Fine-Tuning Your Life ~ Part 5 / Making Your Church A Better Place to Go – C

2 months ago

Fine-Tuning Your Life ~ Part 5
Making Your Church A Better Place to Go – C

By Pastor Gary Wayne

I want to cover three areas in this series on fine tuning your life.
• Making you Home a better place to be.
• Making your Church a better place to go.
• Making your Community a better place to live.

Review: Who invented Church?
When Jesus said, “I will build My church,” was He referring to what takes place on Sunday mornings? (Mt.16:18)
“We don't go to church; We are the church!”
We spent a couple of weeks looking at how many view “doing church” as what takes place on a Sunday morning.
Yet making my home a better place is where church should be the strongest.

We talked about the difference between having the heart of a servant or son – having His heart changes how I do church.

We sent out a survey: If I wanted my church to be a better place to go, I would ___.
This was not to tell Pastor Gary what needs to change on a Sunday morning, but this is for self-reflection – God what do You want me to do? – How can I make church a better place to go?

This morning, I want to look at how we can make what we do on a Sunday morning a better place to go.

Text:1 Corinthians 16:13-16, Psalms 127:1

Ver. 14

At the end of my message 2 weeks ago, I broke the question If I wanted Sunday mornings … into different categories. Better for Children? or teens? or visitors?, for hurting people?, - there are a bunch of different directions you can run with that question.

If you have attended church long enough to know the ropes, one of our personal responsibilities is to help make each church service a success.
How? I would:

• Show up.

• Don’t just show up when church starts, come early enough you have time to minister to people.
Come early enough to lint roll, or vacuum, using that time to intercede for Father’s heart to be fulfilled.

• Be a thermostat instead of a thermometer for your community.
Don’t come under the current atmosphere, create atmosphere.

• Come prayed up – Spend time before each service praying for God to move.
For years I have fantasized about what could happen if the church came early to create spiritual atmosphere over the daily schedule. Over S.L.

• Come expecting to touch someone else.
Ask Holy Spirit to ramp up your spiritual gifts and perception.

• Come asking this question with the heart of a Son or Daughter.
“God, how can I make this morning a better place to go?”

Consider the different moving parts of a morning service.
How can I minister to God today?
Start thinking from the moment you turn into the driveway.
Where do I park? Is there snow that needs to be dealt with?
Should I be a parking lot greeter?
Do the children’s ministry team need help today? (But I don’t want to work with tots. Is that coming from the heart of a servant or child of the Father?)

1Co 16:14 “Let all that you do be done with love.”

If I do any churchy stuff – children’s ministry, youth, music, greeting, snacks, decorating, – outside of love, it takes on a religious smell, and people pick up on that, and don’t want anything to do with it.
Going to Sunday morning service is not about me – it’s about my relation to Father God.
When I make it about me, it’s like picking up stinking grave clothes wrapping myself up to do religious activities.

Next week: “If I wanted my Sunday morning services to be a better place for visitors, I would _____.”

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