Scenario Based Scrum Master Interview Questions and Answers: Part 3 (SCRUM MASTER INTERVIEW TIPS)

22 days ago

Watch this video on Youtube :

Scrum Master Interview Questions and Answers: Part 3.
Following 7 real experience interview questions and answers are discussed in this video:

1. What is the difference between burn-down and burn-up charts?
2. What validations the team can do to ensure that the user story is complete and ready for the implementation?
3. Do we need a manager role for the scrum team? Explain the reason.
4. As a Scrum Master, how will you handle the situation if the Product owner wants to add new user story in the mid of the sprint?
5. Can we use the velocity as a productivity metrics for scrum team? Explain the reason for your answer.
6. Describe an impediment you faced in your team and How did you address that?
7. Why should we do the refactoring during the development and Explain the benefit of refactoring?


Please submit your feedback and questions in the comments section.

Thank you!
Jogo Agile Coaching

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