Fox Kids June 23, 2001 Power Rangers Time Force Ep 22 Lovestruck Rangers

1 month ago

Jen receives a call from a client and gives the other Rangers their odd jobs for the day. Wes asks what Jen plans to do all day. Jen replies that someone has to be there to answer the phone. Wes asks why Jen always gets to answer the phone while the others work. Jen merely tells them to hurry up and get to their jobs. While washing cars, Lucas meets a beautiful woman struggling with her engine. He helps her restart her engine, and she introduces herself as Angelique. She claims to love fast cars, which excites Lucas. Angelique puts Lucas under a love spell using her bracelet. Frax watches from afar and remarks that the situation is playing out perfectly. While washing windows, Trip also meets Angelique, who now claims to be interested in building robots. She puts Trip under a love spell as well and reports to Frax that there is only one Ranger left to go before revealing her true form as the mutant Contemptra. Angelique unsuccessfully attempts to charm Wes, who claims to like another girl. Angered, Angelique forcefully puts Wes under her love spell, and Wes tells her that he would love to go out with her. Back at the Clock Tower, Jen and Katie are both happy that Lucas and Trip have found girls to date. They find Wes getting dressed to go out, and Jen asks him where he is going. Katie correctly guesses that Wes also met a girl like the other guys did. Wes happily states that the girl he is dating is very sweet, and Jen is visibly disappointed. Wes, Lucas, and Trip all meet Angelique at the same restaurant, and the three Rangers confront each other and compete for Angelique's affection. Frax watches them from a distance and tells Ransik that everything is in place. Ransik takes the opportunity and attacks the city himself, along with his daughter Nadira. Jen and Katie head into battle while Circuit attempts to call the guys. Back at the restaurant, Wes, Lucas, and Trip are still arguing while Angelique states that she can't decide which one of them she wants to date. Circuit contacts Wes and tells him the girls need their help, but Wes rudely ignores him. That leaves only the girls to battle the mutant criminal mastermind. Ransik easily overpowers the two female Rangers before his mutation once again leaves him vulnerable, forcing him and Nadira to retreat. Jen is furious at the guys for blowing her and Katie off. Wes says that Jen is right and, with his fingers crossed, makes Lucas and Trip agree that none of the three of them will see Angelique again. Jen receives a phone call complaining that Wes never showed up to finish his odd job, and she tracks him down and finds him with Angelique. Using her scanner sunglasses, she discovers that Angelique is really Contemptra and is delighted to find out that Wes is really under a spell. Wes and Angelique are walking through the park when Lucas and Trip show up, angry with Wes for lying about their agreement. Angelique uses her bracelet to make the three guys physically attack one another. The fight escalates when all three morph into their Ranger forms and begin fighting with their weapons. Jen and Katie arrive and try to get the guys to listen to them. Jen angrily confronts Angelique and exposes her true identity. Contemptra changes back into her mutant form and fights the girls. The girls fire their weapons and destroy Contamptra's bracelet, freeing the guys from her spell. An enraged Jen takes on Contemptra by herself. Contemptra grows into a giant and is defeated by the Shadow Force Megazord. Jen puts Contemptra into a capsule and happily states that there won't be any more trouble from her. Back at the shop, Wes returns from finishing his odd job. He tells Jen that he has never seen her fight the way she did against Contemptra before, and suggests that her motivations were personal. Jen disputes Wes' claim and insists that Contemptra was nothing but another mutant. Wes states that Contemptra was a babe in human form, and Jen immediately gets mad at him. Wes says he was just joking and says he has a different type. Jen asks what his type is, and the two almost share a kiss before the phone rings. Wes and Jen smile at each other as she answers the phone.

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