Laura Knight-Jadczyk & the CASSIOPAEAN EXPERIMENT (Please read description box below)

1 month ago

I am putting out this older 2011 video of Laura Knight-Jadczyk as just a quick introduction to her and her theoretical mathematical physicist husband Arkadiusz Jadczyk as I wish to make you all AWARE of her amazing work!

The only reason why I woke up to the New World Order and the whole HYPER DIMENSIONAL REALITY back in the late 1990's was because of Laura's CASSIOPAEAN EXPERIMENT that she published on the internet where in July 1994 she made contact with 6th density STO (SERVICE TO OTHERS) Beings of light transmitting from the area of Cassiopeia. There was only 4 years of CASSIOPAEAN TRANSCRIPTS back then when I first began to read them and now there is 30 years worth of CASSIOPAEAN TRANSCRIPTS (Q&A sessions) as every couple months they do a session to ask questions that they cant find the answers to themselves.

This was the particular Cassiopaean transcript session that I stumbled upon back in the late 1990's talking about our SUN having a TWIN SUN or COMPANION STAR/Brown Dwarf which was a burned out star where you can't see it due to black space behind it making it visually invisible. It was on the original C site back then and I was curious enough to want to investigate a little more about who or what this SOURCE was.

You will also see in the Cassiopaean Transcripts in the mid 1990's the "C's" were talking about the DEEP UNDERGROUND TUNNELS of the New World Order and they were also the first that I remember that told Laura to get her friend who was going to be at the Denver Airport back in 1995 or 1996 to take pictures of the strange DIA murals and she was one of the first that I know that put those photos out onto the internet plus so much more!

The C's explain "Densities" which are levels of AWARENESS to consciousness with insects at 1st Density, Animals at 2nd Density, Humans at 3rd density, Aliens at 4th density which is the highest manifestation of physical existence. 5th Density is Physical death/contemplation zone, 6th Density is pure consciousness.

After over a quarter century on the internet I have never come across anything remotely close to giving ANSWERS to the big picture than this SOURCE so want all of you to at least be AWARE of it. Book mark it!

Laura's CASSIOPAEAN EXPERIMENT and her articles/books soon started the SIGNS OF THE TIMES page ( back around 2002 where they cover & document all relevants news including Psychopaths in power, weather, meteors & UFO activity INCREASING every year as humanity AWAKENS at this time.

This stuff will BLOW your mind but I will let you all check it out and determine the credibility of the SOURCE for yourself and just listening to your gut feelings. The Cassiopaean motto is "KNOWLEDGE PROTECTS, IGNORANCE ENDANGERS".

All CASSIOPAEAN TRANSCRIPTS from July 1994 to present:

Articles written by Laura Knight-Jadczyk on this page


I would also recommend Barbara Marciniak's 1992 book "Bringers of the Dawn" where you can read for FREE here (Top right ICON to download this PDF book to your computer (Just in case they ever CUT the internet)).,Barbara,Bringers%20of%20the%20dawn.pdf

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