Billy Joel ~ Live @ Shea Stadium (concert portal)

2 months ago

Billy Joel - Live at Shea Stadium (The Concert)
July 16 & 18, 2008 - Shea Stadium New York, NY USA
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"The Piano Man's Epic Farewell to Shea"
by R. Dale Roth 2024-04-06

Once upon a time, in the heart of the Big Apple, Shea Stadium stood as a bastion of entertainment and cultural significance. From hosting legendary baseball games to iconic concerts, it held a special place in the hearts of many. On two balmy nights, July 16 and 18, 2008, 110,000 fans experienced the last of Shae's legendary live concerts with one of NYC's iconic native sons, Billy Joel, one final time @ Shea Stadium.

As the sun dipped below the horizon and the lights of the historic stadium flickered to life, a diverse sea of fans flooded into the venue. From the seasoned enthusiasts who had followed Billy Joel's career since the beginning to the wide-eyed newcomers experiencing his music live for the first time, the stadium buzzed with anticipation and excitement. It was a gathering of generations, united by their love for music and the shared experience of witnessing something truly special.

Song by Song:

1. Prelude/Angry Young Man: The evening kicked off with a thunderous roar as Joel's fingers danced across the keys, setting the stage ablaze with the fiery intensity of "Angry Young Man." The intricate piano work and raw energy of the performance signalled the start of an unforgettable musical odyssey.

2. My Life: "My Life" followed suit, infusing the stadium with a sense of liberation and defiance. Joel's anthemic declaration of self-resilience reverberated through the crowd, igniting a collective sense of empowerment and celebration.

3. Movin' Out: The pulsating rhythms of "Movin' Out" injected a dose of adrenaline into the setlist, urging the audience to embrace life's unpredictable journey. Joel's dynamic vocals and driving piano melodies propelled the song forward, capturing the essence of youthful rebellion and aspiration.

4. The Entertainer: With "The Entertainer," Joel offered a poignant reflection on the highs and lows of fame and fortune. The wistful melody and introspective lyrics provided a moment of introspection amidst the exhilarating spectacle, reminding listeners of the price of stardom.

5. Summer, Highland Falls: A moment of introspection and vulnerability, "Summer, Highland Falls" cast a spell of melancholy over the stadium. Joel's soulful delivery and poetic lyrics invited listeners to reflect on the complexities of love, loss, and the passage of time.

6. Everybody Loves You Now: The infectious energy of "Everybody Loves You Now" ignited the stadium, its catchy hooks and upbeat tempo inspiring spontaneous sing-alongs from the crowd. Joel's playful performance belied the song's darker themes, infusing the evening with a touch of irony and wit.

7. Zanzibar: The jazz-infused rhythms of "Zanzibar" transported listeners to a world of exotic allure and romantic intrigue. Joel's virtuosic piano solos and the song's infectious groove elicited cheers of appreciation from the crowd, showcasing his mastery of musical storytelling.

8. New York State of Mind (with Tony Bennett): A highlight of the evening, Joel's duet with Tony Bennett on "New York State of Mind" was a love letter to the city that never sleeps. Their soulful harmonies and shared reverence for the Big Apple captivated the audience, uniting them in a collective sense of hometown pride.

9. Allentown: Joel's introspective ode to the struggles of the working class resonated deeply with the Shea Stadium audience. "Allentown" transported listeners to a time and place of economic uncertainty, its poignant lyrics and anthemic chorus serving as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit.

10. The Ballad of Billy the Kid: A cinematic journey through the Wild West, "The Ballad of Billy the Kid" captivated the crowd with its vivid storytelling and evocative imagery. Joel's dynamic performance transported listeners to a bygone era of outlaws and legends, showcasing his ability to weave narrative depth into his music.

11. She's Always A Woman: A tender moment of reflection, "She's Always A Woman" showcased Joel's gift for crafting heartfelt ballads. The song's gentle melody and poignant lyrics struck a chord with the audience, eliciting nods of recognition and appreciation for its timeless sentiment.

12. Goodnight Saigon: One of the evening's most poignant moments, "Goodnight Saigon" paid tribute to the sacrifices of Vietnam War veterans. Joel's emotive performance and haunting lyrics conveyed the harrowing realities of war, leaving a profound impact on listeners and honouring those who served.

13. Miami 2017 (Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway): A prophetic anthem of resilience and rebirth, "Miami 2017" captivated the crowd with its apocalyptic imagery and defiant spirit. Joel's impassioned delivery and soaring vocals conveyed a sense of hope in the face of adversity, inspiring cheers of solidarity from the audience.

14. Shameless (with Garth Brooks): A dynamic collaboration with country superstar Garth Brooks, "Shameless" brought together two musical legends in a memorable duet. Their onstage chemistry and shared love for the music transcended genres, uniting the audience in a shared appreciation for their artistry.

15. This is the Time (with John Mayer): A heartfelt duet with John Mayer, "This is the Time" captured the essence of nostalgia and longing. Joel and Mayer's soulful harmonies and introspective lyrics resonated deeply with the audience, evoking memories of cherished moments and lost loves.

16. Keeping the Faith: With "Keeping the Faith," Joel infused the stadium with an infectious sense of optimism and resilience. The song's upbeat tempo and catchy melody encouraged listeners to persevere in the face of adversity, embodying Joel's unwavering spirit and determination.

17. Captain Jack: A fan favourite and a poignant reflection on addiction and disillusionment, "Captain Jack" captivated the audience with its raw honesty and emotional depth. Joel's soulful vocals and haunting lyrics resonated with listeners, drawing them into the heart-wrenching narrative of a troubled soul searching for meaning.

