This Is A True Love Story About A Man And His Toast

6 years ago

Going through any form of surgery is not fun per se. However, watching people recover from the heavy drugs they use during this invasive process can definitely be loads of fun! Where else can you see a perfectly sane and soon-to-be-healthy again man burst into tears of you after seeing a plate of tasty juicy toast? The Interment is flooded with videos showing all sorts of post-operative munching on imaginary burgers made of green hospital bed sheets, crying over imaginary orphaned raccoons and thousands of other ramblings.

An adult man wakes up after surgery in a hospital bed and gown. He is quite groggy and has an intense physical need to much on a tasty piece of toast laying on a plate before him. His wife is in his room, recording the video. Instead of focusing on her, he devotes his entire energy and attention to the “beautiful toast” before him. There are tears even, glimmering in his still blurred eyes. In these moments, at least people say, your true personality comes out to shine. And this is where we fall in love with our toast-loving man: instead of grabbing the beloved piece of toast all to himself, he over-generously and even childishly offers a bite of it to everybody present in the room; wife first, of course! If this is not love, we don’t know what love is!

Of course, there are some people who remember having operations but not losing their sense of self, focus or logic. What do you think? Have you had a similar experience? Do share with us in the comment section.

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