El Salvador President Nayib Bukele – US Taxes do NOT Fund Gov – The FED Buys T-Bills for Nothing

1 month ago

**This is Good. **This is something that we ALL Must Know!

El Salvador President Nayib Bukele says that taxes don’t fund the US Government, but the government is financed by Treasury Bonds.

Who buys the Treasury Bonds?

Mostly the Federal Reserve.

How does the Federal Reserve buy them?

By Printing Money.

What backing doe the Fed have to print this money?

The Treasury Bonds themselves. That’s all they have backing this money.

So the government is financed by money printed out of thin air.

If the government can Print Money out of Thin Air, why do they Collect Taxes?

Americans Pay High Taxes only to uphold the Illusion that we the people are funding the government but we are not.

Not True.

We the People do NOT fund the Government.

The Government Funds itself in the form of printing Treasury Bonds which they sell to their Crony Cabal buddies who own the Private Bank, called the Federal Reserve.

So where does the Tax Money go?

Well those Bonds are Debt.

There is Interest Charged on that Debt.

It’s a f*cking scam.

Even though they print money for NOTHING out of thin Air, they get paid for “loaning” that money in the form of purchasing Bonds.

If the Government allows the Federal Reserve to do this, (which is really the Global Wealthy Cabal), why can’t we the people create our own money in a responsible manner and take the Cabal out of the equation?

Watch this Next --> ***The Fraudulent Cartel Banking System Explained in Great Detail – It’s EVIL and It’s all FRAUD!! (One of the Best)


Source: bitcoinadvizers -- https://www.tiktok.com/@bitcoinadvizers/video/7339965765388487982


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END. 4/20/2024 – 3:00 PM

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