"Israel Started This War" John Mearsheimer DESTROYS Piers Morgan on Iran-Israel War, Gaza,

1 month ago

"Israel Started This War" John Mearsheimer DESTROYS Piers Morgan on Iran-Israel War, Gaza,
It’s like watching an adult explain the world to a small child.
Guy is looking at Piers like he's the dumbest mf he's ever had to talk to.
No reverse gear, arrogance, and stupidity. That is Pierce Morgan. John Mearsheimer layed everything out beautifully and Morgan keeps babbling. We are in a very dangerous situation.
It's is funny to see how western media gets puzzled when faced with real analysis and not propaganda.
John Mearsheimer spends half of this interview astounded by the level of stupidity he is dealing with.
Professor Mearsheimer is amazingly patient in tolerating the rude and uneducated interruptions of the bought servant.
One is a professor the other is a person who spins stupidity.
Whoever gave Piers Morgan his first job in journalism owes the world an apology.


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