Chinese CCP WEF-WHO-UN-Davos Invades New Zealand...We Respond by Serving Chinese Embassy!

28 days ago

This Korero mai news & the Whistle Blowers News Sunday 5th May 2024. We have identified a MAJOR threat to our Border Security & Intelligence. A major threat to communities & individuals. The Chinese Embassy has been served a Notice of Warning to Demand A Criminal Operation of their compromises administration office here. Close Down China & India Ebassies! For over 40years Chinese has used Private Native Title Land Stolen from Individuals by MLC Maori landcourt trusts. They've exploited Land for kiwifruit-chinese gooseberry fruit, farming Dairy Food, Forestry Pine tree productions, Seafood mass productions MAKING MASS PROFITs draining our economy. And politcians, police, army navy airforce & Gangs are Chinese contracts also. With the law & medical society under covid19 pandemic plan written by 2017 Director General of Health Chai Chuah Chinese Spy. A Chinese governor General & human rights commissioner. Jacinda Ardern, Lisa Fong GCSB Rebecca Kitteridge & Ann Tolley are suspected Transexual Men acting as Women. Justice is Coming! Nuremberg Trials 2024-2025.
The Satanic Beast system of Slavery & genocide must go.
This is Federal Slavery  shadow govt uses Internal Affairs office 'acts of witch craft' to screen people 'Daily'. DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS Wellington Update -
1. Citizens act 1977 (constant demand to prove you are a citizen by IDs carried eg Driver License, Birth Cert, passport, student ID),
2. Births, Marriages, Deaths Registration act 1995 (demanding you prove ID Name&DOB date of birth&Address location registries to Fed agents including Fed police),
3. Verification act 2012 (demand Bank Account Details & ID),
4. Identity information act 2012 (demands you Identify yourself to these cronies),
5. Passports act 1992 (demand ID presented or copies), 
6. Marriage act 1955,
(demands you prove you are in a partnership to opposite sex for breeding purposes)
7. Human assisted reproduction technology act  2004 (cloning copying your ID & taking body samples for Replacement, human trafficking sex trafficking abductions by elite pedos),
8. Status of Children act 1955 (these homosexual LGBT policy maker pedophiles are interested in your children & how they can take them away),
A pedophile police state illegal police CIA surveillance nazi tracking crime syndicate subjecting people to their demands for money that Belongs to birthright inheritances access to estates & our true wealth stolen by Federal State Government Imposters.
This DAILY TRADING Slavery Subjection psychiatry psychopath operation - must end! It's an Attack War Declared on Sovereign Status to Land by Admiralty law of the sea (admiralty law needs to be used on water not inland its illegal criminal force injustice Human Harvesting & Andrenochrome & Human organ harvesting by freemason vampires Satanic Occult of witch craft THE BEAST SYSTEM of Sacrifice, by gestapo white extremist military enforcers 'fraud actors'. We Need to Revoke these acts & policies:
May 6th Update-
UN temporarily shut its Doors due to LACK OF FUNDS. Vaccines War count was a Corporate DEBT Recovery agenda WE CAN REPLACE UN-WHO-WEF bankrupt brokeass liars:

Every Country Needs to have a USA Judicial Watch Intelligence Agency asking critical questions:

