White House Demands Retract Reporting Hunter Biden Crime-Rape Allegations

1 month ago

White House Demands Retract Reporting Hunter Biden Crime-Rape-Killing Of Two Prostitutes And The Mann Act Also Known As The White-Slave Traffic Act. Allegations A Woman's Body Was Found Inside A Freezer On Biden Family Property And Now The Whistleblower Is Dead Now And Body Is Moved And Now Its Missing ? Wow. Despite The Overwhelming Evidence No One Will Be Charged In This Murder Of Two Prostitutes With His Gun And The Drug Overdose And Death Six Other Prostitutes From Drugs Sold To Hunter Biden And Later Given To The Women By Hunter And My Family 170 Other Crime... No Charged To By Filed At All Ever Period?

I Hunter Biden Signed This Statement Under Penalty Of Law And I Hunter Biden Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury This Video's Listed Below On This Channel Are True And I Robert Hunter Biden (born February 4, 1970) Do Not Care About Video's Links: Below Because My Whole Pedophile's Family Is Above All Laws Period Now.

Kathleen Buhle Biden “Guns, Drugs, Alcohol, Alive And Dead Prostitutes, Strip Clubs, Sexual Relations With Kids” - https://rumble.com/v4s4h4l-kathleen-buhle-biden-drugs-alcohol-prostitutes-strip-clubs-sexual-relations.html

In October 2020, a controversy arose involving data from a laptop that belonged to Hunter Biden. The owner of a Delaware computer shop, John Paul Mac Isaac, said that the laptop had been left by a man who identified himself as Hunter Biden. Mac Isaac also stated that he is legally blind and could not be sure whether the man was actually Hunter Biden.

My Name Is Hunter Biden And I Declaration Under Penalty Of Perjury. The Said Laptop Is Not Mine At All Period. And More than 51 former intelligence officials signed a letter and (Declaration Under Penalty Of Perjury) casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president’s son.

chrome-51 former intelligence officials signed a letter/Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury/https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000175-4393-d7aa-af77-579f9b330000

More than 51 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden, pictured above with prostitutes and my laptop is and “has all the classic earmarks of a True Russian dis-information operation so help me god its not my laptop period.”

First son Hunter Biden’s lawyers later admitted late Wednesday that the infamous laptop that the now-52-year-old abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in the throes of his crack cocaine addiction does indeed belong to him and said hunter biden did lied under penalty of perjury about it.

Data from a laptop that the lawyer for a Delaware computer repair shop owner says was left by Hunter Biden in 2019 – and which the shop owner later provided to the FBI under subpoena – shows no evidence of tampering or fabrication, according to an independent review commissioned by CBS News.

A declaration under penalty of perjury is a statement of facts or testimony accompanied by the declaration that the person making the statement will be found guilty of perjury if the facts declared in the statement are shown to be untrue. This means that the person signing the document is swearing to the truthfulness of the information and acknowledges that they will face legal consequences if they provide false information.

Penalty of Perjury
When a document is signed “under penalty of perjury,” it means that the signer is swearing that the contents of the document are truthful and acknowledges that they can face legal consequences, including fines or imprisonment, if they provide false information. This is also known as signing “under oath and penalty of perjury.”

Legal Consequences
The legal consequences of signing a document under penalty of perjury can be severe. In the United States, the federal perjury statute characterizes this as a crime punishable by a fine or imprisonment. Additionally, some states have their own perjury laws that can also result in criminal penalties.

Examples of documents that may be signed under penalty of perjury include:

Bankruptcy forms and Lying on a federal gun application today
Court documents, such as sworn statements or declarations
Government forms, such as tax returns or applications
Legal documents, such as contracts or agreements

In summary, signing a document under penalty of perjury is a serious legal obligation that requires the signer to swear to the truthfulness of the information and acknowledge that they will face legal consequences if they provide false information. It is essential to understand the legal implications of signing a document under penalty of perjury and to ensure that the information provided is accurate and truthful.

Hunter Biden Crime
Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has been involved in several legal issues related to his business dealings and tax obligations. Here are some key points about the Hunter Biden crime:

https://bidenlaptopmedia.com/ - 6,900 Hunter Photo's, Drugs, XXX, Sex Works Etc.

In October 2022, federal agents determined that they had assembled enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden with crimes related to making false declarations during a gun purchase and tax-related crimes.

In December 2023, Hunter Biden was charged with nine counts of tax-related crimes, including failure to file and pay taxes, evasion of assessment, and false or fraudulent tax return. The charges stem from a four-year scheme to avoid paying at least $1.4 million in federal taxes.

The charges were brought by special counsel David Weiss, a Trump appointee who previously served as U.S. attorney in Delaware and has been overseeing the federal investigation into Hunter Biden's business dealings.

If convicted, Hunter Biden could face up to 17 years in prison.

Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty to the charges and is scheduled to appear in court to face the allegations.

It is important to note that the investigation is ongoing, and more information may come to light as the case progresses.

Kathleen Buhle Biden Said Before You Vote For Creepy Joe Biden In Nov. 2024. See A True Pedophile's Family At Work... You Must See All Video's Listed & Linked Below Thanks !

Kathleen Buhle Biden Said Why Do You Ditched Hunter Biden Gun In A Trash Can ? Or Why Do You Hide A Gun In A Lake After You Kill Someone ?...

So Did Hunter Biden Really Kill Two Prostitutes ? Yes Maybe No ?

Secret Service ‘protected’ Biden family in Hunter gun probe A trove of new emails raises new questions about whether the Secret Service “protected” the Biden family and obscured the agency’s alleged involvement in a police probe after Hunter Biden’s girlfriend ditched his gun after the killing in a trash can.

Conservative nonprofit Judicial Watch obtained via Freedom of Information Act request 487 pages of Secret Service records about the October 2018 incident — when Hunter’s brother’s widow and then-girlfriend, Hallie Biden, said she left his .38 handgun on in a supermarket garbage can in Wilmington, Delaware. Its next to a school ... So maybe a kid from school got it or a kid picked it up out of the garbage can later that night. ?

The Secret Service emails began in October 2020 when an agent, whose name was redacted, shared a link to a colleague to an article from The Blaze about the gun incident in an email chain with other agents.

Another official, whose name is redacted, responded: “Oh dear…”

A specialist in the agency’s Protective Intelligence and Assessment Division then wrote to their colleagues: “It’s kind of odd that we were involved in the missing gun investigation when neither Hunter or Joe were even receiving USSS protection at the time? Hmmm.”

And another replied: “Maybe we were asked for a favor?” As a former vice president, Joe Biden and his family were not receiving Secret Service protection at the time of the incident.

