FULL SHOW Ex-Minister names UKCFI Govt War Criminals; ZAKA fake dead baby stories; The Cancer Racket

1 month ago

Ex-Minister names CFI Govt War Criminals;
ZAKA faked dead baby stories;
IDF's 'Lavender' gencide AI;
the cancer racket

Sir Alan Duncan Demands Resignations: Mossad War Criminals in the UK Cabinet Office?
IDF's 'Lavender' AI Heartless Genocide Computer Exposed

Contributor:  Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor

‘Spear Phished’: Mar24 Sunak leadership challengers blackmailed! – MP William Wragg caught in Sunak allies' gay trap
– ‘Spear Phishing’ trap happened to be deputy chair of the 1922 committee responsible for leadership challenges while Sunak’s leadership was in trouble.
– Sunak jokes about the deep state at select committee – I wouldn’t tell you if I were part of it would I? Flippant about democracy being undermined Rishi Sunak repeatedly refuses to condemn Liz Truss’s ‘deep state’ comments
– God In Number 10 Adam Bolton looks at PMs Blair particularly – Fr. Mark Vickers: God In Number Ten, Adam Bolton – Starmer to be UK’s first Atheist PM – Blair
– Jeremy Paxman interviews Tony Blair in February 2003 and asks him if he and George Bush pray together – Blair says ‘no’ then ‘perhaps’ and afterwards confesses
– When Starmer wins the general election will Mandelson, Blair AND Campbell return? Starmer in regular talks with Blair as he prepares Labour for power
– Sir Alan Duncan Demands Resignations: Mossad War Criminals in the UK Cabinet Office? –
– Former Foreign Office Minister Sir Alan Duncan accuses a whole host of government ministers of prioritising Israel ver the UK.
– Captured by the Israeli Mossad spy agency?
– Zionist agents in UK gvernment named: Lord Pollack, Lord Eric Pickles, Robert Jenrick, Michael Gove, liver Dowden, Priti Patel and Security minister Tom Tugenhat must be sacked, as all of them support Israeli settlements
– Lord Jonathan Sumption is one of 600 senior judges who have signed a letter condemning the Sunak governments support for Israel’s genocide.
– Scott Ritter says the US is now a terrorist nation trying to start a nuclear WWIII with Russia. The CIA is launching covert actions in Russia using Russian dissidents
– SCOTT RITTER: The CIA’s Secret War — Using Russian Fascists to Fight Russia – Scott Ritter explains how covert actins are deniable but ordered by the president through the CIA
– The Covert Operation to Back Ukrainian Independence that Haunts the CIA – After WWII, officials in Washington sent scores of agents to their deaths
– 75th anniversary of NATO al Jazeera report – NATO faces ‘catastrophic defeat’ in Ukraine – ex-Pentagon adviser Strategist Edward Luttwak
argued that members of the US-led bloc will have to deploy troops to prevent a Russian victory NATO nations can only forestall an inevitable loss to Russian forces in Ukraine
– NATO is an American tool for confrontation in Europe – Kremlin The bloc’s expansion and its involvement in the Ukraine conflict have put Europe’s security in jeopardy,
– NATO needs ‘Russian threat’ to justify its existence – deputy foreign minister The US-led alliance would not survive without an external adversary,
– Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations
– Attack n Iranian consulate in Damascus – UN Security Council discuss Israel’s attack n Iran in Syria – Israeli airstrike destroys Iranian consulate building in Syria,
– UN calls for restraint following Iran consulate attack in Syria Khaled Khiari, – A senior UN official on Tuesday urged the Security Council to work to avert further escalation
– Zaka group,Israel’s lying ‘White Helmets’, now had $13.4m in donations – dreamed up beheaded babies- lie – babies bound together and burned – lie – rapes lie –
– +972 magazine English news service in Israel – C4 news report n the lavender AI t kill Palestinians Krishnan Guru-Murthy reports on ‘Lavender’ – changing your address might get you killed –
– IDF’s ‘Lavender’ AI Heartless Genocide Computer Exposed, Compared to 1930s Nazi IBM Genocide Punch Cards –
– Peter Ford – role of UNWRA in Gaza – Israelis deliberately killed UK aid workers as aid was coming in through a non Israeli route – Israel ‘deliberately’ targeted aid workers
– Israeli Drones powered by British made engines – Israeli drone in aid worker strikes may have used UK engine, campaigners say Arms experts and others
– Ex UK forces ad workers deliberately killed. What’s in it for the UK in supporting genocide Workers Party Deputy Leader under George Galloway MP i
– Zack Vorhies – Google whistleblower on SGT Report with Sean – Google whistleblower and friend Zach Vorhies returns to SGT Report to discuss the Zionist’s endless wars,
– Underground tunnels found in Israel from Jewish revolt against Romans – Archaeologists have unco

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