1 month ago

A collection of Snippets for your consideration... | "It's not LEFT or Right, it's US or THEM." Antony C. Sutton | "Control your mind or it will be controlled for you." - Napoleon Hill

Snippet Outline:
🕞▸0:00:00 ➤ Intro Intro - (Song: Bluest Blues | Artist: Alvin Lee)
🕞▸0:00:30 ➤ Slide show: Satanic/Luciferian Mercantile Pirate Banksters...
🕞▸0:00:54 ➤ Zelensky and ilk - Jew World Order on track...
🕞▸0:01:51 ➤ If Israel stops fighting there will be peace if Palestinians stop fighting there will be no more Palestinians. Why do we have Palestinian children in Mass Graves?
🕞▸0:02:54 ➤ Slideshow ✡ Benjamin Netanyahu in Dark Kabbalah rising...
🕞▸0:05:00 ➤ The Untold Story of Polio - Forrest Maready on DarkHorse
🕞▸0:06:54 ➤ Ultimate Goal: Control the Food = Control of the People (Ancient Tactic)
🕞▸0:13:22 ➤ Wow, I've never seen a top-level US Politician lectured like this - Arab Strategy Forum
🕞▸0:21:26 ➤ Slideshow: The Government that never changes - The Rothschild Central Banker Government
🕞▸0:22:03 ➤ Governments don't represent you, they never have... - Shahid Bolsen
🕞▸0:26:17 ➤ His real name isn't God? What does 'in my name' really mean?
🕞▸0:27:15 ➤ Bishop Mar Mari on Islam.
🕞▸0:29:40 ➤ Why is there no term for Christian hatred? - Dennis Prager
🕞▸0:24:01 ➤ It's just a 'Cohen'cidence... Jewish apologist -Lex Fridman
🕞▸0:26:27 ➤ The Concept, The Idea of Proof - What does proof mean when someone asks "Where is the proof? - Janus Zkowalskii (
🕞▸0:36:30 ➤ What is science? - Allan Savory (Ecologist)
🕞▸0:32:00 ➤ The United States has Warp Drive... - Ashton Forbes
🕞▸0:40:42 ➤ Slideshow - GOD? or MAMMON? One cannot serve two masters... (Song: If There Was Time | Band: Haram Scarum)
🕞▸0:37:07 ➤ The Illuminati's Plan for 3 World Wars - written in 1871 by Albert Pike.
WWI and WW2 have gone according to the plan. Will WW3 happen or will we mess up their plans
🕞▸0:39:19 ➤ A lot of this antisemitism is rubbing me the wrong way... - Owen Benjamin (Satire)
Encyclopedia Britannica (1968) - has no entry for "Holocaust", but it has pages and pages about Palestine. (according to Ben Shapiro Palestine doesn't even exist)
🕞▸0:50:03 ➤ Ideological Subversion/(Active Measure/Psychological Warfare) or to change the perception of reality. - Yuri Bezmedov w/ G. Edward Griffin
🕞▸0:51:39 ➤ "By way of deception thou shalt do war" - Mossad Motto
(Debunking 7 Israeli lies re: Oct. 7...)
🕞▸0:53:20 ➤ Netanyahu rhetoric calling Palestinians the tribe of 'Amalek' may trigger Zionist zealots to slaughter and massacre Palestinians. - Keith Woods w/ Ron Unz
🕞▸0:55:52 ➤ It's FICTION!!! The film 'Schindler's List' is based on a book that won the Booker Prize and the "L.A. Times" Book Award for fiction. - Ernst Zundel w/ Peter John Peters
🕞▸0:48:03 ➤ People with deep ties to Israel are trying to buy TikTok (ie. Ex-US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin) - Ian Carrol (
🕞▸1:05:31 ➤ Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing(Daily Wire) are Israel First and controlled opposition - Stew Peters
🕞▸1:09:46 ➤ It's not too late to put the brakes on Jewish World Domination - The NOTICING has already begun...
🕞▸1:10:33 ➤ Most if not all 'ISMS' were founded or led disproportionately by Jews - Dennis Praguer
🕞▸1:11:13 ➤ "Just asking questions is a game for children." - Ben Shapiro
🕞▸1:12:17 ➤ Andrew Schulz calls out Ben Shapiro for censoring free speech and opinions that aren't pro-Israel (Is the Daily Wire an Israeli media/propaganda outfit?)
🕞▸1:14:23 ➤ As a Jewish person I don't feel safe right now don't get it twisted it's because of the crimes of Israel.
🕞▸1:14:55 ➤ Netanyahu condemning the "Stop the Palestinian Genocide" protests in American Universities. (A TIMELY OR PLANNED DISTRACTION FROM THE RECENTLY DISCOVERED PALESTINIAN CHILDREN MASS GRAVES)
🕞▸1:17:07 ➤ No Mr. Netanyahu, it's not antisemitic to point out the results of your illegal war policies of your extremist and racist government. You are deflecting attention from the criminal indictment you are facing in the Israeli courts. - Bernie Sanders
🕞▸1:19:41 ➤ People like Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, and Dennis Prager are Mossad Parasites (They are a parasitic force) - Nick Fuentes
🕞▸1:20:51 ➤ Chemtrails: Do you know what they are spraying us with? - Dr. Deagle (Whistle-blower: I was the doctor treating the pilots.)
🕞▸1:23:09 ➤ "Donald Trump is the best thing to ever happen to us, he's a magician of the highest order." - Marina Abramovic
🕞▸1:24:13 ➤ (EMF/Radiation Weapons and Shielding) Humanity Held Hostage by the New World Order - Sabrina Wallace
🕞▸1:32:12 ➤ Michael Jackson They Don't Care About Us(Brazil Version - Official Vid.)
🕞▸1:36:51 ➤ 📽 The Lost Empire - Movie Scene: "No more war" as a flung Excalibur flies in the air and lands piercing a stone
🕞▸1:37:30 ➤ Fin - Music by Chopin

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