Live Chat with Paul; -186- ChemConTrails Pt2 + Climate Science + UAPDrama + Other UFO vid analysis

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Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Continue from last week - Chemtrails +
Climate Science + UAP vid analysis
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
Bitchute now has lives but wasnt added with others
as it limited and no side chat like others where uses
peoples real names when post!
[00:04:30] (1d) Paul is dropping shows due to lack of support
and watching but says it depends on the fans and followers
they can save the channel!
[00:14:50] (2) Main Topic Begins - Science of Optics to solve
the alleged Las Vegas 10 foot shadow or alien critter behind
the fence!
[00:21:50] (2b) Paul draws to try to explain the 2 light sources casting shadows
and back at the cameraman's lens
[00:42:00] (3) Mick West confirms NYC UAP is a balloon 2.7 feet long
but says its number 1 mylar.. which is wrong.. as Paul has new
diagram showing how its actually a Letter A mylar
[00:57:00] (4) Paul fills in missing info from the last live show
on homeless people (Canada) Documentary is called "Someone Lives Here"
[01:05:50] (5) Feel Good Quotes additions
Paul shows NO-ONE cares about his channel and Him in UFOLOGY!
on with 2800 followers who dont even hit a LOVE or retweet!
so 2800 mostly HATERS?
[01:06:46] (6) Blackvault who ignores me.. proves he does see my comments
with a nasty reading trick (despite bad eyes and on a phone screen)
[01:10:00] (7) LuReviews is right in a toxic pit of drama in ufology
Paul says thats what happened to him and how my channel was
damage by the shills teaming up and YT taking their side when
it was clear FAIR USE!
[01:12"00] (8) Theories of Everything.. quantum sciemce 0 experiencer
talking about MORALS of all things.. (HE DID promote loads of
shills on his channel!)
[01:15:00] (9) New Plasma Stoves used in China is suppressed
and hardly making the air waves.. cos it dont use gas and
uses less electricity!
[01:45:00] (10) A new Fake Whistleblower Jayson Sands come
to light.. the neverending grifts... James Fox peed he came out
when was featured in his new Movie.. and other Drama with it!
[01:52:00] (11) Paul eats rest of sandwich while checking comments
and how many are currently watching across 6 restreamer domains
[01:58:55] (12) Skinwalker Ranch New Season Ep1 is total flop and BS
again. Its just a laugh watching Travis who sounds like a Disney
cartoon character pretend to be a scientist
[01:59:27] (13) LuReivews thinks hes the only honest UFO YTer whp
showed channel earnings.. in fact I have done it many times years
before him.. he made 40k in a year.. I made 1k in 8+ years..
[02:08:00] (14) No a big UFO on weather map but butterflies
its circle cos of the range of the radar!
[02:22:00] (15) AARO new report of a UFO/UAP sighting is released so what does
Paul think it is?
[02:36:00] (16) Resume finishing of thirdphaseofmoon alleged BS UFO videos
for the week with Pauls own opinion/analysis solving them
[03:45:00] (17) Chemtrails/Contrails debunked? Paul goes over
gov lies and projects on it and what is truth vs misconceptions
[04:25:00] (18) Can we confirm soil and air samples at home?
Homelab - this is the best wave to fact check!
[04:40:00] (19) Science of Clouds on Climate and Ship Tracks and Jets

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

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*** If you want to support my work with a donation as low
as $1 a month then thanks very much ***

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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