Man Gives Local Government Creative Finger Over Boat Fence Mandate

26 days ago

Etienne Constable lives in Seaside, California. Near Monterey, the city lives up to its name with breathtaking views of the Pacific. So it shouldn't surprise anyone -- least of all local government -- that people would have boats. And that they need a place to store those boats. Constable kept his boat in his yard. And then local government officials told him he had to hide the boat from view with a fence. Constable, being a good citizen complied. But he also gave the city a proverbial finger in doing so. -- Glad to see Wile E. Coyote retired to a bungalow in Burbank and is now living his best life.

• More at: Twitchy - 'MERICA: Man Gives Local Government Creative Finger Over Boat Fence Mandate
Washington Post: The city made him hide his boat — so he had it painted on his fence

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