18. Lullabye (Goodnight my Angel): A tender lullaby dedicated to Joel's daughter, "Lullabye (Goodnight my Angel)" enveloped the stadium in a warm embrace of parental love and protection. Joel's heartfelt performance and heartfelt lyrics touched the hearts of parents and children alike, evoking a sense of familial bond and tenderness.

19. The River of Dreams/A Hard Day's Night: A seamless blend of Joel's "The River of Dreams" and The Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night" electrified the stadium with its infectious energy and vibrant rhythm. Joel's dynamic performance and playful tribute to the iconic band delighted the audience, uniting generations in a shared love of timeless music.

20. We Didn't Start the Fire: A whirlwind journey through history, "We Didn't Start the Fire" captivated the crowd with its rapid-fire lyrics and encyclopaedic references. Joel's rapid-fire delivery and infectious energy transformed the stadium into a time machine, transporting listeners through decades of cultural and political milestones.

21. You May Be Right: With its irreverent humour and infectious rock 'n' roll energy, "You May Be Right" ignited the stadium with its rebellious spirit and devil-may-care attitude. Joel's electrifying performance and playful banter with the audience elicited cheers of approval and laughter, infusing the evening with a sense of lighthearted fun.

22. Scenes From an Italian Restaurant: A sprawling epic of love, longing, and nostalgia, "Scenes From an Italian Restaurant" captivated the audience with its cinematic storytelling and intricate melodies. Joel's evocative performance and poignant lyrics transported listeners to a world of romance and reminiscence, leaving an indelible mark on their hearts.

23. Only the Good Die Young: A rollicking anthem of youthful rebellion and defiance, "Only the Good Die Young" energised the stadium with its infectious rhythm and rebellious spirit. Joel's dynamic performance and irreverent lyrics inspired spontaneous sing-alongs and raised fists in solidarity, embodying the timeless spirit of rock 'n' roll.

24. I Saw Her Standing There (with Sir Paul McCartney): A historic moment of musical collaboration, Joel's duet with Sir Paul McCartney on The Beatles' classic "I Saw Her Standing There" brought the stadium to its feet in thunderous applause. The legendary artists' shared passion and camaraderie illuminated the stage, uniting generations in a celebration of musical excellence.

25. Take Me Out to the Ballgame: A playful homage to America's favourite pastime, "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" delighted the crowd with its nostalgic charm and sing-along chorus. Joel's spirited performance and infectious enthusiasm captured the essence of summertime and camaraderie, eliciting cheers of joy and applause.

26. Piano Man: A timeless anthem of camaraderie and connection, "Piano Man" brought the evening to a triumphant close with its stirring melody and heartfelt lyrics. Joel's impassioned performance and soulful vocals transformed the stadium into a grand piano bar, uniting the audience in a chorus of voices and memories.

27. Let It Be (with Sir Paul McCartney): A fitting finale to an unforgettable evening, Joel's duet with Sir Paul McCartney on The Beatles' classic "Let It Be" was a transcendent moment of musical unity and harmony. The legendary artists' shared reverence and mutual respect shone brightly, illuminating the stadium with their timeless talent and enduring friendship.

28. Walk This Way (with Steven Tyler): Special moments awaited those who ventured a bit further past the film credits which included an infectious performance from legendary Aerosmith frontman, Steven Tyler.

29. My Generation (with Roger Daltry): The Who's Roger Daltry ignited a who new generation with the classic anthem "My Generation", which included the legendary smashing of the guitar/Pete Townsend style performed by Billy Joel.

30. Little Pink Houses (with John Mellencamp): True Americana flowed from the stage, all the way through Shea Stadium, out over Metropolis, across the famed Hudson River, covering a United Summer Sky from coast to coast - Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah !

Yet, what truly set these performances apart were the moments of spontaneity and camaraderie that unfolded on stage. Special guests graced the stadium with their presence, each adding their own unique flair to the proceedings. From the smooth croon of Tony Bennett to the gritty rock vocals of Steven Tyler, from the country charm of Garth Brooks to the soulful guitar licks of John Mayer, the stage was alive with collaboration and mutual respect. And when Paul McCartney made a surprise appearance, joining Joel for a rendition of "I Saw Her Standing There," the crowd erupted in a chorus of jubilation, bearing witness to a once-in-a-lifetime moment that transcended the confines of Shea Stadium.

As the final notes reverberated through the stadium and the lights dimmed for the last time, there was a sense of collective awe and reverence among the audience. These shows weren't just concerts; they were a celebration of music's power to unite and uplift. They marked the end of an era for Shea Stadium, closing a chapter of its storied history with a fitting tribute to the power of live performance. And for Billy Joel, they were a testament to his enduring talent and legacy, reaffirming his status as one of the greatest performers of his generation.

Long after the cheers had faded and the crowds dispersed, the memories of Billy Joel's farewell concerts at Shea Stadium remained etched in the hearts and minds of all who were fortunate enough to be there. They were more than just shows; they were moments of pure magic that reminded us of the joy, connection, and sheer exhilaration that music brings to our lives. And as we bid goodbye to Shea Stadium, we carry with us the indelible imprint of those unforgettable nights, a testament to the enduring power of music to transcend time and space.

Featuring: Billy Joel - lead vocals, piano, keyboards

Guest Appearances: Tony Bennett, Garth Brooks, John Mayer, Steven Tyler, Roger Daltrey, John Mellencamp, Mark Wood, and Paul McCartney.

David Rosenthal – keyboards, grand piano, organ, backing vocals
Tommy Byrnes – guitars, music director
Mark Rivera – guitars, saxophone, flute, backing vocals
Crystal Taliefero – guitars, percussion, saxophone, backing vocals
Andy Cichon – bass, backing vocals
Chuck Burgi – drums
Carl Fischer – saxophones, trumpet

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