Episode 2060: Many Problems Today are Due to No Fear of the Lord - Fr. Ripperger

1 month ago

Biblical Basis: Ripperger's teachings draw heavily from the Bible, particularly the Old Testament. The phrase "fear of the Lord" originates from various passages in the Bible, such as Proverbs 9:10 ("The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom") and Psalms 111:10 ("The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding").

Meaning of "Fear of the Lord": In Catholic theology, the "fear of the Lord" doesn't refer to a terror of punishment but rather a deep reverence and awe for God's majesty, power, and holiness. It involves acknowledging God's authority over one's life and living in accordance with His commandments out of love and respect.

Root of Modern Problems: According to Ripperger, many of the societal and moral problems facing the world today stem from a lack of fear of the Lord. He argues that when individuals and societies abandon this reverence for God, they lose their moral compass and fall into sin and chaos.

Effects on Society: Ripperger likely discusses how the erosion of the fear of the Lord leads to moral relativism, secularism, and a disregard for traditional values. Without a sense of accountability to a higher power, individuals may prioritize their own desires and self-interest over ethical considerations.

Remedy: Ripperger emphasizes the importance of restoring the fear of the Lord as a remedy for societal ills. This involves fostering a deeper spiritual life, engaging in prayer and worship, and living virtuously in accordance with Christian principles. He often encourages believers to cultivate a personal relationship with God rooted in reverence and obedience.

Overall, Ripperger's message underscores the significance of the fear of the Lord as a foundational aspect of faith and morality, and he sees its absence as a contributing factor to many contemporary challenges. His teachings aim to guide individuals and communities towards a deeper spiritual life centered on God's wisdom and holiness.

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