3 Different Scenarios Instigators Act Like A Victim

1 month ago

FIRST VIDEO: This man is the son of Clive Davis and he is an attorney. He is making up a fake hate situation. Claiming he heard the driver whisper something derogatory under his breath toward them.. His wife looks embarrassed by him.

The attorney requested Uber black SUV. But he had 5 passengers that don't fit in the car he requested. There are only 4 seatbelts available.

I believe the attorney is the racist bigot stereotyping the driver. He's the ahole in this situation and probably at home too.

SECOND VIDEO: Notice all the other students walking freely around them.
They were standing there and he walked right up to them to
act like a victim on video. Then demanded they move to let him pass. He's the bully and an actor.

Look at the caption in white that I didn't write. They're saying he was denied entrance by the Free Palestine protesters because he is Jewish. That is not true.

THIRD VIDEO: She walked right into the crowd then called the police telling police they're surrounding her and threatening her. Then it will be in the news that she is a victim of a hate crime. Just the Democrats stage the racist fake hate crimes or the LGBT fake hate crimes.

It's a good thing they videotaped this or else no one would believe them.


Not all Jewish people are Illuminati Kabbalist Talmudic Jews. There are non-practicing Jewish people looking for the meaning of life like most of humanity, and there are Jewish people who are called Messianic Jews because they believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and there are Jewish people who are Atheist who don't care about anything and want to be left alone.

THEN there are those born Jewish but DO NOT worship the Lord God almighty aka the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob like those who practice Jewish Kabbalah Talmudic Mysticism esoteric black magic. They worship Lucifer aka Satan, Baal, Remphan, Moloch like the infamous Rothschild's who head the Illuminati Kabbalists, the famous occultist Nostradamus who wrote prophecies using a bowl of water called a "magic mirror" getting help "seeing" from the dark underworld, the famous master of darkness British occultist Aleister Crowley "who was a practitioner of “magick” (as he spelled it) and called himself the Beast 666", and Anton LaVey, creator of the Church of Satan and who wrote The Satanic Bible, etc.

So please don't lump all Jewish people together. That is what the Kabbalists want. They make you believe they worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with their outward presence. It's all a pretense.

I would like to add that the Commie Jews and Transhumanist Jews DO NOT worship the God of the Torah and Bible aka the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They are Luciferians.

The famous Karl Marx who wrote the Communist Manifesto was born Jewish BUT was a Satanist. I just found out that Lenin was a Jewish Commie atheist. And according to a NYT article dated March 17, 1955, Stalin Called Himself a Zionist But Cited Soviet Jewish 'Problem'; He Told Roosevelt at Yalta Parley of Failure of Birobidzhan Settlement Plan --Picture of Red Leader Unfolded. The God fearing Jews were the problem for him.

"WASHINGTON, March 16-- Premier Stalin told President Roosevelt at the Yalta conference that he himself was a Zionist in principle but that Soviet Jews had posed a difficult problem for him."

Then you have those born Jewish but identify as Transhumanists like WEF founder Klaus Schwab and his advisor Yuval Noah Hariri. They loathe God of the Torah and Bible just like the rest of the Commie NWO globalists who are all Luciferians. They tell us their goal is to turn human beings into THE BORG.

Those who practice Judaic Kabbalah Talmudic Mysticism do not worship the God of King David. That's the deception in calling The Seal of Solomon, the Star of David. King Solomon turned his back on the God his father King David worshipped, the God of Abraham, Isaac, because Solomon began worshipping demonic gods Remphan and Moloch to gain sexual gratification from a non-Jewish pagan woman he was lusting after because being the richest man in the world, 700 wives and 300 concubines wasn't enough. Our God almighty took away everything he gave King Solomon INCLUDING HIS COVERING. Look up the Fall of King Solomon. So that's where the black magic comes in and the Keys of Solomonic black magic. Therefore, the "Star of David" protection is not coming from the God King David worshipped, it's coming from the demonic gods King Solomon sold his soul and his kingdom's soul to so he could have sexual relations with that one non-Jewish woman who told him basically if you want my vajayjay, you will bow down to my gods and he did. He lost everything for that one vajayjay. Crazy. The Star of David has nothing to do with King David. The Star of David, is a derivative of the Seal of Solomon. We have been lied to about a lot of things. It's mind blowing. I'm still having a hard time processing everything I've been finding out. (emphasis mine)

Bob Larson explains Lilith demon is mentioned in the Zohar, Kabbalistic movement of occult mystical Judaism. Their adaptation of the original Torah. They perverted, blasphemed the holy scriptures of the Torah. They don't believe God parted the red sea for Moses. They don't believe in Eve who God created from Adam. They worship Baal, Remphan, Moloch and despise Christians where they are allowed to attack, spit on, disrespect Christians in Israel. IT IS THEIR LEGAL RIGHT.

"According to the legend of Kabbalistic (Talmudic) Judaism (escoteric black magic), the true wife of Adam was Lilith. But Eve sexually seduced Adam to begin the human race and therefore she took the place of Lilith. And those in occult Satanism and Kabbalism Judaism want to restore Lilith to her rightful place." ~Bob Larson

YouTube video 👉 https://youtu.be/tRQBhzIschA

For those of you who don't know, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy appointed Marina Abramovic to be an Ambassador for Ukraine for rebuilding schools in Ukraine. She's the "spirit cooker" lady. She was born into an affluent family who held prominent positions in the Communist government of Yugoslavia. The Israel the Rothschild Illuminati Kabbalist Jews were reclaiming is not the Kingdom of Israel ruled by Kind David. Those who reclaimed this Israel do not worship the God of the Bible and the Torah. Even the "Star of David" has nothing to do with King David. It is the Seal of Solomon protected by Remphan demonic general. (emphasis mine)

Jacob Rothschild is with the actionist artist Marina Abramovic in front of the painting “Satan Summons His Servants” by Thomas Lawrence.

The Rothschild's were given Palestine territory by the Britain in exchange for a debt owed to them. The Rothschild's created the new Israel. However, it is not the Israel kingdom of King David and the Star of David has nothing to do with King David. We have been greatly deceived.

This is the doctrine through which they want to enslave the rest of humanity.

WEF Transhumanist "you will own nothing and be happy.", Klaus Schwab admires Lenin who was a Communist just like him.

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