Your provision is here

1 month ago

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Your provision is here

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
20th of April 2024 03.20

My children, your provision is here. Yes, the time is near. Everyone who has been asking Me for your heritage will be given unto you.

And for some of it will not be given because you didn't believe in Me and in My promises to you.

The wealth transfer will bring no sorrow to My Remnants.

I have already made a further distinction between those who have selected themselves only for Me and for those who don't want to obey My commands and My will.

I Am your covenant keeper and I will do mighty things through you, yes greater things than My beloved son Yeshua Hamasiach.

Gold and silver is mine says the Lord of Host and My glory is about to hit the Earth and flood the Earth with the knowledge of the Kingdom glory, splendor and power.

As I have created the Earth with My breath so will you create with Me.

This generation will defy death because of The Resurrection power that lives in My Remnants.

My Beloved Bride, your provision is here and you will no more be lacking anything.

Your enemies are screaming in fear and what they had plotted and planned against you shall be turned against themselves.

The days of Haman are here and the days of vengeance are here.

The angel of Death is already here on the Earth. The angel of Death is awaiting the signal from the Lord of Angel armies.

I Am your vindication, I Am your Redemption, I Am your healer and I Am your More than Enough.

Ask Me, seek Me, seek first My Kingdom and My righteousness and the rest will be given unto you.

What is your petition? What is your petition?
Bring your petition to Me.

The Harvest is here and the workers are few. But remember the miracle that I made with the five loaves and two fish. I Am able to multiply.

My children, I have already given you the power and the authority to take down the strongholds of the enemies. Use your authority!

Ask for guidance, support and instructions.

You are called to be soldiers in My Army.
Stay focused and stay alert in My words. Have firm footed stability in My Word.
Eat My Word, drink My Word. Let My Words live inside of you. Devour My words like a lion eating its prey.

As soldiers put on the full armor of God and never let go of it.
Know your weapons of War like the earthly soldiers do. Know your enemies and don't fear them. They fear you because I live inside you.

Ask Me how you can discern and distinguish between the voices from the enemies, yourself and My voice.

I have called you to be a Royal Priesthood of a chosen generation.

Kings and priests in My Kingdom are never poor or beaten. They will be without blemishes, spots or wrinkles.

You are My Bride. I have given My Bride the power, the authority and the wealth both spiritually and physically.

I have given Her the wisdom, knowledge and understanding so she can administer wealth. She is truthful, trustworthy, loyal until eternity and victorious My betrothed Bride.

Isaiah 60
The Provision

Isaiah 61
The day of vengeance.

Esther 7:9-10
The days of Haman. He got hung on the gallow that he had made for Mordechai.

Ephesians 5:27
The Bride Without spot and wrinkle.

The word Hagar means to devour it's prey. It is referred to to read and devour the word of God.

Haggai 2:6-9
The silver and gold.

Proverbs 13:22
The wealth of the sinners is stored up for the righteous.

Ephesians 6
Full armor of God.

Matthew 18:18
What you forbid here on Earth.
Prophetic word, Prayer, Provision, God, Jesus, Bride, chosen, remnant, soldier,

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