Poll: 42% Of Democrats Are In Favor Of Mass Deportations

1 month ago

Here's More Evidence Americans Have Had Enough of Biden's Border Disaster: The Biden White House and the Democrats are continuing to try and blame the Republicans (and Trump of course) for a border mess that didn't exist until this administration took office. This all comes after a couple of years of Biden, Harris Mayorkas, and all the rest insisting the border was secure. Biden, Harris, Mayorkas, and Jean-Pierre all swear the border is "secure." Those were of course huge lies like every other claim that comes out of this administration. But don't believe me. Here's Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas explaining why people have been able to easily enter the U.S. illegally ever since Biden took office: Biden DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas: We have rescinded so many Trump immigration policies, it would take so much time to list them!"

Now that the border is open, Biden, Mayorkas and the Democrats are claiming there's nothing the White House could do that would re-secure the border. People aren't buying it. Donald Trump's policies are starting to look pretty good in hindsight: Axios @axios: “Exclusive Poll: Americans are open to Trump's harshest immigration plans. Half — including 42% of Democrats — say they'd support mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, per a new Axios Vibes survey by The Harris Poll.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMANCNjWkAAfhEB?format=jpg&name=large -- The numbers for Biden continue to get increasingly bad, especially on immigration (though they're awful on the economy as well): Amid a record number of border crossings, nearly two-thirds of Americans said illegal immigration is a real crisis, not a politically driven media narrative. https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters

It's increasingly difficult for the Democrats to claim the porous border is just a politically driven narrative, especially when illegals are showing up in droves in cities and draining resources. People who are freaking out about this polling have 2 people to thank: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Joe Biden’s disastrous open border policies that allowed over 10 million illegal aliens to invade led these results. Turns out that Americans don’t like being invaded. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMANCNjWkAAfhEB?format=jpg&name=large -- Yep, it's an invasion, and Biden invited it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYwLYMPLYbo -- How has that worked out for America? Biden's been a disaster:

The Democrats are so far out over their skis on immigration, it’s crazy. The way that the Biden administration has handled this issue despite 42% of DEMOCRATS being in favor of mass deportation is yet another reminder that Joe Biden, a man who’s spent decades carefully placing himself firmly at the center of of party, is not running this show in any form. Mass deportations isn’t harsh… migrants bankrupting cities and costing taxpayers money because Biden left the border open is harsh. There are many reasons the Democrats are trying to keep Trump tied up in court as often as possible and concerns about "justice and rule of law" have nothing to do with it.

Axios: Exclusive poll: America warms to mass deportations

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