“The Secret Service is being cagey about what it did for Hunter and I believe Hunter when he said the FBI and Secret Service had intervened for him,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told The Post.

“In my view this is another example of Hunter and the Bidens getting taken care of and getting protected from the consequences of bad behavior — in this case this domestic issue which led to this gun being disposed of in an unsafe manner.”

Hunter’s 2018 gun purchase is believed to be part of a years-long investigation into his personal and professional activities by the Department of Justice. The probe is being led by Delaware US attorney David Weiss, who was appointed to the post by former President Trump.

On a federal transaction record recording the gun purchase, Hunter Biden responded “no” to a question which read, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” His drug and alcohol abuse during this period have been copiously documented in news reports.

Hallie Biden allegedly tossed the gun across from a local high school because she feared Hunter would kill himself, Politico reported in March 2021.

Local police began investigating after Hallie went back for the pistol and found it missing. That’s when the Secret Service also reportedly inserted itself into the fray, contacting the gun store where Hunter purchased the piece and asked for the sale paperwork. undercover sources included someone “briefed by a Secret Service agent after the fact,” Wow.

Biden's Crime Family And Kids​ With Sex Crime Against Young Girls And 13 Dead Body's - https://rumble.com/v2te3tg-bidens-crime-family-and-kids-with-sex-crime-against-young-girls-and-13-dead.html

The Corruption of the Biden Crime Family is staring us right in the face. From Hunter Biden’s drug and gun crimes to whistleblower reports alleging that Joe Biden sold out U.S. policy to foreign agents, the level of corruption is staggering. A woman's body was found inside a freezer on biden family property and now the whistleblower is dead now and body is moved and now its missing ? wow. Despite the overwhelming evidence no one will be charged in this crime at all?, Republican politicians do nothing but promise one dead-end investigation after the other. It’s time to take matters into our own hands.

Kathleen Buhle Biden Said Why Joe Biden Keep Having Sexual Relations With Family Ashley Biden Diary Said As A Child Contains a Line About ‘Showers With My Dad Joe Biden & 100's Kids And Young Women And Not Go To Jail ?


Why Did Joe Biden Take Lots Of Showers With His Eleven-Year-Old Daughter Who Said I Had To Wash And Soap Up My Dad Hard Naked Body By Hand ? Joe Biden Said Cum On Man... Its Not True... #metoo Movement Believe All Women ?

My Follow American I'm Name Is Joseph R. Biden Jr. And This Is My Record Wow - https://rumble.com/v4mzd0n-my-follow-american-im-name-is-joseph-r.-biden-jr.-and-this-is-my-record-wow.html

Joseph R. Biden Jr. And This Is My True Video's Record As Your President So Far Over Last 40 Years And All American Need To Remember Is "No One Is Above The Law" In 2024 Wow !

https://bidenlaptopmedia.com/ - 6,900 Hunter Photo's, Drugs, XXX, Sex Works Etc.

In 1998, Biden’s daughter Ashley was arrested for cannabis possession in Louisiana. While others arrested for the same offense faced sentences sometimes spanning decades, Ashley Biden was never convicted of any drug-related crime. In 2014, Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy after testing positive for cocaine. Like his daughter, no charges were ever filed against Biden’s son. Ashley Biden, the daughter of Vice President Joe Biden, was arrested for cannabis possession in Louisiana when she was a 17-year-old college freshman in 1999. The arrest occurred in New Orleans, and she was released on bond with no conviction recorded.

Ashley Biden’s past is full of weed and wild parties. A decade before a friend came forward trying to sell a video that he claimed showed her snorting cocaine, Vice President Joseph Biden’s daughter was busted for pot possession.

Ashley Biden “was a hot freshman that every guy wanted to be with,” said Nat Berman, a Tulane University classmate, who said he bailed Ashley out of jail after her 1999 marijuana arrest in New Orleans, for which no conviction was recorded.

“She was very attractive.

“Everybody at Tulane knew that she was a party girl,” Berman said. “She wore some pretty short shorts — a lot.”

Berman, 30, wrote on his blog, Uncoached.com, after Joseph Biden’s election as vice president last November about Ashley’s partying.

Berman told The Post that Ashley — currently a social worker at a Delaware child welfare agency — called him in September 1999 to say she was “on her way over” to his off-campus home “to hang out.”

An hour or so later, after she didn’t show up, Berman said, he received a call from Ashley, who “said she was in jail.”

“She was freaking out. She was like, ‘I’m in this cell,’ ” Berman recalled. “She was not happy.”

Berman said he paid a bail bondsman “between $200 and $400” to bail Ashley out, and then drove her home.

New Orleans court records confirm Ashley’s September 1999 marijuana-possession arrest but do not detail any conviction.

Ashley, 27, is now at the center of a scandal rocking Washington and Delaware, which her anti-drug dad had represented as US senator for decades prior to being elected as President Obama’s vice president.

Recently, a man claiming to be a “friend” of Ashley’s had two lawyers speak to The Post — and other media outlets — offering for sale a videotape that he claimed was made earlier this month during a Delaware house party.

On a 90-second clip from the video that The Post viewed, a young woman strongly resembling Ashley is seen taking a red straw from her mouth, bending over a desk, inserting the straw into her nostril and snorting lines of white powder. The camera follows the woman from a few feet away, focusing on her as she moves about the room.

At one point, the woman shouts, “Shut the fu * k up!”

The Post did not buy the videotape but published a story about it yesterday.

Since then, the White House and spokesmen for Joseph Biden have refused to return repeated requests for comment.

Security at the vice president’s Wilmington, Del., home — where Ashley is believed to have sought refuge — told a Post reporter to get lost.

Joseph Biden is scheduled to meet with Central American leaders in Costa Rica today.

Yesterday, lawyer Thomas Dunlap said he had quit representing the video’s owner, but declined to comment further.

RadarOnline.com reported that Dunlap quit because of circumstances surrounding publicity about the video.

The website also reported that the video was shot with a hidden camera.

Pedophile Joe Biden Said About His Son Hunter Biden Is A Parasitic Monsters - https://rumble.com/v4hhtyk-pedophile-joe-biden-said-about-his-son-hunter-biden-is-a-parasitic-monsters.html

A Gun Belonging To President’s Son Was Dumped In A Trash Can Behind A Grocery Store Why ?


Hunter Biden, a dead beat dad has agreed to plead guilty to federal two criminal tax charges & felony gun charges and no dead women body found.

