Cat mesmerized by seeing birds outside

6 years ago

Jeremy, the Ragdoll cat, is obsessed with birds. Check out his adorable reaction when he suddenly saw them flying by his window.
Cats usually love watching birds, but some of them are crazy or, to be more politically correct, very passionate about them. Jeremy, two and a half years old Ragdoll cat, is one of those incredibly obsessed bird-lovers and believe us, we are not exaggerating! If it is up to him, Maslow's hierarchy of needs would have whole another level - Birdwatching, and it would be right down there with basic - Physiological needs. We are serious; if he had to choose between birdwatching and sleeping or eating, he would choose birds. We saw it many times. It takes just a glimpse of chirping sound to wake him from the deepest sleep and make him run to the window and investigate the source of that sound. He loves watching birds in every possible way, on TV, computer, smartphone but his favorite way is the old-fashioned, window watching. His reactions when he first hears or sees them is always so precious! This video is all about one of those moments when he first realized that birds are flying by his window and his instant transformation from relaxed, sleepy cat to a fearsome, and the cutest, little predator. It was a cloudy day, and for some reason, birds were very active outside. I anticipated what could happen, so I took my camera and started filming Jeremy. He was grooming himself and getting ready for an afternoon nap when he suddenly saw some shadow passing by outside. As a real hunter, he immediately turned around and positioned himself for the possible jump on his pray. His beautiful blue eyes were wide open, and he stared at the sky, completely fixated on those feathered creatures. Even after I stopped recording, he still stood right there, steady as a rock and with alerted state of mind, for at least 20 minutes more. So cute!

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