FINE-TUNING YOUR LIFE ~ Part 7 - Making Your Community A Better Place to Live - E

1 month ago

Making Your Community A Better Place to Live - E

In fine tuning your life. Making you Home a better place to be. Making your Church a better place to go. Making your Community a better place to live.

As I sat down with this phrase, “Making my community a better place to live,” I see different aspects to this statement.

Am I wanting my community to be a better place for me to live? For my family, friends and neighbors? For our young people who are up and coming?
Where do you start with these questions?

Before I can answer these questions, I need to be in the presence of God and see my community from the eyes of the Father.
I must use the Great commission to align my life with God’s purpose for me and my community. What on earth am I here for?
“God, how do I make my community a better place to live?”

Text: John 13:4-5, 12-17, Isaiah 6:1-9a
Eze 22:30 "So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.”

When it comes to making my community a better place to live, it has to start with knowing why God has you here.

Over the years, I’ve asked a lot of people, “What brought you to Seeley Lake?
And I’ve heard a lot of answers – it’s beautiful country – I like the outdoors - I love the mountains - I love to fish and hunt - It seemed like a nice community.
Occasionally, I hear an answer I love – I believe God has me here.

Too often I see people make life changes, getting married, changing jobs, or moving to a new place, with the idea that you just take a chance and see where life will take you – just roll the dice and hope for the best.
But for the Christian who knows that their life is not their own, every major decision in life is made from being in the presence of the Father.

If I understand that God has me living in Seeley Lake for a reason, how I live life here is different than someone else.

2Co 5:20 “… we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God.”
Not just when it’s convenient, or my schedule allows. I am called to Seeley Lake as an ambassador for Him.

An ambassador lives in such a way as their lives reflect the principles and truths of another kingdom. It’s more than words, it’s how you live.

How will people know you are a disciple of Jesus? By how you demonstrate your love for people.
Joh 13:34-35 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

An ambassador for Jesus is not just trying to get people to come to church on Sundays.
Ambassadors express how incredible God is, and how much He loves us. Demonstrated by how we love people – how we serve our community.

Why did Jesus wash the disciples’ feet? They needed to hear the message from Jesus that to be great in His kingdom, you NEED to be a servant.

John 13:4-5, 12-17
Jesus redefined the meaning of greatness, reversing the values of the world. True greatness is measured in terms of service.
To make a difference for God in His kingdom here in S.L., I HAVE to have a heart towards my community that He has – I serve the community.

Some of us are called to minister to God in a position recognized by the church as ministry. Pastor, teacher, etc.
But many here operate in a ministry not necessarily recognized by a church but commissioned by God to “minister” to Him outside a church setting.

Glen Morin is a minister to this community working at Glen’s Automotive. He ministers to God by serving people in Seeley Lake with EXCELENT service.
Barb Knopp is a minister to this community working as a board chairman for the Veterans group, AND the Seeley Lake Cemetery. She ministers to God by serving people in S.L. with EXELENT service.

"Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me."
Answer the call – “Here I am Lord Send me!”
“God, how do I make my community a better place to live?”

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