4/20/2024 Lighting a Candle

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Whether an old Chinese’s proverb or a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt “it is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness” and folks American's are sure doing a lot of cursing these days/ Amen? We have a terrific guest in our first hour who is lighting up his hometown in Wisconsin by putting the family in its proper time, form and place. Ray Leblanc will tell us how he is fighting the darkness by not only lighting a candle but at the same time offering a side by side comparison of today’s insane nonsense, especially during the month of June.
The answer is right in front of you
If you listen to the news hounds these days it might appear that the world and especially Washington DC is falling apart. So how about adjusting your glasses and becoming a little more near-sighted? You are likely never going to get your Federal/State President/ Representatives or even Governor to listen to your concerns – they are all hidden in another state – the deep state. But the good news is you can control what is going on around you locally starting first with your family and then moving through your neighborhood, then city. That is where you can make the most impact and if and when the feces hits the oscillator, local is where you will have your greatest support.
"to be do or not to be do , that is the question"

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