Jordan Maxwell (2010)- Close Encounters and other stories

1 month ago

Jordan Maxwell December 28th 1940- March 23rd 2022
A Project Avalon Interview with Bill Ryan (2010)

TIME TABLE & descriptions of stories below:
1:14-15:46 In 1990 Palm Springs lecture- 35 year old Hippy "Cosmos" takes Jordan for Dinner- On the COUNCIL of 33 (Freemason). In Washington DC there are 33 men who run world masonry and he was one of them. Tells him his future of 2 men to make a deal with Jordan and it will be his CHOICE.

15:47-27:11 Camera man for one of Jordan's conferences in Pasadena California in the mid 1990's tells him the crazy experience he had at the age of 15 years old while hitchhiking on the East Coast of USA when he got picked up by an old man in an old pickup truck who began to tell him EVERYTHING about his current life and when he dropped him off he told him the important part of their encounter was to remember when he is over 50 years old he will be on the West Coast with a man at a conference with a bunch of papers in front of him and you will be behind him with a Video Camera filming the papers he is showing to the audience and you tell that man... "I PUT HIM THERE! He is not there by chance. I PUT HIM THERE just so he doesn't think it was his idea. I AM THE ONE WHO MADE THIS HAPPEN!". This cameraman has told everyone about this strange encounter for 35 years until this conference when he REMEMBERED this was THE MOMENT that the strange old man told him about 35 years earlier to remember in the future. Jordan talks about HIGHER SPIRITUAL FORCES for GOOD that protect him and others to keep the GAME FAIR (Balance of GOOD & EVIL forces).

27:12- 1:00:07 In 1993 a strange old Mexican man at a market told Jordan's friend that he had to meet Jordan who was at their house. This strange Mexican man then told Jordan "In 1 1/2 years from now you are going to have an extraordinary encounter with YOUR FRIENDS from OUT THERE (Pointing up in the sky) and this event is going to happen WAY OUT in the desert and THEY will pick the TIME & the PLACE, not you". Jordan and 2 friends (Paul & Ivory) drove out to ALIEN motel in Nevada whose owners (Joe & Pat Travis) knew Jordan and invited him to stay with them and told them if they wanted to see Aliens to drive exactly 19 miles down the road if they wanted to see aliens/UFO's and drove down a dirt road to where Jordan FELT that they just did SOMETHING WRONG and within 30 seconds of being outside the car they saw a CLOUD open up to where they saw STARS and 2 BLUISH/WHITE DISCS descended and then 5 more came in behind them. Jordan became very scared and told the other 2 to get in the car because he was leaving! Once Jordan turned on the cars lights out at midnight in the desert his other 2 passengers became totally FRIGHTENED and going ballistic/berserk and once Jordan was getting close to the main road he looked out the window to see what his 2 friends were screaming about and saw these BLUISH/WHITE UFO's right above the car! Once their car was on the highway, all 3 of them FELT SAFE again. These DISCS they saw were defying earthly physics. They all felt different EMOTIONS of BEAUTY, AMAZEMENT, FEAR, etc.. that night. Jordan then talks about their midnight experience after being at the LITTLE ALIEN motel and the Alien (Hologram) that entered Paul's bedroom that night and Paul said the ROOM was SPINNING. In late spring of 1995 Jordan living in San Diego rented a car and drove back to Nevada to that same place they saw the 7 Bluish/White UFO's by himself to have a talk with them (He didn't want to be Abducted or frightened in his bedroom). He never told anyone about this trip and 3-4 weeks later Paul Tice called to tell Jordan to go see a very good past life regressionist named "KIRIN" who tells Jordan she is talking to YOUR FRIENDS who brought you to the earth. Kirin tells Jordan he is from the Pleiadeans and that they are going to CHANNEL messages "THROUGH YOU". Kirin then laughs and tells Jordan "They just told me that 3 weeks ago you rented a Chrysler and drove out to Nevada to talk with them as he was so scared and had his feet in the back seat" and Jordan realizes he NEVER told anyone about that!

1:00:07-: 1:02:16 Jordan talks about the things he experienced in his childhood.

1:02:17- 1:31:47: A young Jordan Maxwell drove from Pensacola Florida to Los Angeles and didn't know anyone in LA but met a young girl at a restaurant in North Hollywood who befriended him and invited him back to meet her father. The moment Jordan went back to her house and saw her father he felt the HAIR RAISE UP on the back of his neck based on the FEELING he got was so overwhelming (Good feelings). This man was VERY PRECISE in his movements. The father initially did regular chit chat stuff and once Jordan was AT EASE, the father began to bring up Jordan's private childhood stories to let Jordan know that he knew EVERYTHING about Jordan and told him they brought him here for a reason. The father asked a young Jordan Maxwell if he would like to see some UFO's tonight and then brings Jordan to the front lawn at midnight where the father looks up to the sky and begins to move his mouth as if he is talking but it is inaudibly where Jordan can't hear him. a few minutes later 3 disc shaped UFO's arrive for their viewing. The father then gives the young Jordan the COMPLETE WORKS of CHARLES FORT to start his journey. The father told him their are good aliens and bad aliens and even told him about the REPTILIAN ALIENS back in 1959! One day the young Jordan Maxwell went to the house to see the father to see that they were all GONE they never said good bye to him.

