Bist Du ein Nebenwirkungs-Leugner? | Are you a side effect denier?

1 month ago

Werbespot (von Januar 2023) parodiert Nebenwirkungs-Leugner: „Leiden Sie an einem medizinischen Zufall?“


Commercial (from January 2023) parodies side effect deniers: “Are you suffering from a medical accident?”

A steadily growing number of experts are calling for investigations into sudden illnesses and deaths in the context of vaccinations - but they are still falling on deaf ears from the establishment. A satirical commercial from the USA now makes fun of the consistent denial of vaccination side effects and damage and advertises an offer for all those who want to have their medical problems treated but do not want to be made aware of the possibility of vaccination damage. Because the fictional “Kaufman Institute For Coincidence” knows: The leading cause of death today is coincidence!

In 2021, it was a group of artists from German-speaking countries who used satirical videos to point out the increasing absurdity of the Corona measures and media reporting, thereby initiating an urgently needed discourse. Now an American “commercial” has taken on the topic of vaccination side effects: The fictitious Kaufman Institute For Coincidence offers medical treatment with blinders. People with ominous heart diseases, blood clots and strokes (aka: medical accidents) can get help here without having to answer “uncomfortable” questions about possible causes of their illness. You should also be able to get alternative explanations - for those annoying anti-vaccination friends who fear that the health problems are related to the Covid shot...

Are you or a loved one suffering from a medical accident? Do you want to get medical care, but you don't want people snooping or asking questions about what might have caused your problems? At Kaufman Institute For Coincidence, we will not investigate the causes of your heart or other problems. We just fix them! That's right: We promise to only check your symptoms. We don't get curious and look for causes. Because that could lead your employer or your doctor into troubled legal waters. Nobody wants that!

At Kaufman we understand that coincidence is now the leading cause of death. If we want to operate at the speed of science, there is no time for research into the causes. No awkward questions about medications or vaccinations you've taken. At Kaufman, we specialize in effect and leave the causes to the conspiracy theorists. Let's be honest: we know the reason anyway. It was a coincidence, wasn't it? For each new patient, Kaufman's medical team puts on the blinders and looks directly at the problem area - usually the heart. Just as the CDC recommends.”

The following is a list of the “coincidences” that are dealt with:

Blood clots
Heart attack
Magnetic skin
Breathing problems
Blisters and burning all over the body
Kidney failure
Memory loss
Sudden death
and much, much more ...

“Give your coincidence the attention it deserves. But not the wrong kind of attention! Make your appointment today at and receive a doctor's note with a totally scientific-sounding explanation that you can show your anti-vaxxer friends proving that it definitely wasn't the vaccine that caused your coincidence. Kaufman – because coincidences happen! Pretty much all the time.”

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