Full Video Of The Dexter Reed Police Shooting In Chicago

1 month ago

Unfortunately, the media seems desperate for another outrage narrative to carry them through the summer into election season. This time in the guise of yet another false police shooting martyr. Typically grieving families can be forgiven for defending their loved ones in these situations, but Reed's mother outright lies at her press conference and the media seems happy to go with it. -- "He was just riding around in his car… and they killed him!" - Mother of Dexter Reed. False. Dexter was pulled over for a traffic stop and responded by shooting at the police. They want another George Floyd movement and are looking for a martyr. The media is also coaxing it along by lying about the story. The media is trying to push a new "George Floyd" movement after a police shooting in Chicago. The reality shows the individual fired nonstop at the police. Do not fall for their propaganda!

The difference this time is we have clear police cam footage of what happened, and Reed shot at the police first after being pulled over. He was not just riding around in his car when the police 'killed' him.

• More at: Twitchy - 'They Killed Him!' Mother of Dexter Reed Falsely Claims Her Son was Targeted and Killed by Police
Rumble: CNN Correspondent Asks How A Traffic Stop Ended With A Dead 26-Year-Old Black Man (He Shot At Cops)
Rumble: 'They Killed Him!' Mother Of Dexter Reed Falsely Claims Her Son Was Targeted And Killed By Police

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