🔴 INTERVIEW: Tucker Carlson Ep. 103 | Tara Reade | The Torturous Story of Tara Reade

29 days ago

Former Senate aide Tara Reade credibly accused Joe Biden of sexual assault. Now the Justice Department is after her, and she's moved to Russia to seek political asylum. We spoke to her in Moscow.

In 2020, Tara Reade came forward to accuse Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her when she was an aide in the US Senate. What followed were two criminal investigations and exile in Russia - not of Joe Biden, but of Tara Reade. Seems backwards, doesn't it?

Tara Reade, the woman who came forward in 2020 with an allegation of sexual assault against then-candidate Joe Biden, is suing the Department of Justice over alleged misconduct.

A lawyer for Reade filed a tort claim on Wednesday seeking $10 million "for infliction of emotional distress and fear" following what she described as an "FBI sting" conducted after she came forward with her accusation against Biden. The tort claim alleges that Reade's Fourth Amendment rights were violated, as well as violations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and state privacy laws.

Included in the tort claim is a grand jury subpoena issued to Twitter by the US District Court for the Eastern District of California in July 2020, requesting all records related to Reade's Twitter accounts.

The lawsuit outlines several allegations against the FBI, insisting it was behind suspicious events such as disruptions to her bank accounts and a manuscript of her book that went missing from a FedEx shipment in November 2020, further detailing her claims against Biden.

"The United States should not have a two-tiered system of justice," Reade's lawyer, Jonathan Levy, said in a statement. "If President Trump and Mr Giuliani can be assessed tens of millions in damages for their words, then a weaponised FBI that seeks to silence, intimidate and eliminate Joe Biden's victim, Tara Reade, must also be held accountable; otherwise, our justice and legal system has become an instrument of political oppression and repression."

The DOJ declined to comment.

Last month, Reade's lawyer sent a letter to the DOJ's Office of Inspector General demanding the release of all FBI files on her and the expungement of any cases.

Reade came forward in 2020, alleging that Biden had sexually assaulted her on Capitol Hill in 1993 when she worked as his Senate staffer. Biden denied her allegations.

Last year, Reade made headlines when she revealed that she had moved to Russia, citing security concerns.

Tara Reade 🐎 @ReadeAlexandra

Author, Actress, Former Senate aide, tarareadeauthor@gmail.com The Politics of Survival https://linktr.ee/tarareade

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