Esoteric Hollywood: Brainwave & Timeline Manipulation | Dystopian Future Movie Night

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Esoteric Hollywood: Brainwave & Timeline Manipulation | Dystopian Future Movie Night

Have you ever experienced a strange synchronicity while watching a movie or listening to a song?

Have you seen the film Frequency?

Has something like that happened to you and you are still looking for explanation?

Is it possible to communicate from one timeline, past or present, to another one?

How would you verify something like that?

Enter: STARGATE Project

Did you know that the earth has a hum, a resonance, that tunes to about 7.83 Hz (cycles per second) called the Schumann Resonance?

Did you know that Department of Defense contractor SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) performed experiments involving the manipulation of Human Brainwave? Those experiments were called “Event Related Desynchronization” and involved ‘brainwave jamming’ in the 10 Hz (cycles per second range)

Did you know about researcher Bob Beck’s experiments with Psychics, Intuitive, Faith Healers, Shaman, Witches/Warlocks? …you name it…if they had psychic abilities that were verifiable, Bob Beck would spend time with them to learn how they did what they did…the secret behind the ‘voodoo’

Want to know the secret?

Nearly all people with strong Psychic Abilities, had brainwave close to the Schumann Resonance (7.83-8 Hz) compared to the rest of the population who averages 10 Hz?

Psychic Brainwave is closest to the Schumann Resonance or Earth Brainwave

What is this physical reality we are existing in & why is this link to the Schumann Resonance important?

I believe this is the foundation of Synchronicity and will explain using films and entertainment tonight…

On the playlist…

Robocop - Warehouse Scenes - End of Film
The Running Man - Set of game show
Terminator 2 - Steel Mill battles
Hell Comes to Frogtown - Underground Uranium Mines - Frogtown
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 - 44 minutes - Psychic Kid Vibrations at mill
Max Headroom “WAR” - news for sale - terrorists work with MSM
Independence Day - LA Ruins
Mortal Combat - Fight Sequences

Timeline Manipulation - Brainwave - DNA - Geographic Locations - Ley Lines

Should be a fun & educational night hopefully
The Running Man

The Running Man (1987) - Timeline Prediction & Other Dystopian Future Films @ Kaiser Steel (44 deg)

Sixth Sense - Pettigrew
The Sixth Sense (1972) & Psychic Research - The Finders Cult- Jackass/Simmons/Pettigrew/Leon/Charles

HAARP Timeline Film

Henry Silva Timeline Films

Thirst - Blood Harvesting - Cults - Human Harvesting
Hanford Wineries: Blood Harvesting & Henry Silva's Timeline Warning from "Thirst" (1979)

Manchurian Candidate - MKULTRA Mind Control Assassins
Timelines & The Manchurian Candidate - Henry Silva & Warning Loops

Amazon Women on the Moon - Jackass - Elon Musk Warning
Henry Silva - Amazon Women On The Moon Timeline Clue about Elon Musk (Jackass/Nuclear Big Brother)

Virus: The End - COVID - Bioweapons Labs by Gov’t
The COVID Timeline Warning Film - Japanese/USA Production - Henry Silva as General Garland & Our Oz

Leon Askin
Hogans Heroes, Leon Askin & America: The New Stalag 13 Explained

Frequency - TImeLine manipulated

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