Nazi Collaborators and US Enemy Combatants

1 month ago

Nazi Collaborators/Saboteurs and American Citizens as Enemy Combatants, explained by Senator @LindseyGrahamSC's questions to then Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh on 09/05/2018.

☆ We are funding all former and current Nazi Collaborators post-WWII:
- Appointed by the British, Grand Mufti Amin Al-Husseini became the Spiritual Leader of Palestine,
- Grand Mufti Al-Husseini was part of The Muslim Brotherhood,
- The Muslim Brotherhood supported Hitler,
- Grand Mufti Al-Husseini aligned with Hitler,
- Grand Mufti Al-Husseini helped create the largest SS Handzar Division outside of Germany in Bosnia, Yugoslavia slaughtering Orthodox Christians, Gypsies, and Jews,
- British through the Arthur Balfour and Havaara Agreement among the other documents helped create the State of Israel on Rothschilds purchased land as well as stolen land post-creation,
- WWII Ukrainian Nazis were never prosecuted thus generations flourished with the Nazi ideology,
- Since WWII, CIA, Army Counterintelligence, and FBI funded, recruited, utilized Ukrainian Nazis as assets to spy and subvert the USSR,
- Several Israeli IDF Directors were Ukrainian Jews from Odessa, Ukraine,
- Israel, US State Department, and CIA created Hamas to counter Yassir Arafat's PLO,
- Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine is okay with Nazi symbols resurfacing since it's against Russia,
- Israel's Government sent funding as well as weapons supplies to Ukraine to fight Russia,
- CIA trains Israel's Mossad,
- CIA trains Ukrainian Azov Nazis,
- 40 US Democrat Representatives in 2019 signed a Memorandum to then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to label the Ukrainian Azov Nazis as a Foreign Terrorist Organization,
- Per Hillary Clinton, our State Department and Military created ISIS, Al Qaeda, Mujahedeen, Hamas, etc.
- On Adolf Hitler's birthday, 04/20/2024, US Congress members (mostly Democrats) wave Ukraine flags while cheering sending US Taxpayer Dollars to Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, and Taiwan while leaving America's southern border wide open, inflation hurting families, increasing energy costs, rampant crime, sexual perversion indoctrination in our public schools, erasing women through transgenderism, airplanes, bridges, roads, train infrastructure falling apart putting America at the precipice of destruction.

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