Dr. David Nixon & Karl C. - SYNTHETIC BLOOD: Human Cyborgization Confirmed

1 month ago

Dr. David Nixon and researcher Karl C. join Maria Zeee to discuss their latest nanotechnology findings, confirming evidence of synthetic blood and the cyborgization of humans.
Get your blood clean. EDTA IV chelation therapy is the best. I your moderator went to the Baja Body Mind Clinic in Rosarito Beach Mexico just 26 miles over the border from San Diego. Only $123 U.S. not many more times the cost in the States . Here is the website for you to read their excellent descriptions of the IV therapies they offer so you can know about the many benefits and can hopefully find a clinic near you. It is reccomended to do a series of them. After just one session of cleaning my blood and putting Vit C and magnesium in it I had a lot more energy and felt better. I will be going back.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea who is also working with Dr. Nixon is an associate of a comrad of mine Attorney David Meswinkle who used to be the v.p of the Lawyers Committee for 911 Inquiry and she sent this advise to clean the blood with over the counter : EDTA Capsules, Methalyne Blue ( made from Indigo ) and high doses of VIT C , 10,000 mg or as tolerated. I have been doing this as well. Take the EDTA capsules on an empty stomach.
The problem is, it's so darn scary and outrageous that no one wil believe it and that is what the pschopathic criminals are counting on. So tell people anyway , tell them they've been controlling rats like this for years, now we are the lab rats.
And be sure to watch the Interest In Justice legal Team video and donate what you can to their amazing efforts from Costa Rica to stop the injections and to hold the DOD and FDA and the rest responsible in a Nuremberg Tribunal. Please look at this website and share widely. That legal team is working hard probono and need funds to keep litigating.... Imagine a televized world tribunal .... https://stopcovidvaccinesnow.org

And let us all CALL our Senator and Congress and tell them about this cyborg blood. And tell them about the DEW attacks. Let the Truth RIP. Be called a Conspiracy theorist, who cares. Just scream the truth from the rooftops now as We the People are under the most serious attack ever known to mankind, the evil is so powerful, God needs to help now, so pray a lot and connect with the good power that is there for us all to Unite in. We must fight for humanity now. Those of us that are awake please Unite and organize as if your life depends on it. It certainly does. Our U.S. government is no longer ' ours ' we have been taken over and its a puppet government for the cabal and a powerful faction of the cabal is the Isreali Govt.using our hard earned taxed to murder families in Palestine. That government and all others are corrupted.
And our pharmacy managers where we shop who are running a Death Shot Site need to be told to STOP the injections. They too are responsible for crimes against humanity. No , they are not just ' doing their jobs'. They are committing a crime with each injection and they need to know this fact. Tell them!!!

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