The "Fix was In" all of the time and we all knew it and here is the proof that we have a two tier justice system: So after Hunter Biden Paid 2 Prostitutes for sex and drugs etc. The 2 women are missing and or dead now... So if you kill 2 hookers in a bad drug deal this is why or maybe why hunter biden drop the gun into a trash can to hide to gun ? who know this ? and without the two hookers body for a investigation by the police... Who gun maybe used to kill them... who know this info. and who care's in the first place hunter biden ?

All Hunter Biden Sex Crime Report On My Laptop Missing 100s Prostitutes Body's - https://rumble.com/v4hir8u-all-hunter-biden-sex-crime-report-on-my-laptop-missing-100s-prostitutes-bod.html

Hunter Biden also has agreed to enter a pretrial diversion agreement in connection with a felony charge of possession of a firearm by a person who is a user/or addict of illegal drugs which is a $250,000 fine and 5 years "mandatory" sentence in prison.

New leaked footage shows a naked Hunter Biden waving around a handgun and even pointing it at the camera while partying with a prostitute in 2018 who are now dead or missing and hunter is tied to more than 30 gigabytes of photos, videos, and messages from Hunter Biden's iPhone over a four-month span. Meanwhile, Hunter Biden's lawyer filed an ethics complaint against Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for displaying explicit photos of him during a hearing, sparking immediate protests from other members of the panel. Greene questioned why the Justice Department hadn't investigated Biden more aggressively, and Biden has agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges. The images clearly depict Biden nude and engaging in sex, but use black boxes to obscure his genitals and the faces of the people who aren't Biden.


The Mann Act is a federal law in the United States that criminalizes the transportation of women or girls for the purpose of prostitution or any other immoral purpose. The law was passed in 1910 and is also known as the White-Slave Traffic Act.

The Mann Act makes it a felony to engage in interstate or foreign commerce transport of “any woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose.” The law was originally intended to target the sex trade and prevent the exploitation of women and girls.

Over time, the law has been amended to expand its scope and include protections for boys and minors. In 1978, the law was amended to specifically prohibit the interstate- or foreign-commerce transportation of minors with the intent that “such minor[s] engage in prostitution” or any other “prohibited sexual conduct.” In 1986, the law was further amended to make the entire law gender-neutral and replace references to “debauchery” and “immoral” purposes or practices with the phrase “any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense.”

The Mann Act has been used to prosecute a wide range of cases, including cases involving prostitution, human trafficking, and child exploitation. The law has also been used to prosecute cases involving the transportation of individuals for the purpose of sexual exploitation, even if the individuals are not necessarily being forced into prostitution.

"I do remember her telling me that Joe Biden had put her up against a wall and had put his hands up her skirt and had put his fingers inside her," LaCasse said. Reade, as detailed in a previous NPR report, has accused Biden of pinning her against a wall in the hallway of a Capitol Hill building and penetrating her vagina with his fingers in the spring of 1993.

The Biden campaign denies the alleged incident, as do longtime Biden staffers whom Reade worked for at the time.

Secret Pedophile's Watch Child Beauty Pageant Glitter Girls Age 4 Thru 8 Yrs. Old - https://rumble.com/v36e1uw-secret-pedophiles-watch-child-beauty-pageant-glitter-girls-age-4-thru-8-yrs.html

A child beauty pageant is a beauty contest featuring contestants starting at age 4 to under 16 years of age. Competition categories may include talent, interview, sportswear, casual wear, swimwear, western wear, theme wear, outfit of choice, decade wear, and evening wear. Depending on the type of pageant system (glitz or natural), contestants may be found wearing anything from makeup to fake teeth, known as flippers, as well as elaborate hairstyles and custom-designed fitted outfits to present their routines on stage.

News broke this week that Tara Reade, a former staffer to Joe Biden, is accusing him of sexual assault. Reade spoke to journalist Katie Halper on her podcast and detailed an incident in 1993 during which Joe Biden sexually assaulted her while she was at work. This accusation comes after a scandal last year when eight women came forward and said that Biden had inappropriately touched them. Reade was one of those women, though in that statement she did not mention the assault, saying only that Biden would often, as a senator, put “his hand on [her] shoulder and run his finger up my neck.” The other women had similar stories of Biden violating personal space and boundaries, though none rose to the level of sexual assault. Reade did not, at the time of that scandal, speak about the assault. She said that her choice not to come forward was because she received online harassment from social media users, journalists, and politicians after she accused Biden of inappropriate contact, including being doxxed and called a Russian agent.

The 53-year-old was able to avoid tax, prosecutors say, by claiming a number of luxuries as simple business deductions. For example, deductions claimed as "legal professional and consulting" contributed to the payment of his daughter's law school tuition, while "travel, transportation and other" was instead used for "house rentals for his then-girlfriend" as well as rent for one of his daughters, per the indictment.

Further "office and miscellaneous" deductions allegedly helped Biden with the "purchase of luxury clothing, payments to escorts and dancers, and payments for his daughter's college advising services."

Listed in the indictment are the following alleged payments:

'Various women' - $683,212
Clothing and accessories - $397,530
Educational purposes - $309,277
Health, beauty, pharmacy - $237,496
Miscellaneous retail purchases - $236,634
Groceries and restaurants - $214,923
Insurance - $203,815
Loan and mortgage payments - 191,873
Adult entertainment - 188,960
Legal and accounting fees - $147,566
Telephone and utilities - $118,440
Rehab - $71,869
Credit card payments - $58,542
Advisors from Wells Fargo - $53,000
Home and childcare - $39,801
Entertainment - $24,445
Sports and recreation - $23,567
The total payments listed in the indictment amount to $4,907,813.
In light of the charges, Biden's attorney Abbe Lowell said his client had paid his tax debts and is sober.

We reached out to the White House to ask about the online reaction to Biden's remarks and will update this story if we receive a response.

For further reading, we previously published numerous stories about other rumors that purportedly involved photos or videos of Biden engaging in inappropriate behavior with children. https://youtu.be/vzeZVPuJ7Co?si=iuTmdvuYES1R0MuT - It’s gross this old man says the things he does to young little girls.

So, let’s refocus the narrative and dispel the political smokescreens. America does indeed have a two-tiered justice system, but it does not divide Democrats and Republicans; it’s one that unashamedly favors the wealthy and neglects the poor. Only by acknowledging this can we hope to effect meaningful reform and create a justice system that truly serves all Americans equally.

