Craig 'Sawman' Sawyer: From Navy SEAL to TV Star and Human Trafficking Activist

1 month ago

In this episode of "In the Situation Room" with Colonel John Mills, a robust discussion unfolds around several critical topics including U.S. surveillance laws, cybersecurity, and child trafficking. Colonel Mills, who has a comprehensive background in military operations, cybersecurity, and inter-agency coordination, provides insights into the complexities of national security and defense.

A significant part of the episode is dedicated to discussing the Section 702 surveillance authority, which Colonel Mills had a hand in crafting. He expresses relief over its discontinuation, citing concerns about its misuse and the potential weaponization against citizens, which he feels diverged from its original intent to protect national security.

The conversation then shifts dramatically as Craig “Sawman” Sawyer, a guest on the show, delves into his work combating child trafficking. Sawyer, a former Navy SEAL and founder of Veterans for Child Rescue, discusses the alarming prevalence of child trafficking in the United States, describing it as a covert, industrial-scale operation. He emphasizes the importance of exposing and combating this crisis through his organization and media projects, like the documentary "ContraLand."

Sawyer and Mills explore the dark realities of child exploitation, touching on complex networks that involve high-level individuals and secret societies, linking these activities to broader societal corruption and moral decay. They discuss the role of various institutions and secret networks in perpetuating these crimes, suggesting a widespread and deep-rooted conspiracy that includes elements of government and society.

The episode is heavy with allegations of deep-seated corruption and systemic abuse, pointing to a need for vigilance and action to protect the most vulnerable members of society—children. The discussion is both a call to awareness and a rallying cry for societal and institutional reform to eradicate these heinous crimes and restore integrity to systems meant to protect and serve.

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