Default Notice Estoppel conditions apply upon default.

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Default Notice
Estoppel conditions apply upon default.

: First name; middle; last name

c/o Address Alert Bay, British Columbia



January 30th 2023

Dennis Buchanan and Lyle McNish

15 Maple Road

Bag Service 2800,

Alert Bay, British Columbia

V0N 1A0


Dear Dennis and Lyle:

This letter is to confirm that you have defaulted on, and failed to provide me with evidence to any of the questions i required in my Notice And Demand For Further And Better Particulars within the 21 days provided to you.

Estoppel conditions apply upon default of Notice And Demand For Further And Better Particulars.

It is with great disappointment that i write this letter in response to your response letter dated January 24th. It would appear that you are unable to sufficiently verify your authority as even the most basic questions in my Notice and Demand letter remain unanswered.

Your actions or lack thereof do not give me a sense of confidence or trust in you, or that you are operating with transparency, honesty or in good faith.

No one can be coerced into anything against their will without verification of claim. Are you asking me to do something against my will?

Are you asking me to take your word upon faith alone that you have authority over my private property and affairs?

I understand that my Notice and Demand for further and better particulars is asking a lot so i would like to, in good faith, and as a way to settle this matter peaceably and privately give you a second opportunity and another 21 days to fulfill your duty and obligation to be transparent and act in good faith, and to provide me with evidence and verification to the questions put forth in my previous notice sent via registered mail, but with special attention to the following simplified questions;

Do you possess a valid contract between i a man: : First name; middle; last name

1. . and the Corporation of the Village of Alert Bay, (contract makes the law), and,

2. What evidence do you possess that gives a public servant(s) authority over the people they serve, (the creation cannot be greater than the Creator) and,

3. What specific laws do you rely on that give you your authority to act upon a man and his private property, and,

4. What evidence do you have that I am a person (part of the body corporate) and not a living man (private living man)

5. What evidence do you have that I am a “permanent resident”

6. What evidence do you have that a corporation has authority over a private man on his private property.

7. What evidence do you possess that would have you believe that i have caused harm or damage to a member of the public. (no victim no crime “Corpus Delicti”)

I will consider this matter settled if you fail to specifically verify your authority over my Estate. I will not accept vague unsubstantiated and unverified claims or statements and will not be obligated to comply with any requests now or in the future without such verification as my consent has not been given

Any action taken against me without verification of authority will be considered trespass, harassment and assault and will be dealt with accordingly.

I will be logging my time from this point forward as your trespass into my private affairs up to this point has caused me harm and time for which i cannot recoup. I will send you a notarized fee schedule should it be required. You are now on Notice that any time i spend researching, reading documents, writing letters, etc will be billable hours that will be invoiced to you. My time is precious and cannot be given back and my fees will reflect that.

Sincerely, :

: : First name; middle; last name

All Rights Reserved

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