What’s The True Pedophile's Blood Killings Story Behind Joe-Hunter Biden’s Laptop ? - https://rumble.com/v2ro7po-whats-the-true-pedophiles-blood-killings-story-behind-joe-hunter-bidens-lap.html

True Pedophile's Blood Killings Story Behind Joe-Hunter Biden’s Laptop and Nearly 13K photos from Hunter Biden's laptop hit the web 'Truth and Transparency' Nudity and private information — like Social Security and credit card numbers — redacted from photos. A trove of photos from Hunter Biden's laptop has been made available to the public through a new website that launched Thursday.

Joe-Hunter Biden's Insane Laptop Exposed Sex, Drugs, Shady Deals, Child Killing 4 Sex - https://rumble.com/v2rnowy-joe-hunter-bidens-insane-laptop-exposed-sex-drugs-shady-deals-child-killing.html

The goal of this post is to raise awareness of rich pedophile's and on the sick perversions and corruption running deep in the Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and Biden Family's with help from Disney, Branson, Epstein, Gates, and global elite and the political/showbiz world. This post isn't meant to promote porn/child porn. sexual photos of minors were found on the laptop of Joe Biden's killing kids having sex in china and son Hunter Biden and Bill and Hillary Clinton killing children in chinese's sex den's party and other place's all over the worlds.

https://bidenlaptopmedia.com/ - 6,900 Hunter Photo's, Drugs, XXX, Sex Works Etc.

8 Key Joe Biden Scandals Exposed in Hunter’s ‘Laptop from Hell Hunter Biden’s notorious “Laptop from Hell” contains dozens of emails that detail shady foreign business deals, exposing his Democrat president father in the process.

Biden's Crime Family And Kids​ With Sex Crime Against Young Girls And 13 Dead Body's - https://rumble.com/v2te3tg-bidens-crime-family-and-kids-with-sex-crime-against-young-girls-and-13-dead.html

The Corruption of the Biden Crime Family is staring us right in the face. From Hunter Biden’s drug and gun crimes to whistleblower reports alleging that Joe Biden sold out U.S. policy to foreign agents, the level of corruption is staggering. A woman's body was found inside a freezer on biden family property and now the whistleblower is dead now and body is moved and now its missing ? wow. Despite the overwhelming evidence no one will be charged in this crime at all?, Republican politicians do nothing but promise one dead-end investigation after the other. It’s time to take matters into our own hands. Glenn Beck has a plan to finally bring the Biden Crime Family to justice, but he needs your help. Join Glenn as he outlines concrete actions You can take to finally bring about the Reckoning the Biden's so richly deserve.

Biden's Chinese Sex & Business Secrets Enriched Biden Family At America's Expense - https://rumble.com/v2tehzo-bidens-chinese-sex-and-business-secrets-enriched-biden-family-at-americas-e.html

Uncover Joe Biden and His Family's Secret Relationship with China People and the Sinister Business Deals that Enriched the Biden Family At All America's Expense Nice and Pedophile Joe Biden's Said See A Chinese's Woman You Want ? Pay The Money And You Can Now Rape Her And Kill Her Having Sex And After You Are Done You Can Cook And Eat Her Or Him Or Trans Your Choose Baby's-Kids-Teens-Adult Life Is Fun. From Hunter Biden’s drug and gun crimes to whistleblower reports alleging that Joe Biden sold out U.S. policy to foreign agents, the level of corruption is staggering. A woman's body was found inside a freezer on Biden family property and now the whistleblower is dead now and body is moved and now its missing ? wow. Despite the overwhelming evidence no one will be charged in this crime at all?, Republican politicians do nothing but promise one dead-end investigation after the other. It’s time to take matters into our own hands. Biden family makes ‘admission of corruption’ in foreign business deals: China expert President Joe Biden denies $1 million in payments were made to family from Chinese business dealings and said its more like $33 million dollars and see if you can find the money ha ha ha. no money to me ? its only my family.

Creepy Pedophile's Uncle Joe Played Out Over 33 Million Dollars Sexual Assault Claims - https://rumble.com/v2rp4bc-creepy-pedophiles-uncle-joe-played-out-over-33-million-dollars-sexual-assau.html

Creepy Pedophile's Uncle Joe Biden Has Been Accused 696 Times of Sexual Assault And Some Whistle blowers Are Dead Now. Where Is the #TimesUp Movement? The controversy over Joe Biden’s treatment of women, explained An old-school politician in a #MeToo world. A former staffer of Joe Biden has come forward, alleging that he sexually assaulted her while he was a Senator. She had initially approached the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund but they turned her away, citing fears over accusing politicians. This reveals the inherent contradictions of Time’s Up.

U.S. Government Is Selling Child Pornography and False Charges Against U.S. Citizens - https://rumble.com/v2gonq2-u.s.-government-is-selling-child-pornography-and-false-charges-against-u.s..html

I Was Raped By Politicians, Your Fathers Your Mother Other Family Members and U.S. Government Is Selling My Photos XXX Child Pornography (also called CP, child sexual abuse material, CSAM, child porn, or kiddie porn) is pornography that is unlawfully to some and not-unlawfully to other global elite who exploits children for sexual stimulation. It may be produced with the direct involvement or sexual assault of a child (also known as child sexual abuse images) or it may be simulated child pornography. Abuse of the child occurs during the sexual acts.

CIA Paid Pizza Gate Clues Pedophile Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Evidence - https://rumble.com/v4axwrc-cia-paid-pizza-gate-clues-pedophile-human-trafficking-and-child-sex-ring-ev.html

Deep State Pedophiles Exposed Child Trafficking, Hollywood Pedophiles, Major Companies, Politicians, Vatican, Deep State Demons Mother of Darkness Witch Hillary Clinton, Huma, & Anthony Weiner Exposed Deep State Pedophiles CIA Paid Pizza Gate Clues Real Pedophile Human Trafficking In Children Sex Slave Ring Evidence Etc. have been in the underground news more now than ever, with researchers and truth seekers looking for answers. Child trafficking is deeply-embedded within Hollywood, CIA, politicians and famous people.

Disney Pedophile's Billionaire-Backed Sex Trafficking Cult Partied With Richard Branson on His Private Island and It’s also worth noting that former President Obama vacationed with Branson on Necker Island last year. Moreover, convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein had Branson and Bill Clinton listed among his contacts in his “little black book,” and his private island known as “Orgy Island” is less than 40 miles away from Necker Island within the Virgin Islands cluster.

Disney Pedophile's Branson Necker Island 40 Miles To Epstein Orgy Island Global Elite - https://rumble.com/v2dim5k-disney-pedophiles-branson-necker-island-40-miles-to-epstein-orgy-island-glo.html - CIA Director Pompeo Oversees Capture Of UN Pedophile Who Leaked Video Of Hillary Clinton Killing Child (True ?) What is the real world evidence and sources for these words that I've seen shared so much? Podesta’s email account was hijacked and the hackers took his entire private library of emails. This sucked hard for Podesta because the hackers had tons of high ranking-sensitive information. From October through November 20,000+ pages of emails were uploaded to wiki-leaks.