1:31:48-1:36:14 Jordan tired at a hotel talking about his bed lifting off the floor as he was on his way to do an interview in New York.

1:36:15- 1:39:43 Visiting a friend up in the California mountains overlooking Los Angeles. Him & his friend went up onto the roof of the house over looking LA as they looked down and out of nowhere Jordan said "God, if you are hearing me, would you have a meteorite hit this mountain here" and as he said that a meteor came out of the sky and hit the mountain. Him and his friend were totally SHOCKED as they looked at each other. Jordan said he didn't even know why he said what he said. After the BOOM he saw all the lights of the house below come on and people wondered what had just happened.

1:39:43- 1:46:20 His friend Bob Leeds told Jordan he wanted to take him out for breakfast and told Jordan he could choose any restaurant in San Diego. Jordan tells him he wants to go to a restaurant that is just north of San Diego that is a small Mexican type of town. It was a 20 minute drive to get there and they began talking about people that they haven't seen in a very long time but would like to see again. His friend Bob Leeds said there were only 2 people that he hasn't seen in a long time that he would like to see again and one of them is an old American Indian that he grew up knowing who was like his 2nd father who he really loved and would give anything in the world if he could see him again as no one from his childhood had seen this Old American Indian nor where he is. And the other guy is a guy I used to go to school with who had become a wealthy real estate developer and he lost track of where he is as well. As they entered the Mexican town they can't find any real restaurants and Jordan sees an IHOP and says he wants to go there. His friend said he planned to take him to a Nice fancy restaurant for breakfast but Jordan insisted on this IHOP. So him and his friend go into this IHOP that is completely crowded with people and after they get seated, Jordan's friend Bob Leeds total demeanor changed & Jordan noticed something was radically wrong with him based on Bobs facial expression. Jordan then asked "What is going on Bob? What is wrong?" and Bob Leeds then looked at Jordan and pointed with one hand and said "There is the old American Indian he was just telling him about" and then pointed to another man and said "And over there is my friend the real estate developer" (In the SAME RESTAURANT at the SAME TIME as both of them are there!). Bob Leeds then looked at Jordan in amazement and said "I don't know who you are, or where you came from, or what you are doing but there is something strange about you". Bob Leeds then went over to talk to the old American Indian man who was like his 2nd father and then they went to the table of his real estate developer friend who he had not seen since school and Jordan just watched all this from his chair at the IHOP restaurant that he choose.

1:46:21- 1:59:10 The interviewer brings up the fact that David Icke has taken a lot of flack over his REPTILIAN ALIEN stories yet Jordan Maxwell says he has heard about these stories long before David Icke ever came about and he heard it originally from the mysterious father that he had visited upon arriving in Los Angeles back in 1959. Jordan says he brought a lot of these Reptilian stories to David Ickes attention very early in the 1990's. He mentions that both David Icke & Jordan Maxwell were doing speaking engagements on the same stage back in the mid 1990's and Jordan stated during that conference that there is no doubt in his mind that there are REPTILIAN ALIENS living upon our earth already. A lot of rich people have told their reptilian stories to Jordan over the years long before David Icke arrived on the scene. Jordan recalls being interviewed on the Lou Epton show in Las Vegas back in 1988 where he brought up the subject of REPTILE ALIENS and what all the ancient BABYLONIANS, SUMERIANS, EGYPTIANS ancient texts as Jordan said all these ancient societies talked about the REPTILE ALIENS and he told some of the Reptile Alien stories that he had heard from people on that Las Vegas radio show. After the show Jordan got a phone call from a very wealthy real estate mogul in Las Vegas and told Jordan he is a regular Lou Epston listener and once he heard Jordan Maxwell talk about Reptile Aliens briefly on the program and told him he is a christian and the 5 men in his office are christians and every year all their families get together and go on camping trips together and last year (1987) we all went camping in Colorado together where they all looked down from the high mountain they were on and could see a circle of people holding hands and dressed in ROBES swaying back & forth singing and chanting. They could see that come kind of Ritual was taking place way out in the middle of NOWHERE and there was some kind of priest in the center of the circle. While these Christian families on their camping trip were looking down on these robed people doing their ritual a 2nd figure appeared out of nowhere inside the circle with the priest but it was MUCH BIGGER than the people as it pointed UP AT US on the mountain and all the chanting stopped as they looked up at them on the mountain where they knew they had been spotted. They decided they should LEAVE after being spotted and by the time they even turned around to leave, that thing that was down there was already BEHIND US and it was a 7-8 foot Reptile where it put some type of spell on them where NO ONE could physical move/frozen and this Reptile Alien was NOT of this world. This Reptile Alien told them TELEPATHICALLY "I am going to leave you alone but when I leave here you better get out of here" and then it vanished out of thin air and then immediately everyone was free to move again and came to life screaming and yelling and ran back to their cars like they were out of their minds.

1:59:11- 2:04:32 Jordan recalls a story of Dr Roger Leer up in Bakersfield of a fire investigator who reported Reptiles coming into his house at night. They got a piece of NAIL from these reptiles using a wet towel in their house and sent it to Los Alamos to be researched. Dr Roger Leer had told Jordan this story of his investigations. These were apparitions with interdimensional capabilities.


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