Dr. Daniele Ganser: Israel attacks USA, USS Liberty 1967 (english subtitles)

1 month ago

During the so-called Six-Day War in 1967, Israel attacked the American warship USS Liberty. Why did this happen?
The Six-Day War was a brief, swift, and highly successful military strike by Israel. It began on June 5, 1967, with an Israeli Air Force attack that completely destroyed the Egyptian Air Force on the Sinai Peninsula. During the conflict, Israel captured the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, the West Bank including East Jerusalem from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria by June 10, 1967.
Following the outbreak of the war, the reconnaissance ship USS Liberty with a crew of 358 men was sent off the coast of Egypt to monitor the radio communications of the warring states, Israel and Egypt. On June 8, 1967, Israel attacked the USS Liberty with bombs, torpedoes, and napalm. Israeli jets repeatedly flew over the ship, firing shells and machine guns. Why did Israel attack the Liberty back then? U.S. author James Bamford believes that Israel wanted to cover up its war crimes in the Six-Day War, as it had killed hundreds of bound civilians and prisoners in Al Arish, Egypt on the same day. Leading NSA officials 'are firmly convinced that Israel feared the Liberty had gathered evidence of war crimes. Therefore, they ordered the ship to be completely destroyed.'
Researcher Elias Davidson offers a different explanation for the attack. He believes the ship was meant to be sunk in order to blame the Egyptians. 'In June 1967, the U.S. government sent the spy ship USS Liberty to the Middle East and instructed Israeli military authorities to sink the ship. Their intention was to blame Egypt for the ship's sinking, thus providing a pretext for American

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