Pedophile and A Pizza Secret Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Evidence ** GRAPHIC ** - https://rumble.com/v2bbfv2-pedophile-and-a-pizza-secret-human-trafficking-and-child-sex-ring-evidence-.html - Adrenochrome | C9H9NO3 | CID 5898 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety Does adrenochrome exist at all ? Yes.

They wrote a letter to interfere in our election to a far greater extent than anything China or Russia ever could hope to do — claiming that the laptop had all the earmarks of … a Russian information campaign.”


More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

The letter, signed on Monday, centers around a batch of documents released by the New York Post last week that purport to tie the Democratic nominee to his son Hunter’s business dealings. Under the banner headline “Biden Secret E-mails,” the Post reported it was given a copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop hard drive by President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who said he got it from a Mac shop owner in Delaware who also alerted the FBI.

While the letter’s signatories presented no new evidence, they said their national security experience had made them “deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case” and cited several elements of the story that suggested the Kremlin’s hand at work.

“If we are right,” they added, “this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this.”

Nick Shapiro, a former top aide under CIA director John Brennan, provided POLITICO with the letter on Monday. He noted that “the IC leaders who have signed this letter worked for the past four presidents, including Trump. The real power here however is the number of former, working-level IC officers who want the American people to know that once again the Russians are interfering.”

The former Trump administration officials who signed the letter include Russ Travers, who served as National Counterterrorism Center acting director; Glenn Gerstell, the former NSA general counsel; Rick Ledgett, the former deputy NSA director; Marc Polymeropoulos, a retired CIA senior operations officer; and Cynthia Strand, who served as the CIA’s deputy assistant director for global issues. Former CIA directors or acting directors Brennan, Leon Panetta, Gen. Michael Hayden, John McLaughlin and Michael Morell also signed the letter, along with more than three dozen other intelligence veterans. Several of the former officials on the list have endorsed Biden.

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said on Monday that the information on Biden’s laptop “is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign,” though the FBI is reportedly conducting an ongoing investigation into whether Russia was involved.

The New York Times raised questions on Sunday about the rigor of the Post’s reporting process, revealing that several of its reporters had refused to put their name on the Biden stories because they were concerned about the authenticity of the materials. The Post stood by its reporting, saying it was vetted before publication.

But the release of the material, which POLITICO has not independently verified, has drawn comparisons to 2016, when Russian hackers dumped troves of emails from Democrats onto the internet — producing few damaging revelations but fueling accusations of corruption by Trump. While there has been no immediate indication of Russian involvement in the release of emails the Post obtained, its general thrust mirrors a narrative that U.S. intelligence agencies have described as part of an active Russian disinformation effort aimed at denigrating Biden’s candidacy.

“We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement,” the letter reads. But, it continues, “there are a number of factors that make us suspicious of Russian involvement.”

“Such an operation would be consistent with Russian objectives, as outlined publicly and recently by the Intelligence Community, to create political chaos in the United States and to deepen political divisions here but also to undermine the candidacy of former Vice President Biden and thereby help the candidacy of President Trump,” the letter reads.

National Counterintelligence and Security Center Director Bill Evanina said in August that Russia has been trying to denigrate Biden’s campaign, specifically through a Ukrainian lawmaker named Andriy Derkach who has met with Giuliani at least twice to discuss corruption accusations against Biden. Derkach was sanctioned by the Treasury Department last month for allegedly acting as a Russian agent and interfering in the 2020 election.

Giuliani brushed off concerns about Derkach in an interview with The Daily Beastthis week, saying “the chance that Derkach is a Russian spy is no better than 50/50.” And he told The Wall Street Journal of the purported Biden email trove: “Could it be hacked? I don’t know. I don’t think so. If it was hacked, it’s for real. If it was hacked. I didn’t hack it. I have every right to use it.”

The former officials said Derkach’s relationship with Giuliani and fixation on the Bidens, along with Russia’s reported hack on Burisma — the Ukrainian energy company that gave Hunter Biden a board seat and is at the center of Trump and his allies’ corruption allegations — “is consistent with” a Russian operation.

“For the Russians at this point, with Trump down in the polls, there is incentive for Moscow to pull out the stops to do anything possible to help Trump win and/or to weaken Biden should he win,” the letter says. “A ‘laptop op’ fits the bill, as the publication of the emails are clearly designed to discredit Biden.”

Top Biden advisers who staffed him during his vice presidency, citing their own recollections as well as a review of Biden’s official schedules, have sharply rejected suggestions that Biden ever met with a representative of Burisma in 2015 or has otherwise been involved in Hunter Biden’s business interests.

“Investigations by the press, during impeachment, and even by two Republican-led Senate committees whose work was decried as ‘not legitimate’ and political by a GOP colleague have all reached the same conclusion: that Joe Biden carried out official U.S. policy toward Ukraine and engaged in no wrongdoing,” Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates said last week. “Trump administration officials have attested to these facts under oath.”

The Hunter Biden Laptop Disinformation Is Exposed
A deposition transcript released by the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees reveals that the Biden campaign in 2020 helped spur an open letter signed by former intelligence officials claiming the Hunter Biden laptop story had the "earmarks" of Russian disinformation. Will anyone pay a price for that deception, and how much has it hurt the credibility of the press and the intelligence services?


Hunter Biden takes fight to Fox News threatening to sue over phoney ‘trial’ and hacked photos coverage.


Hunter Biden’s attorneys anticipate an “imminent” lawsuit against Fox News and its associated streaming service Fox Nation and have requested that top personalities at the network preserve documents.

Attorneys for the president’s son cited statements made by Fox personalities including Jessie Watters and Maria Bartiromo in a lengthy letter sent to Fox attorneys last week and shared with The Independent on Monday. The letter demands immediate corrections to coverage of the allegations of Mr Biden’s overseas business dealings and the charge by Republicans that Hunter Biden was involved in an influence-trading scheme with the knowledge or direction of his father.

Those allegations spurred the launch of the House GOP’s impeachment inquiry, which has stalled due to a lack of testimony from witnesses or other evidence proving that President Joe Biden ever knew about his son’s business dealings.

The letter from Hunter Biden’s attorney also argues that the network has used his image outside of the bounds of protected journalistic inquiry. In particular, it cites a fictionalised mock trial put on by the Fox streaming service, Fox Nation, called The Trial of Hunter Biden. The broadcast involved a fake courtroom set complete with a mock judge, jury, prosecution and defence attorneys.

