GEOFENCING and GEOTIMING and how it could stop your car from going where you want, when you want

1 month ago

GEOFENCING and GEOTIMING and how it could stop your car from going where you want, when you want, and it applies to all cars after around 2016. Scary stuff.
"Let's just take a minute to talk about what that means. Geo fencing is exactly what they have on shopping trolleys at the supermarket. It means you're not going to be able to drive your car beyond the limits of what the government have decided that you're allowed to drive it.
So all of these conspiracies about 15 minute cities and zones and climate lockdowns how are they going to implement them well probably with the Geo fencing capabilities that built into the car using the infrastructure that they're already installing in the roads with all the cameras and all the sensors and all the new technology that is going up.
And all you've got to do is look for it anytime you go out for a drive anywhere look for all the new cameras and all the new technology that is being
installed on all the roads everywhere you'll see it Geo timing capabilities.
Now that's interesting because curfews for example. Let's say we introduce a curfew where no one's allowed to drive their car after 7:00. That's all well and
good, you might say nothing wrong with that now. What about if we say no one's allowed to drive their car on a Sunday to save the planet. Well they'll just
switch your car off on a Sunday to save the planet and that might sound like a really outlandish conspiracy theory but that's already been discussed I've already seen articles discussing having: Save the Planet don't drive your car days and banning people from driving on certain days just to save the planet so..."
Source: Geoff Buys Cars (YouTube)

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