CW4Kids May 1, 2010 Magical DoReMi S1 Ep 2 Being Dorie, Being Reanne

1 month ago

While Doremi admires herself in her bedroom's mirror, Majorika arrives to fuss over her lack of focus. Lala tries to explain to Doremi how bad it could be if someone catches her, but Doremi barely listens. She asks for more magic spheres and while filling her wand, they explain that she will need to work at the shop starting the day after to help pay for them. Doremi wants to argue but isn't given the chance when someone knocks on her door. The duo hide after helping the flustered young girl return to normal, just in time for Pop to walk into her bedroom. She has come to inform Doremi that she finished using the bath and it's her turn. She teases her before leaving, and Majorika decides to get going. But not before reminding Doremi about the shop again. She warns her to come early in the morning, and she takes off before Doremi can protest. The next day, Majorika complains about how late Doremi is when they hear a loud crash in the backyard. They come outside to find that Doremi is still struggling with her broom. She puts it away and requests more Magic Spheres, and as Lala refills her wand they begin to discuss the exams Doremi will need to take in order to grow as an apprentice. Doremi prepares to quit because she dislikes tests, but Lala convinces her to wait, revealing that if she can pass her first exam she will get her own fairy. Doremi perks up and takes off for school after noticing the time. She spots Hazuki and they begin to chat. However, their conversation soon dwindles down to comparing each others living arrangements, and Doremi believes Hazuki is very lucky not having to deal with the same problems she has- but this accidentally offends her. Hazuki runs off leaving her to wonder what happened, and upon arrival at school she becomes so distracted that she bumps into Yuki-sensei. She asks for her advice and decides to wait until break to speak with Hazuki again. She apologizes for what she may have said and they reconcile. But when Hazuki remarks that she wishes she could live Doremi's life instead of her own, Doremi becomes inspired. She asks Hazuki to wait a moment and finds a safe spot to transform. She returns proclaiming herself as a "witch who knows Doremi" who has come to grant their wish. Hazuki is startled as Doremi casts a spell on her, and to her surprise she now looks like Doremi. Doremi vanishes, returning now resembling Hazuki. The girls are thrilled and they head for home while discussing the important details they should know in order to avoid acting unusual. Hazuki reaches the Harukaze household and steps inside to find Pop making origami. She requests joining, but accidentally offends Pop because of her insistence on calling her "Pop-chan". Pop's aggravation quickly turns to alarm after Hazuki is able to fold a perfect crane. Her hysterics attract their mother to the room, and she too is awestruck, Doremi always bends her origami and it never looks this nice. At this point, Hazuki begins to worry she isn't very convincing, but with no other choice she continues on. She helps with chores around the house -picking up dinner ingredients, answering the phone, etc- but this raises the Harukaze's suspicion. They decide to let it slide when they realize she has no ulterior motive for being so polite and helpful. Meanwhile, after being startled and forced into a frilly dress Doremi finds her patience wearing thin at the Fujiwara household. She is scolded for swearing after Hazuki's mom brings up the expensive place they will be eating at for dinner, and she attempts to tell Hazuki's mom how she feels about the outfit. But when she becomes upset, Doremi quickly tries to make an excuse to try to spare her feelings. Back at the Harukaze's, Pop and "Doremi" are watching television when Haruka asks them to get their father and inform him that it's time for dinner. Hazuki volunteers to do it and she finds him organizing his fishing lures. She admires them and curiously begins to ask about them, causing him to express joy as she never did this before. At Hazuki's, Doremi struggles to play the violin. Reiko and the instructor express concern over her inability to suddenly play. Haruka comes by to find "Doremi" and Keisuke and scolds him for being so distracted and nearly dragging their daughter into his hobby. They start arguing, much to Hazuki's distress, and as they eat dinner she helplessly attempts to figure out how they can suddenly be on such good terms, as if the argument never occurred. To cover up her lack of violin knowledge, Doremi quickly feigns illness. But Hazuki's family overreacts and before she knows what happened, she is thrown into Hazuki's bed. The Harukaze's react the same way when Hazuki refuses to touch the steak they made for dinner, which is Doremi's favorite food. Hazuki's father arrives while a doctor is checking on her and assures them she is fine. Her parents are confused, and "Hazuki" wonders if she could have imagined the illness. They express relief to know she is okay, but they insist that she stay in bed to rest just to make sure. While laying in Doremi's bed, Hazuki resumes thinking over how chaotic Doremi's family behaves. They tend to fight and argue a lot, but deep down she can see that they are caring people too. Meanwhile, Doremi thinks about how difficult Hazuki's life is, because she has to act so maturely. Some time passes and Hazuki awakens, just in time to realize she has transformed back to normal when she catches her reflection. She worries over Doremi after it dons on her that she's probably changed back as well, but as this is going on Majorika has gone out to track her down. Doremi transforms after her rude awakening and flies home, where she offers Hazuki a chance to recast the spell if she would like to remain being Doremi for a while. Hazuki stops her to tell her it isn't necessary, because she misses her own family. Doremi agrees and they recall how their day went while she gives Hazuki a ride back to the Fujiwara household. The next morning, Doremi rushes downstairs to dig into the steak Hazuki didn't eat, but she is dismayed after witnessing her family finishing it. They didn't consider that she would want it now, but seeing her cry relieves them to know she's returned to normal.

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