Article 4797 Video - Vindication Paramount - Wednesday, May 8, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

28 days ago

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Article 4797 Video - Vindication Paramount - Wednesday, May 8, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

So, we all know, or should know, that a Fabian Cell in the CIA in Frankfurt, Germany, worked with their Italian Intelligence counterparts, who contracted with Chinese Contractors to hack the US Elections in November 2020.

I reported it at the time and nothing has changed, except that after a horrendous three-year reign of riots, treason, and economic destruction, the Election Fraud that makes Tammany Hall look like a tea party
has finally been proven on the local level.

The Georgia Election results, including the "certified" results, were ginned up like an extra corporate franchise named after you.

And if anyone ever votes in such elections ever again, I am prepared to give them a plastic funnel to wear on their heads and a free "Too Stupid to Breathe" bumper sticker.

Why do I say something so fundamentally shocking?

It's because I am sitting here viewing the pageant from the perspective of someone who doesn't have a dog in the fight.

First, your votes don't count in a presidential election.

The popular vote for President doesn't elect anyone. It's the vote of the Electoral College that counts, and they go against the popular vote with impunity.

So your participation in these elections is even more useless than you might have supposed.

Second, by participating in these meaningless straw poll elections, you make yourself responsible for paying the debts of these bankrupt foreign corporations and obeying all their foreign codes and regulations.

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