JUAN O SAVIN on the Q Operation - Military is in control

29 days ago

JUAN O SAVIN on the Q Operation - Military is in control

From TOM NUMBERS 5-1-24


Why did God even put it in Daniel's heart to want to know the future? And did God put it in Daniel's heart to want to know the future so that things that Daniel would record then would affect the future? Did God have to have a time traveler as part of his equation in order to get the future outcome that he wanted? To place enough hope into the hearts of people in the intervening period. To see that he was there both in the past and in the future and that they had reasons for hope.

In fact, I will tell you that that's part of even the Q operation. To give people reasons for hope. Uh, with a sort of uh uh qued in time travel. Anticipating the future. Telling you what the future is before you get there. Giving you choke points for that progression, uh ,so that you know that uh you know where we're going with this, and by the way, uh, future proves past.
Part of what's misunderstood within that whole thing is say, military in control. Well, um would you say that the military is in control every aspect along the way? Which military? Good guys or bad guys? It's one of the things that people get hung up on very heavily and you have to understand, no, that at a certain point the situation changes and it leaves the political realm and it always had to be that the way that you have to get this under control because, so um out of whack, is there will be a time when the military has to control every operation.

Well if you look back from there if there's a point that's being engineered, uh like a focal point. When you take a magnifying glass and you have the sun coming through or a light and then you move the magnifying glass closer or further away from a surface depending on the curvature of the of the lens you bring it to a focal point and uh where it's crisp and sharp pointed. There's all of this energy that's taking place within the various operations in the world that are being brought to a focal point of military and control. Well, if they had the ability to bring it there, were they in control the whole time even though it wasn't visible? Would you say that, uh that there was a military operation even though uh say the Pentagon and other militaries around the world were not in agreement and working together? And yet, at some future point with all the actions engineered the way they do, suddenly they are all working together. Well, was that prophetic? Was that that they were always completely under control or was the game coming to a head in a certain way over time where the eventual outcome had been preordained and planned and anticipated, that if you do all these various other things, where you end up with is military and control and if you read the Q posts in that type of a light you come to understand that uh things are being put in place towards a focal point and you have to read them in that way.

You're looking at checkpoints in history, uh that are anticipated based on things that are being done along the way. So, in a sense with the aid of computers, AI, uh augmented intelligence, um a game plan has been engineered and the computers are actually time machines. They're taking all the minutia of things that that are known and can be known or should be known, they're blending them all together and saying, well if you do this or you change that or you do whatever, you end up with this outcome and uh they're anticipating, predicting, engineering the future outcome of events. So, you have people wanting certain um outcomes and then working through the logistics. How do you make that happen? How do you stop this other thing from happening? Uh, you know, what's the best way to get there? You know, using these artificial intelligences to play out hundreds, thousands, billions of scenarios in minutes without actually going through them physically. By working out mechanics of well, what happens if we change this? What happens if we have this happen? What's the more likely outcome if this or this or this occur? And, uh that's what you really have with the Q operation. And that's what you're seeing play out in the World.

And even with Trump as the rabbit, that's part of this thing to expose the mechanisms in this James Bond film we're living of control of the World. Anticipating out in the future. Wisdom is the ability to foresee the future consequences of present action. And so we augment our human wisdom with the mechanical functional insights that we can gain by using a machine to play out various scenarios and the most likely outcomes to come up with the best game plan. And the key choke points and the most critical things that have to happen in a certain way or sequence and time in order to get the right outcome. And that's what's been engineered out, uh, so in our in our era, computers are being used as the form of a time machine to see what the future might look like and to engineer different outcomes.

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