The full list of Fox personalities directed to preserve their communications includes: Jesse Watters, Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Dana Perino, Miranda Devine, Laura Ingraham, and Maria Bartiromo. The letter also names the “BLT Team” — named after the pricy Capitol-area eatery BLT Steak — where strategy meetings concerning the network’s coverage of Hunter Biden supposedly took place.

The Independent has reached out to Fox News for comment, and to confirm whether the network has responded to the letter. It was signed by attorney Tina Glandian.

“For the last five years, Fox News has relentlessly attacked Hunter Biden and made him a caricature in order to boost ratings and for its financial gain. The recent indictment of FBI informant Smirnov has exposed the conspiracy of disinformation that has been fueled by Fox, enabled by their paid agents, and monetized by the Fox enterprise,” Hunter Biden’s attorneys Mark Geragos, Bryan Freeman and Tina Glandian in a joint statement.

“We plan on holding them accountable.”

The threat of a lawsuit against the Fox network comes after the channel’s bosses settled a major defamation suit filed by Dominion Voting Systems in the wake of the 2020 election. In that case, numerous Fox personalities including ex-star Tucker Carlson were accused of recklessly spreading verifiably false conspiracies about the company’s voting machines and software used in 2020, with top Fox boss Rupert Murdoch admitting that the hosts did so for ratings.

Fox ended up agreeing to a historic $787m settlement in the Dominion case, and suffered a blow to its reputation in journalism circles as a result of the lawsuit. Of particular concern to many reporters was the revealed efforts by Carlson to go after straight-news reporters at the company over their efforts to push back against falsehoods regarding the election.

Hunter Biden remains separately charged with federal tax crimes as well as an allegation that he lied about his history of drug use on an application for the purchase of a firearm.

Hunter Biden threatens to sue Fox News for airing 'revenge porn' Attorneys representing President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden are threatening to sue Fox News for violating "revenge porn" laws and publishing since-discredited bribery allegations as part of a scheme to "paint him in a false light," according to a letter obtained by ABC News.

The letter, which Hunter Biden's counsel transmitted to attorneys at Fox News last week, includes a request for the conservative news outlet to "preserve all documents potentially relevant to the allegations in this letter" -- a common precursor to litigation.

"We anticipate that litigation against FOX ... is imminent," the letter says.

MORE: Hunter Biden sues Rudy Giuliani in latest 'laptop' salvo

To pen the letter to Fox, Hunter Biden enlisted the law firm Geragos & Geragos, whose principal, Mark Geragos, has represented A-listers like Michael Jackson, singer Chris Brown, and actress Winona Ryder.

Geragos also has experience representing family members of presidents: He negotiated a plea deal in 2001 for Roger Clinton Jr., the brother of former President Bill Clinton, for driving under the influence.

After years of quietly weathering a federal criminal investigation and deluge of negative press, Hunter Biden embarked on an aggressive legal counteroffensive last year against several individuals who played some role in obtaining and disseminating the contents of a laptop purportedly belonging to him.

Among those are John Paul Mac Isaac, the computer repairman who initially obtained the laptop; Rudy Giuliani, who denied Hunter Biden's claim that he manipulated and disseminated data from the laptop; and Garrett Ziegler, a onetime Trump White House aide who published the contents of the laptop -- including several graphic images -- to the internet.

According to accounts given by Mac Isaac and his attorney, on April 12, 2019, Hunter Biden arrived at Mac Isaac's computer repair shop with three damaged devices and asked if the data could be recovered. Days later, Mac Isaac said, he asked Hunter Biden to return to the shop to retrieve the devices and pay an $85 service fee. Mac Isaac has said he never heard back from Hunter Biden, and the invoice was never paid.

After 90 days, according to Mac Isaac and his attorney, the abandoned laptop became Mac Isaac's property, pursuant to the work order agreement Hunter Biden allegedly signed when he first visited Mac Isaac's shop.

Mac Isaac subsequently turned the laptop and external hard drive over to the FBI in December 2019, and later sought to share information from the devices with then-President Donald Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, who made the contents of the devices available to other Trump allies and some news outlets in the weeks prior to the 2020 presidential election.

In a statement to ABC News, Hunter Biden's legal team said, "For the last five years, Fox News has relentlessly attacked Hunter Biden and made him a caricature in order to boost ratings and for its financial gain. The recent indictment of FBI informant Smirnov has exposed the conspiracy of disinformation that has been fueled by Fox, enabled by their paid agents and monetized by the Fox enterprise. We plan on holding them accountable."

Attorneys for Hunter Biden demanded that Fox News "expeditiously remove and disable access" to the images. They sent the letter on April 23 and requested that Fox's legal team "have taken steps outlined in this letter" by Friday, April 26.

A Fox News spokesperson said in a statement, "Hunter Biden's lawyers have belatedly chosen to publicly attack Fox News' constitutionally protected coverage regarding their client. Mr. Biden is a public figure who has been the subject of investigations by both the Department of Justice and Congress, has been indicted by two different US Attorney's Offices in California and Delaware, and has admitted to multiple incidents of wrongdoing. Consistent with the First Amendment, Fox News has accurately covered these highly publicized events as well as the subsequent indictment of an FBI informant who was the source of certain claims made about Mr. Biden."

If Hunter Biden moves forward with a lawsuit against Fox News, it would constitute his first action against a major media firm.

In their letter to Fox News, attorneys for Hunter Biden cited statistics that they say demonstrate how ubiquitous the outlet's coverage of the president's son had become in recent years.

Some of Fox News' star anchors, including Maria Bartiromo and Sean Hannity, ran hundreds of segments about a now-discredited claim that Joe and Hunter Biden accepted millions of dollars in bribes from a Ukrainian oligarch, according to statistics gathered by media watchdog Media Matters.

Alexander Smirnov, the source of the allegation, has since pleaded not guilty to charges that he fabricated the story to harm the president politically.

MORE: FBI source charged for allegedly providing false info on Bidens, which was cited by Republicans

But according their letter, attorneys for Hunter Biden charge that "rather than walk back the story and correct the record, FOX double-downed on the debunked bribery allegation and used Smirnov's indictment to suggest an even deeper conspiracy."

Attorneys for Hunter Biden also demanded that Fox News remove a miniseries called "The Trial of Hunter Biden" from its streaming services.

The miniseries, described by Fox Nation as a mock trial that seeks to show "how a possible Hunter Biden trial might look," includes several sexually graphic images of Hunter Biden, which are reproduced in the letter.

