Obama Pedophile Legalization Comments

1 month ago

Flynn Brothers Treason

1.) According to Real Raw News, Charles Flynn was on Maui directing FEMA and Hawaii National Guard to loot and kill locals with the idea of killing whole families to try to scoop up priceless ( Children, Land Titles, Ocean Front Properties - a land grab robbery right as buses were loading kids to come home from school who may have been quickly shuttled to Amos ( Anus ) AFB and literally over international waters in minutes or taken down into DUMBS for ADRENOCHROME starved millionaires ...

I thought it was kinda out there but kept it within a narrative I believe in.

The Flynn Brothers will hang. Have you seen the picture of Trump pointing his " Fickle Finger Of Fate " at Flynn up at a podium like he did to Epstein. Mafia humor - he fingered him.

Mafia Humor - Biden is hiding in his basement ( he's dead / underground )

2.) Scotty Mar 10 - You Can’t Always Get What You Want. https://rumble.com/v4qbvxw-the-rolling-stones-you-cant-always-get-what-you-want.html

3.) Colonel Earl G. Mathews PDF Transcript from his Testimony against Flynn Brothers

4.) https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/01/04/army-officer-alleges-retaliation-over-testimony-slow-national-guard-response-jan-6.html

5.) https://www.politico.com/news/2021/12/06/jan-6-generals-lied-ex-dc-guard-official-523777

6.) https://news.yahoo.com/army-officer-alleges-retaliation-over-225843330.html

7.) https://whistlebloweraid.org/case-study/col-earl-matthews/

8.) Report - https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Page:Final_Report_of_the_Select_Committee_to_Investigate_the_January_6th_Attack_on_the_United_States_Capitol.pdf/794

9.) 36 Page 📄 Memorandum https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24549656-earl-matthews-memorandum

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