NZ Pharmacies must be accountable - have you noticed chinese & indian drug dispensers in chemists? Whos giving child vaccines to elderly, abuse of power vaccine addicted profits its Terrorists:
NZ POWER UPDATE: SMART Power Grid control by Truspower. Are the cult crims trying to Blackmail Power Users to Change Providers? Does the govt want ONE POWER COMPANY control? After building Truspower in Tauranga CDB owned by Obama Darpa Intel hub & Downer with Chinese partners with Blackrock-vangard-goldman sachs:
Trustpower owned by Infratil Global:
Monopoly Power & Health combined hides Agenda2030.
Infratil Limited is a 'New Zealand-based' Global Corporate' infrastructure investment company. It owns renewable energy, digital infrastructure, airports, and healthcare assets with operations in New Zealand, Australia, Asia, the US and Europe. Infratil was founded by the late Lloyd Morrison, a Wellington-based
Lloyd Morrison Update:
NZ Investment Banker died in USA 2012. Has Lloyd been replaced by Globalist Cult Owners SMART GRID Covid19 focused? Morrison owner of Infratil which owned Truspower. Now 2024, we see Infratil as GLOBAL Corporate owned - Power & Health dirty businesses. Lloyd Morrison died aged 54yrs in Seattle USA, king county Washington:
NZ Investment Banker -
Lloyd Morrison dies of blood poisoning leukemia in Seattle Washington USA - another dead Banker:
Liz Gunn exposes corrupt Maori Reporters & Radio NZ & TeKarere as Vaccine Death Numbers suppressors. Nuremberg 2.0 Crimes Against Humanity:
New Zealands Chief Justice, of Nazi German Croatian roots to Ukraine - Helen Winkelmann appointed by Jacinda Ardern made it easier to Vaccine euthanasia NewZealanders. Helen Winkelmann must be prosecution charged by Nuremberg 2.0 with Governor General Cindy Kiro & Adern. We are under a similar massacre as Ukraine except its Stealth Silent War count, by Vaccines & the Police & Emergency Services are silenced contracts like Chief Justice & Governor General. A Nazi Communist Freemason Cult Sacrifice to Invade Raid Rape our nation is Satanic Evil!
Remove the Coroners Office from Maori landcourt! NZTA-LTSA-Police-DHBs hospitals-Courts-Politicial parties are Evil Human Organ Harvestors. Using their
cult DRIVERS LICENSE IDs system. We Demand A FULL criminal investigation & Audit! We Demand the Exposing of this sick cult practice for 60years!!! Native Sovereign Maori are being Organ Harvested by Pedophiles International Courts & Nazi police medical military industrial complex in Aotearoa New Zealand & Treaty of Waitangi 1975 act law, policy, regulation is used by Parent Comporations treating us as Infants-Invalids- Irrelevant. These Maori landcourts are paid ppp partners! Today, Indigenous Warrior organs are a multi billion industry like human trafficking. The crime operation is guarded by Border Security Staff at Courthouses & Roads are International highways demand a Quota system of 'Roading Deaths' Dead Bodycounts, yearly. Where is Justice? THIS DRIVERS LICENSE MUST GO to End Slavery. The Courthouse Border Security Staff wear black & white uniforms like Saint Johns Ambulance emergency harvestors, contracted to Goldman Sachs. And court judges blackcapes of Jesuit Catholic priest robes - executioners to murder people by Hammer. The Auctions are Animal Farming courtcases:
Ring CRIME STOPPERS to Report Police & Politicians Vaccine injuries & deaths calling for Nuremberg Trials 2024. The Failure to include their own corporate Laws including:
1. Bill of Rights 1990
2. Human Rights act 1993 ( which came out from civil rights & women's rights movements
3. New Zealand Constitution 1986. Rothchilds-vatican-crown
Police are Addicted to their cult Crimes act 1961 prisons4profit & FINES infringement revenue gathering.
Also Boycott NZ DRIVERS License Human Organ Harvesting Crimes Against Humanity - billionaire $$ industry. Take the Coroners office out of Maori Landcourt in Rotorua:
Update Monday 20th May 2024:
To Whom It May Concern:
I found out now these wacko pigs have been using their Criminal Procedure act 2011 on me. Part 1 Claus 2 - Electronic Surveillance. Electrical- Digital-Magnetic-Optical-Biometrics-scanning tech-radiation poisoning DEW direct energy weapons Torture. Combined to destroy murder me with  Vaccines combined. These are Terrorist Gays LGBT free masons cult. And this is why I started Maori Battalion Military Intelligence. They Declare War upon us! I made complaints & Will wait what happens. Stopping me going for Tauranga Mayor to take down Tech! Police-Tele communications & Power companies HATE Gangs. REVOKE Criminal Procedure act 2011 to disarm Police nazis. They are Dangerous out of control.
Update May 30th 2024 USA Decline affects Aotearoa New Zealand - USA Professor Richard D Wolffe discusses USA Decline & Rise of Brics & USA Future & interprets Govt Tariffs etc:
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