The miniseries "unlawfully published and continues to publish intimate images of Mr. Biden depicting him in the nude as well as engaged in sex acts in violation of the majority of states' laws against the nonconsensual disclosure of sexually explicit images and videos, sometimes referred to as 'revenge porn' laws," Hunter Biden's attorneys wrote.

The images cited in the letter date back to a time when Hunter Biden was in the throes of drug and alcohol addiction. In his 2021 memoir, "Beautiful Things," Hunter Biden described frequent drug-infused binges that often involved sexual interactions with women.

When special counsel David Weiss brought tax-related charges against Biden last year, his indictment included an accounting of how Hunter Biden spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on women instead of paying his taxes. Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty to those charges.

Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Accuse Fox News of ‘Conspiracy to Defame’ Ahead of Possible Lawsuit Filing Lawyers for Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, are calling out Fox News Channel and Fox News Digital for an alleged “conspiracy and subsequent actions to defame [Hunter] and paint him in a false light.”

The news conglomerate’s actions in question involve “the unlicensed commercial exploitation of [Hunter Biden’s] image, name, and likeness, and the unlawful publication of hacked intimate images of him,” according to NBC News, which obtained a copy of the April 23 letter sent by Biden’s legal team.

At issue, among other things, is a “mock trial” of Hunter Biden that Fox Nation (FNC’s digital platform) streamed in 2022. In addition to focusing on unproven bribery allegations, Fox Nation published “intimate images of Mr. Biden depicting him in the nude as well as engaged in sex acts,” CNN reports.

“Fox knows that these private and confidential images were hacked, stolen, and/or manipulated digital material,” the letter from Biden’s lawyers argue; further, they violate “the majority of states’ laws against the nonconsensual disclosure of sexually explicit images and videos, sometimes referred to as ‘revenge porn’ laws.”

Another recurring theme in the letter from Biden’s lawyers is Fox News’ aforementioned “bribery” narrative, which leaned heavily on the word of Alexander Smirnov, an FBI informant. In February, Smirnov was indicted by a federal grand jury for allegedly telling federal agents that back in 2017, the Ukrainian industrial conglomerate Burisma Holdings had hired Hunter Biden — to the alleged tune of $5 million — to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems.”

Though that indictment found that Smirnov’s narrative was full of “fabrications,” Biden’s lawyers write that Fox News at first “remained silent.” Then, “in a brazen show of no remorse… Fox double-downed on the debunked bribery allegation and used Smirnov’s indictment to claim this is an ‘intimidation tactic’ aimed at silencing ‘whistleblowers,’ to blame the FBI for its credulity, and to suggest an even deeper conspiracy,” per CNN.

Earlier this year, the White House similarly demanded that Fox News retract its coverage of bribery allegations against Hunter Biden, in the wake of Smirnov’s arrest.

In addition to demanding the removal of the sexually explicit images of Hunter Biden, the letter calls on Fox News to inform its readers of Smirnov’s indictment and have Fox News hosts including Sean Hannity, Maria Bartiromo and Jesse Watters “inform their viewers on air that they have been sharing a debunked allegation from a source who has been federally indicted.”

According to NBC News, Hunter Biden’s lawyers plan to sue Fox News “imminently.”

UPDATE: On Tuesday morning, Fox News Media issued a statement that reads, “Hunter Biden’s lawyers have belatedly chosen to publicly attack Fox News’ constitutionally protected coverage regarding their client. Mr. Biden is a public figure who has been the subject of investigations by both the Department of Justice and Congress, has been indicted by two different U.S. Attorney’s Offices in California and Delaware, and has admitted to multiple incidents of wrongdoing. Consistent with the First Amendment, Fox News has accurately covered these highly publicized events as well as the subsequent indictment of an FBI informant who was the source of certain claims made about Mr. Biden.”

Hunter Biden sue laptop repair man
Hunter Biden has sued John Paul Mac Isaac, a Delaware computer repair shop owner, accusing him of invasion of privacy and wrongfully sharing his personal data for political purposes. The lawsuit was filed in response to Mac Isaac’s own lawsuit, which alleged that Hunter Biden defamed him by saying he had illegally accessed the data on the laptop.

According to the lawsuit, Hunter Biden claims that Mac Isaac invaded his privacy by accessing and sharing his personal data, including emails and other documents, without his consent. The lawsuit also alleges that Mac Isaac gave Hunter Biden’s data to “political enemies” to help then-President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

Mac Isaac has claimed that he obtained the information from Hunter Biden’s laptop legally and that the laptop became his property when Hunter Biden abandoned it at his shop in April 2019. He has also claimed that he shared the information with others, including Rudy Giuliani and other Trump allies, because he believed it was newsworthy and relevant to the 2020 presidential election.

Hunter Biden’s lawsuit seeks a jury trial and compensatory and punitive damages. The case is ongoing, with Hunter Biden’s deposition scheduled to take place in June 2023.

Hunter Biden sues computer repairman for invasion of privacy over handling of laptop. My Name Is Hunter Biden And I Declaration Under Penalty Of Perjury. The Said Laptop Is Not Mine At All Period. And More than 51 former intelligence officials signed a letter and (Declaration Under Penalty Of Perjury) casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president’s son. Hunter Biden Said It “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

chrome-51 former intelligence officials signed a letter/Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury/https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000175-4393-d7aa-af77-579f9b330000

Hunter Biden is suing a Delaware-based computer repairman for invasion of privacy and publication of private information. The counterclaim lawsuit, which also responds to repairman John Mac Isaac's libel lawsuit, argues that Mac Isaac invaded Biden's privacy in 2019 by accessing and wrongfully sharing his personal data with several individuals.

Mac Isaac has said he obtained the information from Biden's laptop legally and has said that Biden himself dropped it off in April 2019 and never returned to claim it. Mac Isaac has said he waited 90 days and then considered it abandoned.

Biden's lawsuit argues that Mac Isaac's 90-day abandonment provision in the repair contract is not in compliance with Delaware law, and moreover, that the line is in "small-print font at the bottom of the page, well below the signature line." The counterclaim asserts that Delaware law states that tangible property is not deemed abandoned until a full year has elapsed, and before another party takes possession, a court must send a notice to the owner and post notice "in five or more public places," and advertise the petition "in a newspaper."

The lawsuit is the latest move in a strategic shift by the president's son, aimed at aggressively pushing back after years of withering attacks from allies and aides of former President Donald Trump. It comes at a time when Republicans in Congress are ramping up their investigation into overseas business dealings Hunter Biden and other Biden family members engaged in while Joe Biden was vice president.

