1 month ago

ALL IN THE FAMILY had a massive impact on American television. Even extending (with much watering-down, of course) into cartoons. DePatie-Freleng's BARKLEYS and Hanna-Barbera's ROMAN HOLIDAYS have been covered in past Saturday Morning uploads on this channel. But HB also tried a less diluted version for grown-ups.

Like other anthology series, LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE was used to get a little mileage out of pilot episodes for shows that didn't get picked-up. The best-known of these was the pilot for the NEW FAMILY IN TOWN, which L,AS ran as LOVE AND THE TELEVISION SET. When AMERICAN GRAFFITI was a hit in the theaters, the network changed their mind and picked-up the nostalgic series after-all. Retooling it into HAPPY DAYS. (The L,AS segment was re-titled for reruns.)

Tom Bosley is probably best-known for playing the father on HAPPY DAYS, but the character was played by Harold Gould in the pilot... But Bosley beat him to the punch playing the Dad on L,AS by a couple of weeks, in animated form.

This 1972 segment wound up serving as a pilot for the only successful, prime-time, animated sitcom between the FLINTSTONES and the SIMPSONS. WAIT TILL YOUR FATHER GETS HOME ran 48 episodes over three seasons.

Joan Gerber voiced the Mom character in both this show and the BARKLEYS.

The right-wing neighbor Ralph was supposed to be a crazy conspiracy nut... But damned if he doesn't sound prescient in retrospect!

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