Susan Glaspell’s Biography and Context in Relation to Trifles | Free Research Paper Sample

1 month ago

Written by Susan Glaspell, Trifles is a masterpiece rich in both historical and biographical elements. Glaspell hinges this story on a murder story she had to cover as a journalist and this offers the biographical part of it. The historical element of Trifles sprouts from some of the themes presented in this play. Therefore, Trifles is both a biographical and historical play.

Original essay:

Paper Type: Research Paper
Subjects: Literature, Plays
Pages: 4
Language: English US
Words: 1121
Topics: Trifles

Works Cited:
Glaspell, S. (1951). Trifles: A Play in One Act. New York; Walter H. Baker.
Godwin, L. (1999). Preface to Fidelity. New York; Persephone Books.
Holstein, S. (2003). Silent Justice in a Different Key: Glaspell’s Trifles. The Midwest Quarterly. 44(2); 282-290.
Reuben, P. (2008). Susan Glaspell. Perspectives in American Literature. Retrieved from;

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