In conjunction with the lawsuit, Hunter Biden's legal team asks the court to allow them to obtain sworn depositions from a range of figures in Trump's orbit.

Biden's lawyers argue that in September 2019, Mac Isaac wrote to Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani and "planned to make a flash drive from the data in his possession consisting of key documents summarizing information that he believed would help prevent President Trump's impeachment."

Biden lawyer Abbe Lowell noted in the counterclaim that in addition to Giuliani, Mac Isaac shared the data with his father, his uncle and Giuliani attorney Robert Costello. The lawsuit alleges that Giuliani provided a copy of the computer's drive to former White House strategist Stephen Bannon and that Bannon gave part of the data to Chinese tycoon Guo Wengui, who spread the information to his followers on WhatsApp. Lowell also accused Mac Isaac of using the data for commercial purposes, to make money by including parts of the data in a book.

A lawyer for Mac Isaac declined to comment.

Among those Lowell is seeking to depose are Trump ally Bannon, Giuliani, Costello and Wengui, who was arrested earlier this week in New York City for allegedly masterminding an unrelated $1-billion fraud scheme.

Biden's counterclaim was filed during an uptick in legal and congressional activity around the president's son. Rep. James Comer, Republican chairman of the House Government Oversight Committee, released information Thursday indicating that from 2015-2017 — a period that includes two years when Joe Biden was vice president — President Biden's family members, including Hunter Biden, were paid $1.6 million by a Chinese energy company.

A spokesperson for Biden's legal team said Comer was "tak[ing] something old and tr[ying] to make it new by wrapping it in a wild and baseless right-wing conspiracy."

"Hunter Biden, a private citizen with every right to pursue his own business endeavors, joined several business partners in seeking a joint venture with a privately-owned, legitimate energy company in China," the spokesperson continued. "As part of that joint venture, Hunter received his portion of good faith seed funds which he shared with his uncle, James Biden, and Hallie Biden, with whom he was involved with at the time, and sharing expenses. The accounts so dramatically listed by Rep. Comer belonged to Hunter, his uncle and Hallie - nobody else."

And the U.S. attorney's office in Delaware has been investigating Hunter Biden since at least 2019. A federal subpoena from that year sought Hunter Biden's bank records dating back to 2014, when Joe Biden was vice president. Investigators have examined whether Biden owes taxes on income from a controversial stint, during his father's vice presidency, as a board member for Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Biden could face prostitution charges for transporting hookers across state lines and disguising checks to them as payments for 'medical services.' First Son spent $30k in five months on 'the girlfriend experience'.


Prosecutors may have a case for federal prostitution offenses against Hunter Biden, according to documents, texts and videos that show he spent a staggering $30,000 on escorts in a five-month period.

The president's son wrote checks to a Ukrainian woman whose transactions were red-flagged by banks for suspicious activity, documents reveal.

A Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) filed by JPMorgan Chase named Florida and New York-based Ekaterina Moreva after she received tens of thousands of dollars from Hunter's company and women who the First Son paid for sex.

Texts from Hunter's iPhone also show him handwriting checks disguised as medical services to escorts supplied by Moreva, whose website offers a 'girlfriend experience' with prostitutes as young as 20.

Some of Hunter's hooker payments came just hours after he received thousands of dollars from his father.

Videos and pictures show Hunter helping transport those prostitutes over state lines for a debauched night with him – a potential federal offense.

The material has been in the FBI's hands since December 2019, raising the prospect that its investigation into Hunter could lead to charges over his dealings with prostitutes – though experts say prosecutions over prostitution charges alone are rare.

The president's son is currently the subject of a federal investigation which is reportedly examining potential tax crimes, money laundering and alleged illegal foreign lobbying linked to his overseas business dealings.

The SAR, leaked to the anti-corruption nonprofit Marco Polo and obtained by DailyMail.com, says 'student' Anna Dekhtiar from Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, received $274,873 between November 2018 and March 2019 with 'no clear, legitimate economic purpose'.

The SAR said the money was received from eight senders including Hunter's company Owasco, P.C.

Two of the women listed as depositing the large sums in Dekhtiar's account are also in text messages on Hunter's laptop, and appear to be hookers he hired.

Some of the cash was then sent on to Moreva, who Hunter used to facilitate many of his sordid nights with prostitutes.

One depositor named in the SAR was a woman Hunter filmed on his iPhone in January 2019, claiming that he gave her $10,000 and asking if he hurt her.

Another is a woman Hunter paid $2,400 on Venmo for an 'art consultation' and a further $200 for 'packaging and shipping' in October 2018.

In Hunter's text conversations with Moreva, she refers him to a website called UberGFE.com, which advertises 'models' who can give clients a 'girlfriend experience' in Los Angeles, New York, Boston, Miami, Washington DC, Chicago, London and Paris.

Women on the site are pictured in skimpy lingerie or semi-nude.

The site says it has employees in Ukraine, and some of the women Hunter hired through Moreva have Ukrainian names.

UberGFE has a page saying it supports Ukraine in its war with Russia and provides cryptocurrency addresses for visitors to donate to alleged charitable funds.

Hunter texted photos to Moreva showing he mailed checks to prostitutes for thousands of dollars from his joint account with his ex-wife Kathleen, who divorced him in 2017.

Hunter falsely wrote on some of the checks that they were for 'Blue Water Wellness', the name of a rehab therapy center he used.

The center has nothing to do with his dealings with prostitutes.

Hunter's spending on escorts totaled more than $30,000 between November 2018 and March 2019.

Some of the money may have unwittingly come from his father.

Texts from January 2019 revealed by the Washington Examiner last month show Joe Biden sent Hunter $5,000 just hours before he got into a dispute with a prostitute he claimed he paid $10,000.

https://bidenlaptopmedia.com/ - 6,900 Hunter Photo's, Drugs, XXX, Sex Works Etc.

When Moreva followed up with Hunter over his escort debts a month later, he texted her that he was having trouble sending money because the payments had raised a 'red flag' with his bank due to the recipient's Russian email address.

'Email with .ru flags wires,' he wrote. 'This is too much red flag for bank. Which is reason why I have been unable to take care of this to begin with.

'It's what got my accounts frozen and reviewed by bank.'

Documents on the laptop show Hunter asking Moreva which girls were available for 'fun' on December 11, 2018 when he stayed in a $700-per-night suite at the Roxy hotel in New York's Tribeca area.

He then booked Amtrak train tickets to transport three prostitutes from Boston to New York.

Videos the women sent to Hunter show them on the train, and a later video shows Hunter and the three women having sex and filming it with his laptop and an iPad.

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