Blocked and censored by reporters and journalists like Lara Logan -Why?!

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After watching a heart breaking interview by Lara Logan on her tragic experience in Egypt recently, I was overwhelmed with grief and compassion for her, because I am also woman who has been through sexual violence and rape, and I wrote an article for RMC in 2018, the FIRST WOMAN to speak out, and it ruined my career and I lost a lot of friendships and work relationships because I was looked at differently. It was not about not being believed, it was, and is the stigma that surrounds the individual who experienced the sexual trauma, that I wanted to address.
I went to my X feed immediately and searched Lara Logans profile, to reach out and just tell her how sorry I am for what she went through, and to let her know that I am out here too, a stronger woman, bringing awareness from a place of truth and kindness, but I noticed I am blocked? I have never attempted to reach out before or tag her in anything, so I am not even sure why she would bother blocking someone who has never once, not one time, attempted to reach out.

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