Get ready for the Tribulation, I believe this was a message from God

1 month ago

Yes, I made this in my basement bathroom! Lot's of fun!
Now about this song! Mark Farner from Grand Funk Railroad wrote the first verse of this song. I heard him playing it on a Youtube video years ago. I picked up on it and wrote a second verse about the Last days great tribulation that is coming. I believe this second verse I wrote was from God warning us!

Hey Mark Farner - if your seeing this contact me. I heard you excepted Jesus Christ as your savior, I hope you are still following Jesus. Let us never forget that He is the way the truth and the life! We must come out of this world and totally follow Jesus!

I am 64 years old and grew up listening to Mark Farner / Grand Funk Railroads music. It was that type of music that helped me backslide and turn away from God. I no longer listen to it or play it anymore! I am very careful about what type of music I listen to. I totally gave up on secular music and got saved when I was 12 years old, then back slid because of friends and the devil and Bands like Grand Funk Railroad, Kiss, Black sabbath. There music is not directed to God but to the Devil and the sin of the world. I found that out the hard way! I then came back to Jesus when I was 17 years old and began writing and playing Christian rock music in Church's and youth groups. Jesus spoke to me and said he wanted me to play for Him. If I listen to or try playing secular music I get this deep dark feeling down in my soul. It tries to pull me back into the world but I am not going to let it. It's not about me or how famous a person or band is! It's about Jesus Christ! It's about were are you going to go when you die? Heaven or Hell? Jesus came to me - I have seen Jesus! I talked to Him face to face! Jesus is very real! The devil has tried to stop me for many years, I have been on my death bed many times. I have had 4 heart attacks, but I am still here. If I do die, I am not afraid, I know that I will live again! The heart attacks were my own fault, eating bad things and to much stress! If I die before the rapture - I will travel to Heaven - then back here on the new earth that God is going to make for all those who follow Him! There will be nothing but peace, love! No more death! No more devil! No more evil! No more wicked people on the earth!

I will never give up on Jesus or God our Father who created us! He is always with me and will never let me go. I pray for America to turn back to God and His son Jesus! Things are getting really bad, just like Jesus told us it would over 2,000 years ago. But if we trust and God for protection and use the Name of Jesus to rebuke the storms that try to come against, we will win. But if you fear and do not trust in God, they may kill you but they can not kill your soul. You will go to heaven, wait for the 7 year tribulation to be over and then we get to come back to earth for 1000 years. What an awesome time that will be, I hope I get to preach and play music for Jesus at that time. Many who make it through the tribulation / those who did not take the mark of the beast / 666 / chip, they will need to be ministered to. Once the 1000 year is over we all go back up to heaven and wait for god to burn and destroy the face of the earth! Sinners will be ashes under our feet! God then make us a new and awesome earth! and we get to live there in peace and happiness forever and ever. But those who reject God and His son Jesus will die in Hell, but will not die, but feel the pain and torment of hell and fire forever and ever!

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