FULL SHOW Soviet Nukes On Black Market; Eco-Fascists 'Default To Tyranny'; Russell Brand Is Baptised

1 month ago

— New leader for SNP, after Greens let down. Scottish independence. Brexit. UK local election results.
— Tories lose half their Councillors and Labour Libdem Green take votes proportionally, its just a Tory fail. New Police Commissioner, Bristol.
— SHOCK analysis has predicted Labour will FAIL to win a majority at the next election. Taking the results so far announced
— BBC Radio Bristol – local Councillors discussing clean air zone. Bristol Clean Air Zone row erupts over expansion prospect –
— Bristol Mayor and mayoral system gone. Metro Mayor. George Galloway, Workers Party, on LBC Radio. 40 year low for Tory votes
— Will Rishi stop the boats? (No!) Migration. Labour may not get an overall majority in a general election.
— Vouchers instead of PIP for UK disabled? Snooping on bank accounts of the poor? Free public transport in Glasgow.
— Joe Stiglitz, former World Bank chief economist, C4 News – one freedom reduces another freedom – regulation necessary.
— Argentina has been experimented on by the banksters for decades – a new model US NWO controlled economy.
— Somerset County Council apologize to Elbit for evicting them Somerset Council passes motion to evict Israeli arms firm then apologises to Elbit
— Tweets by shoestring911 Shoestring 9/11 on X. ‘9/11 Israel Did It’ – After 9/11
— More detentions of Israelis Following 9/11, over 60 Israelis were detained either under the Patriot anti-Terrorism Act
— Pro-genocide Mike Graham, Talk TV, interviews Avi Hyman, spokesman for Israeli government – when ceasefire?
— Murdoch owns parts of Syria occupied by Israel. Rupert Murdoch and the Israeli Genie by Michael Dickinson
— PC Mohammed Adil – pro Hamas messages apparently are a form of terrorism. But the UK based Satanic
— Nazi murder cult The Order of Nine Angles are NOT a terror group according to the Home Office who refuse to designate them as such.
— West Yorkshire police officer admits 'terror offences' over Hamas Whatsapp messages
— Lemas Israeli hostage in Gaza – body turns up in Israel Biden’s talk – sleepy. Rageh Omah becoming ill while reading the news.
— Sangita Myska loses job at LBC radio over this interview management bullying’ after interviewing Israeli government genocide apologist Avi Hyman –
— Black market nukes: 1993 Cook Report lost for 30 years – The Cook Report July 1993 programme lost for thirty years
— In his characteristic journalistic sting Roger Cook is offered Soviet nuclear bombs and weapons grade plutonium on the black market.
— PMQs Rishi – Gaza ceasefire. Mohammed Makawi, Bristol Green Councillor, says sorry for ‘anti Semitic’ comment.
— LA student Anti Genocide in Gaza protests – Biden criticises them. Dozens arrested in US campuses in another weekend of pro-Palestine protests
— Student Mario Savio 1964 protestor against Vietnam war. Mario Savio’s Speech at Sproul Hall Steps, December 2, 1964
— Elizabeth Nickson: Eco Fascists Default To Tyranny How Weaponised 'Greens' Are Privatising The Earth
— Elizabeth Nickson, author of ‘Eco-Fascists’, how forestry is banned and working people destroyed in large parts of Canada by ‘conservationists’,
— AND her substack post on the tribal regressive element of tattoos. At present, mind control is being used to take land and resources from us
— Richard Jeffs’ Documentary Environmental Social Governance (ESG) just out on the bureaucracy controlling businesses
— Being brought in by WEF and puppet governments. Stakeholder Communism (feature film):
— Russell Brand has been baptised and been born again in Jesus Christ, he’s now a Christian. Russell Brand calls baptism ‘incredible, profound experience’
— NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling


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