged.

A terrible blow from the tail almost overturned the skiff.
If Rahan does not kill him, he will break the raft!
Those who do not know how to "Crawl on water” will be devoured!

The son of Crao had faced crocodiles many times.
He knew how to strike at the vital point.

This was the only incident of this raid on the river.
And, two days later.
The boats of the “Blond Men”.
Their village must be close!

And indeed, a little later.
Over there!
They are ours!
Men and women were prostrate in an enclosure, and only three hunters were guarding them!

Page Eight.

The others probably hunt in the forest!
This will be easier than Rahan thought!
Wait for him here, little men!

The son of fierce ages knew how to be as silent as his shadow.
The sleeping guards did not even feel that their spears were being confiscated!

But the third saw the intruder, and suddenly hammered on his big tom-tom.
If his people hear Rahan is lost!

He cannot take on an entire clan!

But he couldn't dodge the mace blow!

Page Nine.

Stunned, he was at the mercy of the guards who woke up with a start.
One of them had already recovered his spear.
Your audacity deserves death!


What. I. I.
You hit him, Fahina!
You hit him!
You did not miss your target for once!

The two guards scanned the foliage, looking for the invisible archer.
Rahan took advantage of this diversion to jump towards the enclosure.

And threw up the trunk barricading the door.
A clamor resounded.
The time has come to end it, brothers!
Forward! Ahead!

Page Ten.

You are li.
The son of fierce ages could say no more!
Through the wide open gate the stream of captives surged.

He was overwhelmed, grabbed by ten hands, dragged along the ground, struck from all sides.
Vengeance! Vengeance!
The “Blond Men” made us suffer too much!

But suddenly.
No! No! Stop!
Rahan is not an enemy!
It is he who delivered you!
Oh! Fahina!

Fahina! Kohic! Akar!
All the others! Look!
All our little ones are here alive!
Emotion filled the throats of the freed captives.

How were you able to survive? How did you get here?
Later brothers, later!
For now we must flee! Listen!

Page Eleven.

“Those of the river” have heard the tom-tom!
They are returning! And they are armed and you are not!

As the screams quickly get closer.
It was a rush towards the shore.
A moment later, captives and children boarded the raft and the boats of the “Blonde Men.”

When the latter appeared, the flotilla was out of arrow range!
We are saved!
Will you forgive our mistake, “Fire hair”?
We had decided to escape for a long time.

When the enclosure opened and we saw your hair.
We thought you were one of them!

Rahan has known generous blond men and others without pity!
He met some very good brown men and others who behaved like wild beasts!

Page Twelve.

It is not their hair but what they have in their hearts and minds that make “Those-Who-Walk-Upright” what they are!
You are right, brother. We thank you for.

It is Fahina that we have to thank!
Fahina who knew, over two seasons, how to replace the mothers of these young men!
Who knew how to protect them!

The fast current carried the clan to a new territory.
Fahina, who never lost hope of finding her loved ones!

All these men were happy, all these women were happy, all these children were happy.
And the son of Crao felt as happy as they did.
If he still had difficulty smiling, it was quite simply because the “Misconception” of those who would become his companions had left some traces!

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